《Million pieces》14


For about another two weeks, Meredith stayed home to rest but that ended in a moody Meredith. Today was her first PT appointment where they would actually work with her leg instead of just working on moving her toes and hip.

"Good morning" Callie smiled as Derek wheeled Meredith into the PT room.

"Morning" Meredith smiled a bit. This fell double. On the one side she wants to work on her leg but on the other side she's scared and in pain.

"Good morning. I'm Lucy and I'll be your physical therapist" Lucy said and handed out her hand towards Meredith and Derek who each gently shook her hand

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Meredith spoke up

"First I wanna take new scans of your leg and hopefully those will show that we can take off the cast, put on a brace and then we can start working on that leg of you" Callie said with a huge smile

"Okay" Meredith sighed and Callie grabbed the handles of her wheelchair and wheeled her out of the room, followed by Derek and Lucy. Lucy was questioning Derek about a lot of stuff. If she kept weight off her leg, if she moves her toes a lot,..

Derek helped Meredith on the table to take the scans and left to wait with Callie

Minutes went by and Meredith started to get concerned

"Are the scans up?" She asked, her voice breaking

"Not yet" Derek honestly replied but gasped a few seconds later when her scans did pop up

"It doesn't look as good as I hoped" Callie said disappointed

"It doesn't look horrible either" Lucy commented

"What does this mean?" Derek asked

"Let's get Meredith out first, then we'll find a quiet spot to talk." Callie suggested and Derek walked in to scoop up Meredith


"It's bad, isn't it?" Meredith questioned, not even looking at Derek to see his response. She knew enough by his body language when he walked in

"It's not bad" He sighed "Let's talk to Callie" He whispered in her ear as he placed her back in her seat and wheeled her towards a conference room

"Meredith, it seems like the bone injections didn't do as much as I hoped. In fact it barely did anything but we can see that the breaks in your bones seemed to be healed as much as possible" Callie started to explain "I think we should try and work on getting some strength up in that leg but due to the poor amount of healthy bone tissue, we need to be very careful that your bones don't collapse" Callie told her

Meredith nodded and grabbed Derek's hand

"I would like to keep you in a partly opened cast at home, even when you're in bed. Here, during PT we'll train without it and we'll try to give you as much function back as possible." Callie told her

Derek nodded as rubbed Meredith's shoulders

"I- Can we just start?" Meredith asked, looking at her hands out of embarrassment

"Of course" Callie said


Meredith's PT session was hard. Her leg was throbbing and caused her so much pain that she cut her psych appointment short.

Derek was driving them home. In a few hours the kids would be home and Derek wanted Meredith to take a nap before. She needed some time to relax. This whole day was spent with big things that didn't turn out the way they wanted it to be.

As Meredith was enjoying her nap, Derek decided to start making some snacks for them and the kids when he heard Amelia running in with 3 very chatty kids


He hurried himself closer to them in order to let them be quiet but it was already too late. They had woken Meredith up

"Hi" She whispered as she pushed herself a bit more upright against the pillows

"Mommy!" The kids ran up to her after hugging Derek

"Auntie Amelia promised us we could go to the zoo soon! Can we mommy?" Ellis asked her

"Der?" Meredith whispered

"We'll see later. Now put away your bags, shoes and jackets please" Derek announced and the kids ran away

"Hey, how are you doing?" Amelia asked after collapsing into the couch

"We're okay" Meredith smiled

Derek frowned a bit, knowing that Meredith hates to open up about bad news

"Mer had her first real PT appointment and she did great" He smiled to encourage her

"Thanks" Meredith blushed a bit

"I should go. Addi, Callie, Arizona and I will meet for dinner" Amelia said "Link is watching Scout"

"Have fun Amy" Derek hugged his sister before she left

"Bye guys!" Amelia yelled when she peeked into the playroom next to the living room

"Mommy! Can we watch a movie?" Bailey asked as all the kids ran in

"Of course" She smiled

"Here, take these first" Derek said and handed her a couple of painkillers

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