《Genie - Park Jimin》16 - Mind Burst


Narae's POV

"So that's what happened" Jimin said finishing up telling me minus what he said while being all alone and how much he put himself down.

"Narae, I'm so sorry I wasn't their to protect you, like you seriously could have been hurt and it would have been because I set you up with a jackass" Jimin said apologizing to me.

"No it's okay. If it wasn't for you I may have been dragged up the hill to be raped but I couldn't go past a certain range away from you" I said to Jimin.

He sighed.

"I did get Hosung to like you though so it is my fault" Jimin said scrunching up his eyebrows.

"Yah! So negative! It was none of our faults, we both did something a bit wrong" I said crawling onto Jimins lap.

"What are you doing?" He said chuckling while I sat down on his lap where only a shirt covered his crotch, if it was removed he would be completely naked.

"Sitting? Have a problem with it?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"Yes your crushing my dick" Jimin said to me and laughed.

"You wouldn't laugh at me if I was crushing it. Also I'm not that heavy! And also if your magic just make your dick smaller" I said poking my tongue out at him.

He tilted his head to the side.

"Wow. I never have thought of doing that before" Jimin said laughing at the idea.

"Did Hosung see you blue?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

"I do wonder how he touched me though. I can think of 4 ways currently" Jimin said.

"What!? 4!? I can only think of 2" I said.

"I can only think of me either having the desire to kiss you or cuddle you" I said to Jimin.

"Yes but their is 2 more that come to mind for me. One of them is theirs a bracelet called a Genie bracelet, and this bracelet is the only thing that can allow someone to touch any genie without a wish. When they first were created, Genies were thought to be threats and dangerous to society because we can grant anything a person asks for. So a Genie bracelet was created to kill Genies to stop the power of them so therefore if he had one he could touch me..." Jimin said.


"And the only other idea I can think of is that my old master so badly wanted a child so wished for a child like me, so it's possible that when his wife gave birth, their child maybe have the same powers as me" Jimin said.

"Holy shit that wouldn't be good" I said to him.

He nodded.

"It truly wouldn't, and because hes part human and part genie he can maybe touch both and maybe isn't aware of his powers. However I would need to see his father to work out if it was that" Jimin said.

"And shouldn't you be able to tell if he's wearing a bracelet?" I asked Jimin.

He nodded.

"If he has one, though I do worry that more are somehow being made" Jimin said.

"That would be bad for you" I said and Jimin nodded.

I watched Jimin shiver.

"Jimin why don't you get dressed?" I asked him.

He sighed.

"I have thought about that but I feel to drained that my powers just aren't working" Jimin huffed.

I pulled out my phone.

"What are you doing?" He asked me curiously.

"Gonna text my dad to come bring you some clothes" I said to Jimin.

"Oh thank you" Jimin said holding my other hand.

"Your welcome" I said with a smile.

I put my phone back in my pocket.

"So how come you are able to touch me?" Jimin wondered.

"I want cuddles" I said with a small smile.

He chuckled before opening him arms.

I beamed while shuffling forward on his lap a bit and cuddling into Jimin.

My arms wrapped around his lower back.

"Narae don't squeeze me too tightly because I'm sore" Jimin said carefully moving in between my arms.

I nodded loosening myself from his body.

"Your dads here" Jimin said and I pulled back from the hug to check my phone.


2 seconds later my dad texted me.

I smiled and Jimin smiled back.

"Want me to go get it for you?" I asked Jimin.

He nodded.

"I don't really want to wonder outside with my blue ass showing and only a shirt covering my dick" Jimin mumbled.

I laughed carefully getting off Jimins lap.

Jimin bit his lip hard once I stood up.

"What?" I asked him as I headed towards the door.

"Nothing" Jimin said blushing, a dark tint of blue covered his cheeks.

"Your blushing. Please tell me" I whined to Jimin.

"Ah don't look at me then" Jimin whined covering his face.

I smirked seeing the T-shirt rise up from his lap.

I walked back over to Jimin.

"You looked up my skirt didn't you?" I said and Jimin uncovered his face to look up at my face.

He was definitely blushing... a lot... he bit his lip and nodded.

I blushed and giggled.

"Naughty" I said.

"Yah! You stood up right in front of me and your wearing a short skirt. You can't expect me not to have looked when you are standing right in front of me in a short skirt" Jimin said blushing more.

"Jimin you chose my clothes for me" I said laughing.

"Maybe... but you chose to wear the pink underwear I like" Jimin said making eye contact with me.

My heart raced.

Okay so yes I wore the underwear Jimin liked...

Was it on purpose... yes... I had hoped that somehow as the day progressed that he would be able to see under my skirt...

A light tint of pink spread across my cheeks.

"Ummm I'm going to go get you some clothes now" I said heading back towards the door.

Jimin laughed at my response.

He knew I was flustered.

I am just going to leave him to think about me in the pink underwear he likes...

"Narae~" Jimin said as I went to open the door.

"Yes?" I said still blushing, my heart was pounding and butterflies fluttered in my tummy.

"I can unlock the front door for you so you don't need to climb down the ladder" I said to her.

"Thank you" I said while rushing out of the room.

God something about Jimin is just so hot...

His deep brown eyes, his blue messy hair, his soft blue cheeks that tint an even darker blue when he's blushing, his big juicy plump lips, his slender neck, his thick muscular limbs, his stunning pecs, his amazing looking abs and his stunning v line that I just couldn't stop looking at...

I ran down the stairs and out the front door and over to my dads car in the parking lot.

I needed to get as close to my dad as possible to stop having inappropriate thoughts about Jimin... Parents are very good at knocking dirty thoughts from the brain... but god I just want Jimin... part of me wants to just sprint back up the stairs with his clothes and just leave them in the corner of the room to get down to some business but another part of me wants to conceal how much I want Jimin and let it come more naturally...

⇥17th Chapter (Calling of Soulpower)

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