《Million pieces》10


"Mommy, aunt Jo and I saw a super cute dog when we were in town" Ellis said

Meredith shivered. The last time she'd been in town, she ended up here with the decision of she wanted to try an experimental treatment in a try to save her leg

Meredith nodded and squeezed her arm tighter that was resting around the little girl

Derek, Zola and Bailey were playing a board game and it became clear that Derek was losing

"Bailey, stop!" Zola yelled and scared Meredith who moved out of reflex and was now groaning in pain with a scared Ellis on her side

"Mer" Derek sprung on his feet and ran toward her

She put her thumbs in the air to show she was alright but Derek saw she wasn't. He kissed her forehead and checked her leg to see if she did any damage to the fixators.

Ellis gently kissed Meredith's cheek a few times and wiped away her mother's tears

"Your leg looks okay but we're gonna have to make a decision today, Mer" Derek said as he checked out her leg.

Meredith nodded and returned her focus to the kids "Mommy, you good?" Bailey asked as he and Zola were now standing next to her bed

Meredith nodded and her good hand grabbed Bailey's

"I'll ask a nurse for some more meds" Derek said and Meredith quickly grabbed her marker 'Page someone to come get the kids. You and I need a talk. Afterwards we'll page Callie' She quickly wrote down and Derek nodded

Derek paged Amelia to take the kids for dinner

"Daddy, can we see mommy tonight before we go home?" Zola asked him

"Amy?" Derek asked his sister

"I'll text you before we come over"

Derek nodded and Both Meredith and Derek said goodbye to the kids before collapsing in each other's arms


'Derek, I need to try this procedure' She wrote down

Derek nodded and smiled "I knew you would Mer" He smiled

'But I don't want you to take care of me so we can look for a place in rehab, I'll pay for it with the leftovers I have from my mother's money and-'

Derek grabbed her hand and stopped her from writing "You're gonna come home and I'll take care of you. We'll hire a nurse or Amy will help. Don't worry, we've got this" Derek smiled

'I don't wanna be a burden' She wrote down

"You're not, Mer. I love you, the kids love you and we want you at home." Derek kissed her "And in 2 days, the wires are gonna come off and then your sessions with doctor Albert will start and we're gonna be fine" His eyes lit up as he was talking to Meredith. She smiled back and squeezed his hand "I'll page Callie" Derek said

'I love you' She wrote down

"I love you too" He said and laid down next to her, holding her close in his arms

"Hi" Callie quietly knocked on the door but Meredith had already seen her coming closer "You paged me?"

"We made a decision" Derek told Callie and Meredith nodded in agreement

'We're doing it' Meredith wrote down and immediately grabbed Derek's hand

"Avery told me we could take out the wires before surgery" Callie said and Meredith smiled as she looked at Derek

"About the procedure, I'm gonna remove bone tissue where the infection is and I'll inject new bone tissue but it's spread over most of your leg, so we'll have to hope that your bone will react well and start healing again. Afterwards, we'll have to see if your leg would be strong enough to actually put any pressure on, okay?" Callie checked in


Meredith nodded, looking at her battled leg

"What about the practical things?" Derek asked Callie

"Well once I'm done I'll cast the whole leg and foot again, you can't put any pressure on it for at least 2 to 3 weeks, not even walking on crutches. Then we'll take new scans and see if you'll need more bone tissue,.. and we'll work from there" Callie told them

'Home?' She wrote down

"You can go home after the wires come off. In fact, I wanna scheduel you today for the surgery so we can remove the wires the day after tomorrow" Callie told her with a big smile.

Meredith and Derek smiled at each other, some tears escaped their eyes as going home was mentioned.

"The surgery will be in 2 hours. I'm gonna get ready" Callie told them and left

'Wanna see kids first' Meredith wrote down and Derek called his sister.


"So we can draw again on your cast?" Bailey asked as his parents were explaining the kids what's about to happen

Meredith nodded and smiled. It's been amazing how the kids reacted on all of this, especially Bailey with his big imagination

"Can we sleep in the big bed once mommy's home again?" Zola asked

"Not everyday but we'll definitely do some sleepovers in the big bed" Derek laughed

Meredith's fingers were brushing through Bailey's blond hair

"Oh mommy, see what I made for you" Bailey jumped upright and searched for something in his backpack. That's when little Ellis crawled closer to her mother and rested her head oh her mother's chest

She kissed her daughter and quickly drew a little heart on the white board

"Love you mommy" Ellis muttered before falling asleep against Meredith's chest. Meredith's arm was wrapped around the tiny girl and kept her close to her. Derek adjusted the blanket around Ellis when Bailey returned with a drawing to show his parents what he did in daycare

"I love it!" Derek smiled and Meredith nodded in agreement

Meredith saw her friends and colleagues moving closer to her room. Well, some of them. She still felt quickly intimidated but Jo, Miranda, Addison, Arizona and Callie were now walking towards her room. Addison silently knocked on the door and came in when Meredith gave a nod in approval

"Hey, Grey. You ready?" Callie asked and Meredith nodded, giving her kids a final kiss before she was brought back to the OR

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