《Remember | Tokyo revengers》「11」- Moebius vs Toman
"Go easy on him, Pah."
Said the [h/c] with uninterested or bored eyes as she had her legs crossed while she sat beside Mikey.
The reason on why the faux blonde protagonist was getting beaten up by the captain of the third division, Pah was because not only did he interrupt the meeting after arriving, he asked the president of Toman, Mikey if they could stop the fight with the other gang, Moebius.
Pah found Takemichi's question absurd and the more he tried to persuade them to stop the fight without giving a reason why, Pah's anger kept rising when he recalled how his best friend and girlfriend suffered by the hands of the cruel gang.
"Takemitchy." Called Mikey as Pah held the said person by the collar of his shirt. "I get what you're saying. We're gonna fight Moebius." His words alarmed the beaten boy.
"You don't understand at all." Lifting his head that was once lowered, he adds, "I decided that we're gonna fight." Mikey looked at Takemichi straight in the eyes. The cold — more like dead look he gave made him feel goosebumps.
"Toman's gonna fight Moebius." He ends with an also cold tone after taking a quick glance at [Y/n]'s scratched cheek. Despite the serious and heavy atmosphere surrounding them, she still seemed unbothered by it even if Takemichi got on both knees and bowed his head.
'Since it's just the start, I've already decided to not say anything to Takemichi first and just watch this arc end. He doesn't need any much help from me anyways.' The female hums as she watches the president and vice glare at each other after coming with a misunderstanding.
'I should be at home drawing or playing the piano to clear my mind and feel at peace but instead, I got dragged here by Mikey.' [Y/n] snarled lightly. 'I'm not even needed in this meeting, why'd he brought me here? It's hella boring.'
The young teen's expression starts to contort into a deep scowl the more annoyed she felt. Takemichi was the only one who noticed her glowering and it startled him to be honest.
She was just as scary as Mikey and Draken.
'Don't tell me [L/n]-san's also involved in the fight! I can't let that happen. It's already complicated as it is right now!' The panicking Takemichi expressed loudly inside his mind. [Y/n] raised an eyebrow, wondering why the profusely sweating boy was staring at her.
'Is there something on my face?' She asked using a certain expression.
'I heard from Yamagishi that there's a rumor about how a cruel person [L/n] was! Since she's friends with the leaders of difficult gangs, she uses their people to beat up others beyond recovery just because she finds them annoying....this can't be the end for me.'
Finally deciding on what he'd do, the freaked out protagonist bows his head and clasped his hands together. It definitely surprised the girl.
'I heard she likes to see people pathetically kneel on the ground while begging for their life to be spared. What a sadist! And this may seem pathetic, but I got no choice!'
"What the hell is he doing..?" [Y/n] mumbled with absolute confusion. A couple of bullet formed sweats starts to show on her temple.
'I didn't mean to stare. I'm so sorry, please spare me! I can't die yet!!' He screamed internally then raised his head slightly to see if the person he was pleading to was satisfied.
Takemichi only saw [Y/n]'s cold and still dark expression, it made him feel as if a thunder had just struck him and caused for his soul to leave his body.
'My butt itches.' Was something going inside her mind, clearly a misunderstanding that Takemichi wasn't aware of as he just came to a conclusion that he had greatly annoyed and also disappointed [Y/n].
'SHIIIT. She doesn't seem the slightest happy! Did I do it wrong?! Was it not enough?? What should I do?!' Due to panicking too much, his pupils came to dilate and shake.
'Whatever. I'll just distract myself by gathering my thoughts again since there's nothing really to do...besides, Takemichi's creeping me out.' She shivered, feeling the goosebumps crawl on her skin.
'The hell is he bowing and apologizing for? Well, enough of these unnecessary thoughts, let's see.' She hummed. 'Just as I said, Takemich doesn't require much assistance from me in this round as he will manage to save Draken.'
Now occupied in her own thoughts once again, the young teen doesn't pay much attention to the gang that finally arrived.
'No matter what, I can't just be at east. The original story did get all twisted because of the original [Y/n]'s previous actions.' She watches the leader of the opposite gang knock Pah out with a single punch.
'The results are shockingly good or even more as not only did she manage to make the Sano siblings get along, the Akashi siblings, too.' Osanai then proceeds to insult Toman while Pah laid on the ground.
'But still, no matter how much I think about it....I just find her suspicious. The real [Y/n]..I can't shrug it off or even overlook it no matter how much her actions brought out good results.'
