《hotline | k.nj ✔》XII



Namjoon wanted to slam his head on his desk. Why, you ask? Because he is the biggest idiot ever. He practically told his crush that he liked her best friend.

He panicked, okay? She was the one, and he didn't know what to answer, and the only person who came to his mind was Park Ji-soo and coincidently, she was also a part of their sophomore group project.

And now he had blown all his chances with (y/n). She was going to believe he liked Ji-soo, she will probably set them up and he can't confess to her because if he does, she will think he is a player or whatever.

He wanted to slap himself for his stupidity, because somehow, he had managed to trap himself even more.

How to fix this?


"Hey Namjoon," (y/n) greeted him as he entered the class. It was Algebra, another class she, Namjoon and Ji-soo shared.

Actually, Ji-soo and her schedule was the same. It was a stroke of luck, and it had happened for the first time, but both of them couldn't be happier about it.

Namjoon tried not to blush and shot her a smile. He slid into his seat, diagonally behind her (to her right). Ji-soo sat in front of him in Algebra; which meant she sat to (y/n)'s immediate right.

"What's up?" She continued giving her 100-watt smile, and Namjoon thought he would melt or die from heat overload because he couldn't believe he was on the receiving end of that smile. "Thanks for the heads-up on homework."

"Yeah, you're welcome," he produced another smile, but it was probably no match for her beautiful one. "It was nothing big."

"No, it was," she insisted. "You know how Ms. Skye can get! She likes my work, but she won't like it if I miss homework. I owe you one."


Namjoon just shook his head. "It's okay, you don't-"

"How should I pay you back?" She asked him, ignoring his pleas. "What would you like?"

"Uh.... Let's hang out?" He asked her. She froze. Shit, he said the wrong thing, didn't he? She didn't want to hang out with him! "I- If you want to! It's not obligatory, I just don't know how you can-"

"No, no, I want to, I mean, I will," she said, her face breaking into a genuine smile once again. "I just, I was wondering. Just you and me? Or do you want-"

"Yeah, just us two," he said quickly. She released her breath, which she had unknowingly held. "Just us phone buddies."

"Oh, well, um, that's great," she said to him. "Can't wait. When should we do it?"

"When are you free?"

"I'm free today," she offered. "Just, an hour after school. My club timings end an hour after school."

"Hotline club?" He asked. She nodded. "Okay, I have to go to the library anyway."

"You can hang out in the club room if you want. Nobody really calls anyway. Unless it's a dare. Or a prank. Maybe a joke?"

"Okay, I will come from the library," he said, trying not to laugh at the adorable way she looked when she tilted her head while taking about the pranks. She grinned.


He couldn't help the grin that came on his face.

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