《Million pieces》23


"Mer? Where are you?" Derek asked as he walked through the house

"I'm in Ellis' room!" She replied

Derek made his way to Ellis room where Meredith was putting on new sheets

"Need a hand?" Derek asked

"Can you do the pillows while I do the blanket?" Meredith suggested and Derek nodded "Did you need me?" Meredith asked when Derek looked at his watch and started to hurry

"Yeah, I fixed a babysit for tonight, I'm taking you out" Derek smiled

"Derek" She giggled

"Dress warm, layers, you'll need layers" He smiled as he left the room

"Layers?" She giggled but he ran off and left the house "Weird" she muttered to herself but continued making the bed

Meredith continued doing her other chores in the house and did some yoga afterwards. Ever since the accident she really seemed to enjoy yoga as it calmed her down

It's been 2 years since the attack. She's been good with her leg and became very close with Arizona. Alex and Jo finally bought a new house and Addison stayed in Seattle with her husband and son

Meredith had her first day off in a while and took this as a clue to let her leg rest for a bit. She say down on the couch and took her leg off

"Hey mom!" The kids entered the room and cuddled up against her on the couch

The kids now were used to the whole situation. Bailey was over his robot phase but still was annoyed that his mom ran faster than him so he now was convinced she had springs in her leg which made her run faster

Zola even did some volunteer work at the hospital with kids whose parents lost a limb like Sofia helped her. Zola really enjoyed it and started to think she wants to become a double certified neuro and ortho surgeon


While Ellis' favourite thing was to cuddle up with her parents and siblings, she also loved to do yoga with her mom with the beautiful view they have over seattle and to be honest, Meredith couldn't resist at seeing those tiny legs fluttering in the air while she tried to balance herself and afterwards eating a whole bowl of ice cream together

"Hey guys" She smiled "How was school?" She asked

"I'm so bored" Bailey whined

Zola, Meredith and Ellis giggled in response

"Can we watch a movie, pleaaase" He whined

"Of course" Meredith smiled "You guys can decide"

"Can I join?" Derek smirked

Meredith patted the spot next to her and Derek took a seat. She rested her head on his chest and breathed in Derek's familiar smell

Derek laid his hand on Meredith loin and kissed her deep as the kids were picking out a movie


A little year later, Derek got an unexpected call from their lawyer. They were having Ellis' birthday party and Derek promised himself to talk to Meredith afterwards

Meredith, Jo and Amelia were prepping the cake while Derek and Alex were doing the balloons where Addison was bossing them around

"Okay, Maggie just called, she's on her way with the kids so she'll be here soon" Meredith said

Everyone like Callie, Arizona, Harriet, Teddy,.. was there to do a surprise party. Some of the kids' friends would come in another hour

They all hid and turned off the lights. When Maggie entered the house with the kids, making sure Ellie was walking in the front, everyone jumped out of their spot and shouted 'Surprise!'

Ellis looked at them with big eyes and started smiling before running towards her parents

"Thank you daddy, thank you mommy" She smiled

"We love you, munchkin" Derek smiled and kissed the top of her head


"Go and play, your friends will be here in a bit" Meredith smiled before kissing the little girl's head too

"Kay" She smiled and ran off towards the other kids that were filling the house

Meredith and Derek went outside to where the others were. Derek, Owen and Alex were planning on doing a big barbeque for everyone

"When's Cristina gonna be here?" Derek asked Meredith as they were walking towards Alex at the grill

"I think in a few hours, I should look at the flight details she texted me last night" Meredith said before taking a seat at one of the chairs standing next to the grill

"Any discomfort?" Derek asked Meredith

"Not too bad, just a blister I think" She replied with a smile as her hand rubbed her thigh

"Mommy, come see!" Bailey yelled

Meredith hurried herself to the kids with a slight limp

Derek was watching Meredith run away after the kids and could only smile at the sight of his wife and kids, his own family


Later that evening, Meredith and Derek had put the kids in back while Amelia was about to sleep too. Derek asked Meredith to join him outside. He wrapped her in a warm blanket and left her outside to their swing

"Mer, I know you've been through a lot these past years but I'm so happy we're here now" Derek smiled as he held her hands

"I love you Derek" She said as some tears pooled in her eyes

"I love you too, Meredith.. That's why I wanna ask you to marry me again. Renew our vows or whatever if you want, another post-it.. Mer, I need to give this back to the person it belongs to" Derek said and pulled out a ring

"Der, that's your mother's ring?" She gasped "But- they stole it?" She questioned

"They found it back while checking on an illegal store" Derek smiled "Are you good?"

"I'm perfect" She smiled slightly "Are you serious?"

"I'm serious. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and die in your arms when I'm 110" Derek kissed her forehead

"I love you, Derek Shepherd" Meredith said and pulled him into a more intense kiss

- The End -

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