《Million pieces》12


The way to the car took a long time. It felt as if they were lost. Meredith's face was buried in Ellis' hair, trying not to look around her. She was slinching a few times when doctors were yelling but everything seemed to be blurry.

When they finally reached the car, Derek helped her in before helping the kids

"Are you good?" Derek asked her

"I'm fine" She gave him a small smile, trying not to look out of the window. She started to fidget with her hands while they were making their way to the dream house.

"Hey" Derek noticed and grabbed her hands "I love you" He whispered

She nodded and whispered "I love you too" back but it was barely loud enough to understand

As Derek was driving on the ferryboat the kids were asking to go out

"Hey, guys. Let's stay in today, so mommy doesn't need to get out" Derek said, knowing Meredith couldn't handle so many people at once. She was close to a breakdown by the cars surrounding them

"I know a game we can play!" Bailey told them "I am going on vacation and I will take an umbrella with me" Bailey told them "Now everyone has to remember it and add an object. Ellie, you're next"

"I am going on vacation and I will take an umbrella and my bear!" Ellis co-operated

They kept playing the game and Meredith clearly calmed down. They kept going till it was time to drive off the ferry. Derek slowly drove off and a car behind them honked at them, making Meredith finch pretty heavy. Derek quickly drove off and parked the car. The kids had no clue what was happening and kept quiet while Derek got out the car and walked to Meredith's side, holding her close against his body


"It's okay, it was nothing. You're okay" He kept whispering in her ears while stroking her hair. He did that until she calmed down and gave a nod to show she was doing better

"Let's go home" Derek suggested and climbed back in the drivers' seat

Derek grabbed her hand and hurried his way towards their house

"I'm gonna grab your wheelchair" He said and got out, grabbing her wheelchair while the kids, except for Ellis got out

"Daddy!" She yelled

"Wait a second, Ellie. I'm gonna help mommy first"

"Nooo" She whined

"Help her first" Meredith smiled as Bailey and Zola were waiting for them

"Okay baby, here you go" Derek said as he helped Ellis out of the car

"I wanna help mommy too" Ellis smiled

"Okay, let's get mommy inside then we can all grab a snack" Derek said and lifted Meredith out of the car and wheeled her inside.

"I'm gonna grab mommy's favourite blanket!" Ellis yelled and ran upstairs to Meredith and Derek's bedroom

Derek placed her on the couch and placed some pillow's behind her back and underneath her legs, making sure she was getting the best care as possible

"Der, I'm fine" She smiled as she leaned back against the pillows

"Mommy, can we cuddle?" Zola asked innocent

"Of course" Meredith smiled and opened her arms while the kids crawled closer

"I'm gonna get your meds" Derek said and walked back to the kitchen, allowing himself to breakdown for a minute


"I want spaghetti" Bailey said against Derek

"Then we'll east spaghetti" Derek replied

"Mommy? Can I talk with you?" Ellis asked

"ZoZo, why don't you help Bailey and your dad in the kitchen?" Meredith said and Zola walked to the kitchen. "What's up baby?" She asked Ellis


"You remember that I told you about Sophie? The girl that pushed me?" Ellis told her, not looking into her mother's eyes

"Yes, did it happen again?" Meredith asked with a lot of concern

"A few times.." Ellis sighed

"Why didn't you tell us?" Meredith asked, feeling guilty for not knowing sooner

"You were in the hospital and daddy stayed with you" The little girl quietly replied

"I'm sorry, baby. What about we tell daddy tonight and we call your teacher?" Meredith suggested but the little girl shrugged

"I don't know" She said as she shook her head

"We have to tell your teacher, Ellie" Meredith said as she gently rubbed the little girl's arm

"Can we watch a movie tonight? Because I really missed you" Ellis said as a tear escaped her eyes

"Of course, Ellie Belle" Meredith smiled and hugged the girl closer

The two fell asleep on the couch while Derek, Zola and Bailey were making dinner

"When can we go to the playground?" Bailey asked Derek

"We can go soon if you want" Derek said

"Will mommy come too?" Zola asked

"No, Zo. Mommy won't be able to for a while but you guys can play in the garden and mommy and I will watch you" Derek replied, knowing Meredith would react bad to the amount of people on the playground

"Okay.." Zola sighed

"Dinner is almost ready, shall we go put the plates on the table?" Derek asked Zola and she nodded

"I'm gonna get mommy!" Bailey suggested

"Wait a minute, bud. I'm gonna need to help mommy. She won't make it by herself" Derek said

Bailey nodded and waited impatiently by the doorway until Derek grabbed his hand to go wake up Meredith together

"Mommy" Bailey whispered but so far only Ellis woke up

"Mommy?" She muttered

"We need to wake mommy" Bailey told Ellis

They gently kissed Meredith's cheeks before she woke up

"W-What?" She stuttered

"Shh, Mer. Dinner's ready. i'm gonna help you up" Derek whispered as he placed a kiss on top of Meredith's head

"Hmm.. thanks" She whispered as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes

"Come on mommy! I'm hungry" Bailey yelled as he run towards the kitchen

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