She stops for a moment, her eyes turning sharp while the two teenagers starts to hit each other using their fists.
'Does she have some ulterior motive...? And It seems like she knew what she was doing.' She ponders.
'I need answers but I don't know how I'll get them. Moreover, that little kid has been quiet ever since that day.' [Y/n] refers to the time where she found out that she's been transferred to a fictitious world.
'there's just no way she's some extra character or even an ordinary girl. She changed the original story greatly.'
"This is war." She heard Osanai declare sweetly with a smile and halt her thoughts for a second and resume it just as quickly as it stopped.
'And the second problem is Kisaki.' With an expressionless look on her face, she glanced at the leader of the opposite gang. 'I wonder on how should I deal with that boy.'
She hears the mocking laughter from Osanai's group. The reason for that was because their leader made fun of Mikey by calling him shrimpy after he made a comment about how shitty was their leader.
'I just hope that the consequences I'll have to face isn't that much of a big deal...' She glowered once again when she saw Osanai eyeing her.
'But seeing how the original [Y/n] died because of probably interfering too much...I guess that'll be just my wishful thinking.'
"Ooh~ how scary." He heard him coo. She found it disgusting that it made her scoff. "How about after this we hang out, hm? Pretty little lady?" Osanai's minions cheered and whistled while [Y/n]'s friends gets angry on her behalf.
'Well, I don't really care what happens to me. As long as I die after I'm able to get everyone their deserved ending, I'll be satisfied with my end–'
She went silent once again when she realized what she was thinking. Her brows creased.
"I don't care what happens and I'll be satisfied as long as they have their deserved happy ending?" She repeated by whispering it to herself quietly.
"Was that a yes?" Osanai quipped while [Y/n] chuckled. "What the hell came to me that I even thought of that? Was I always a selfless person?" She mumbled with closed eyes and a subtle smile on her face.
'Enough of that.' She inhaled and exhaled. 'Now then...' she opened her eyes, revealing that it turned sharp as she looked at the person who kept insulting her with an icy gaze.
Osanai may be intimidated and even scared, but the way [Y/n] looked at him as if he was some pest, it made his blood boil. He hate being looked down the most.
'Should I kill him?'
Was the look her friends could tell just by a small glance on her face.
'He's but an insignificant character after this and even if he does make another appearance it's only because Chifuyu will ask him a question regarding Kisaki. It still doesn't change his significance.' She coldly thought.
'No one would bother if a scumbag like him dies or even disappears, right?' Osanai grits his teeth and when he noticed how Takemichi was also staring at him, he immediately punched the poor lad.
'...I shouldn't think of murder so lightly just because I still feel that the world I live in isn't real but a mere fiction.' She shakes her head as she pitied the protagonist that's been getting punched and beaten since the start.
'Well, whatever. Karma does end up fucking his life in the future.' She sighed for the nth time for today.
'Also...I need to accept that this world is my reality now.'
"I can't wait to make you cry and submit to me." He says with a sickly laugh and a vein thumping on the side of his head when he noticed that [Y/n] wasn't paying attention or even looking at him now because her bored expression returned.
"Don't drag her into this, asshole." Pah deeply says with a menacing stare. "Your fight's with me."
[Y/n] hums and gives her friend a look of approval before uncrossing her legs and crossing it back again, though the right one was now on top of the other unlike a second ago.
"No need to get so worked up, Takemitchy." Says the [h/c] as she stands up from her seat and approached the faux blonde protagonist right after he shouted at Mikey to stop the fight they've been watching go on between Moebius' leader and the third division captain.
He flinched slightly as he was startled by the female's sudden appearance beside him.
"No matter how hard you try, this fight will still happen." She grinned quite lazily. "Moebius asked for war and Mikey's being kind enough by giving what they want." She smirked.
"So save your breath and watch." With her words, they both saw how Mikey caught Pah's staggering form. "And if you ask me those bastards deserve some good beating." She scoffed before telling him to wipe his bleeding nose while Mikey tells his friend that he hasn't lost which caused for the Moebius members to interject in a cocky manner.
"Not only did they injure my precious face but they also dared touch my body." She glowered yet once again as Takemichi process what she told him. "Not to mention, they also don't care about ruining other people's lives."
He remembers the information Mitsuya gave him about how the girl did once interfered and saved Pah's best friend's girlfriend from almost getting to experience a hellish nightmare.
