《Million pieces》7


"A few days later, Meredith was sitting a bit more upright in her hospital bed, resting in Derek's arms

"Ellis told me that she's angry because we married before she was born" Derek was talking to her "So when I told her that we were married on a post-it she didn't agree" Derek laughed and showed her the drawing their little daughter had made for her mother

Meredith was smiling at the sight of the drawing. Her whole room was filled with drawings from their 3 kids.

"Bailey told me to sneak in cereal when I spoke to them on the phone" Derek laughed

'Would like that' She wrote down and laughed a bit

"As soon as the wires are off, we'll look for cereal for you" Derek smiled and his fingers stroked Meredith's honey blonde hair

Meredith kept getting distracted and checked the door every minute, scared that someone would enter without her noticing.

She saw Callie walking towards her room before she gave a small knock on the door

"Hi, Meredith" Callie smiled

Meredith gave her a small nod

"Is it okay if I check your leg?" Callie asked and Meredith nodded again. Derek kept sitting behind her, holding her close in his arms

"Okay, so the tests showed up that the infection still hasn't cleared up yet so we're gonna keep you on antibiotics"

Meredith seemed to be very unpleased with this news and buried herself closer into Derek's embrace.

"But your left knee should be good to cut off the cast and change to a brace, same for your elbow. I agree on cutting off the cast and changing you to a sling. How does that sound?"

Meredith seemed to smile a bit 'What about the external fixators' Meredith wrote

"Those will definitely stay on your leg, for sure as long as the infection is still there."


Meredith nodded and stared at her leg


Meredith and Derek were back in the hospital room. The casts were off but her leg brace was for sure itchy.

"Mer, stop scratching" Derek whispered

She rolled her eyes and turned a bit

"Are you in a mood?" Derek asked her and got a deadly stare in response

"I thought you would be a bit relieved that the casts would came off

She grumbled something between her wired teeth

"Mer" Derek sighed

'Wanna see the kids' She wrote down

"I'm gonna page Jo if she can go get the kids" He said and paged her

Meredith nodded

"I think Bailey would like to show you something" Derek smiled

Meredith's eyes light up by mentioning the kids

"Zola passes her math test with a 9/10" Derek told her, feeling proud

'She's amazing' Meredith wrote and smiled

"Mommy!!" She could hear the 3 kids running in

"Wait guys, I'll help you on the bed" Derek said, being aware of Meredith's fragile right leg

Derek lifted up the kids and placed them on her left side

"Mommy, where's your cast?" Bailey asked "I wanted to draw on them"

"They're gone, bud! Isn't that great?"

"Does that mean mommy's better? Mommy, are you coming home with us?" Bailey asked

"Not yet. Mommy has to stay a bit longer

"Are the ones on your leg gone too?" Bailey asked and pulled away the blanket which revealed the external fixator

The 3 kids seemed to be held back a bit by the sight of the pins in Meredith's leg

"Wow! Mommy's a transformer" Bailey gasped

"What's that?" Zola asked as she pointed at it

Meredith grabbed Zola's hand as Derek started to explain

"Mommy's leg is still broken and this is the best way to fix it" Derek told them


"Mommy?" Ellis' little voice was close to breaking

Meredith turned a bit to be able to hold Ellis too, making her wince a bit

'I -ove u' She was able to grumble through her teeth

"It's okay guys" Derek assured them and covered her leg again with the blanket when he noticed that her skin seemed to be turning red a bit. He paged Callie but didn't tell Meredith yet. She needed a couple of minutes without having to worry about anything else

"Uncle Alex and I played basketball yesterday and i beated him!" Bailey was telling Meredith. He was throwing his arms in the air in a try to give Meredith the best recap of what happened last night

"And Bailey fell" Zola added and started to laugh

Meredith cracked a smile as she listened to her kids, Ellis resting against her chest while falling asleep

"Mer, I think someone is about to come in" Derek gently warned her as Callie walked towards the room

"Hi, Meredith. Can I come in?" Callie asked and Meredith nodded

"Hi guys" Callie smiled

"Hi" The kids said

Meredith repositioned herself a bit which made Ellis stir. Meredith's fingers went through the little girl's dark blond hair in a try to get her back to sleep

Callie revealed Meredith's leg again and Bailey was fascinated looking at it

"What's it called?" He asked

"It's a Taylor spatial frame" Callie replied "Meredith, I want to place a central venous catheter" Callie said with a frown as she was staring at Meredith's leg

"What?" Derek gasped

"We're not gonna worry too much yet, it will be easier to give antibiotics. Is that okay?" She asked meredith

Meredith nodded

"Derek, can you come sign some papers?" Callie asked

Derek looked at Meredith. Meredith nodded and returned her focus to the kids

"Derek, I think this is osteomyelitis. I wanna bring her to an OR later today to clean the wound out again and place a central venous catheter" Callie told him

Derek nodded "Do what you have to do" He said, paged Addison and walked back in the room

"Hey guys! Aunt Addie wanted to have lunch with you guys, are you in for that?" Derek asked them

"Yeay!" Zola and Bailey yelled

"Hey!" Addison entered the room "Anyone in for lunch?"

Meredith waved as Derek helped the kids off the bed

"Bye mommy!" Zola and Bailey said

Derek wanted to lift Ellis up when Meredith grabbed his hand

"Mer, we need to talk" He said and lifted up Ellis and handing her to Addison as she and the kids left the room

'What's wrong' She quickly wrote down

"Callie needs to operate again. Your infection is spreading"

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