"Well, it was funny to see them run with their tails tucked between their legs when they realized who I was. Heh." She almost cackled in a wicked manner.
"Anyways!" She chirped when she put a hand on his shoulder while in the background, Mikey roundhouse kick Osanai, knocking him out despite looking all arrogant just a second ago.
"Don't worry about the outcome too much, because it'll be good!" With a grin on her face and a thumbs up she said, though it feels like most of what she told the blonde boy was mostly directed to herself.
After her sentence. Everyone including him of course was shocked to see Osanai on the ground with just one kick.
"Everyone who thinks Pah-chin lost..." Mikey trails quietly. "Step forward. " He finished in bone shivering way.
"See? They lost." [Y/n] bemused. "Though, it was already obvious from the start that they would." She shook her head left and right whilst clicking her tongue a few times.
Takemichi glances at her direction due to the way how unfazed and calm she's been ever since from the start. Her expressions may have changed, but it was only in anger and annoyance. Not once had he caught her look surprised.
He assumes that [Y/n] probably just has great trust in her friends' strength and also in them.
"Toman belongs to me." Starts Mikey. "Anyone who's behind me..." he grinned with utmost confidence.
"Will never lose." Finishing his sentence, he turned his head and flashed a sheepish smile towards his tall friend.
"Sorry, Ken-chin." He laughed lightly. "I couldn't help it." Draken lets out a small sigh and flashes a grin.
'Here it comes.'
[Y/n] narrows her eyes as Osanai dashes towards Mikey's direction with a smash bottle in hand. She let out a small sigh of relief when the scene still played the same as how she read and even watched it.
"Alright, time to wrap it up people." She said as the distant noise of the cops' siren were heard. "Take your dirty asses out and scram." She glared at he Moebius members.
"Ahaha, how scary [n/n]." Mikey laughed genuinely and even cutely after holding her hand and gently tugging it. "Let's get outta here. Follow us, Takemitchy!"
"O-Okay!" Replied back the protagonist while wondering how on earth can the two friends be so laidback despite what just occurred.
"I need some compensation for being dragged against my will." [Y/n] begrudgingly states and Mikey only beams at her.
"Sure. I'll give you a sweet kiss as soon as we're out here."
'Tempting...' despite what she thought, she answered back with a blank, "It's either you pay me with money or food. Two options are only available."
"Wow, no hesitation at all in rejecting him." Peh laughed at Mikey's dejected form.
'It's alright. That scumbag Osanai won't die at all. It's meant to happen. It'll be alright.' [Y/n] assures herself despite joking with her friends while running away and having her hands still linked together to the same boy who held it as he refuses to let go.
But she broke free and turned around. It made Mikey stop, too as he was not only surprised but also confused. Draken and Takemichi, too.
"Pah, don't!!" She shouted while running back. Her loud voice alarmed the people who was still there.
'Late.' She thought in clenched teeth. 'I acted too late.' Draken shouts at his friend after pushing him away. His loosen grip caused Osanai to lie on the ground with a knife attached on the side of his back.
"No...I hesitated." She whispered while the others loudly expressed their thoughts on what Pah did. "It was because I hesitated, again– !" She stopped and freed her grasp on her locks when realization hit her.
"We gotta run, Pah!" Mikey called for his friend and only got a quiet apology from him.
"Peh-yan. Take care of the third division for me." Says Pah as he turns his head to look at them. "I'm giving myself up."
"The hell you are!" Mikey interjects as [Y/n], who suddenly looked out of it was picked up by Draken swiftly.
'What was that..?' She asked herself with a stretched hand towards Pah, still hoping he'd come. 'Why did I say '
"Quit standin' around!" Shouted Draken as he pulls Mikey and Peh along the way as the cops' siren gets louder.
'No... what I should be saying first is...' Pah flashed her and the other one last smile before completely turning and showing his back to them. 'I'm sorry, Pah-chin.'
Peh screams and loudly curses as they all ran further and further away from where their friend and police. Even though Pah made a decision, they still can't help but to feel guilty even though they shouldn't even be doing so in the first place.
'Damn it...' with pursed lips she trailed. 'This affected me more than I thought.' She clicked her tongue when she felt bitter emotions swirl from within as her chest suddenly felt tight but it all disappeared for a moment when she heard a loud thud from behind.
Turning around, she immediately rushed to Takemichi's unconscious body. Due to being immersed in her thoughts too much, she forgot that the boy was bound to collapse from getting beat up heavily by not only one strong guy, but two.
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