《Love and Despair || Human! Monokuma x Fem! Reader》|| Chapter Twenty-Five: Former Best Friend ||


"Where is Toko Fukawa?!" Monokuma flailed his arms around in a fit of anger. We were all standing in the elevator to head to the trial room only for Toko to be absent. Toko's absence prevented the trial from starting; this pissed off Monokuma, that's for sure.

"I'll be right back! I'll drag that nutjob here myself!" Monokuma announced as he stomped out of the elevator. Soon enough, Monokuma came back dragging Toko behind him. The poor girl was crying and thrashing her legs around, but Monokuma ignored her behavior and tossed her into the elevator.

"I-I to-told you I didn't want to c-come to the class trial, but you f-forced me to! You-You're terrible!!" Toko hissed.

"Whatever. Anyways, everyone is here now? Let's get started!" Monokuma cheered.

"D-Don't ignore me!!"

Toko was ignored by Monokuma once again. Monokuma pressed a button on the elevator, bringing us down to the trial room.

This was the trial to find the culprit behind Chihiro's murder. Was it really Genocide Jack behind this case? Either way, a murderer stood somewhere amongst us.

The elevator had come to a halt and its doors had opened, revealing the trial grounds. Monokuma was the first to leave the elevator. He practically ran to his seat, plopping down onto the soft leather of the throne. He smirked and waved, motioning us to take our spots amongst the podiums.

Hesitantly, I walked out of the elevator and took my spot at my podium. Monokuma stared down at me, the smirk on his stupid face wider than ever. I kept my gaze towards the ground; I refused to look at him.

Soon enough, everyone took their spots in the trial room. Monokuma cleared his throat. "Alright, I'm sure you all remember how a class trial works! Let's get started. Let the class trial begin!"

The first debate then began. Like in the first trial, we did a basic overview of what we already knew about the case. As suggested by Monokuma, we decided to talk about what was used to kill Chihiro in the first place. As stated in the Monokuma file, they were killed with a blunt object. I presented the evidence of how the dumbbell found on the ground was the most likely murder weapon in this case.

After that mystery was solved, Byakuya suggested that we immediately move onto the culprit. Although I thought it may have been a little too soon to properly suspect anyone, Byakuya insisted. He proposed the idea that Genocide Jack was behind Chihiro's murder. Although I agreed that there were many things leading to the idea that Genocide Jack was the culprit, I wasn't completely sure.

"Byakuya, are you completely sure that Genocide Jack is the culprit of this murder case?" I questioned.

"I agree with (Y/n), doesn't it seem a bit absurd for a serial killer to be amongst one of our classmates?" Celeste narrowed her eyes.


"it is not absurd. In fact, it's Toko," Byakuya announced.

Everyone froze as they glanced at Toko. Toko bit her fingernail as tears began to fall from her eyes. "W-What?"

"You heard me. Genocide Jack's true identity is Toko Fukawa."

"W-Wait! Isn't this a bit weird? Like, Toko is scared of blood! What kind of serial killer faints at the sight of blood?!" Hina interrupted. 

"Well, is Toko Fukawa Genocide Jack? The answer is yes and no." Byakuya crossed his arms.

I paused for a moment, thinking of a response. Suddenly, it clicked. "Byakuya, are you suggesting that Toko has dissociative identity disorder?"

The topic of Toko possibly having dissociative identity disorder was discussed amongst the trial room, Toko not saying a word during the entire conversation. When Byakuya had come forward to say that Toko had told him this herself, she had finally spoke up.

"Y-You said you wouldn't te-tell anyone...y-you promised! I-I can't believe you lied to m-me!" Toko screamed as she pulled at her long hair.

"You only have yourself to blame! You came to me with your tragic story, but did I ask you to? No, I did not," Byakuya snapped. "This is the real world. You chose to trust the wrong person."

The two bickered back and forth for a bit when suddenly Toko blacked out. She collapsed onto the podium in front of her. A few moments after, she sprung back up laughing.

Her entire attitude was different, in fact, this wasn't Toko before us anymore.

This was Genocide Jack.

"Hey there, bitches! Were you hoping to see me?!" Genocide Jack's voice boomed within the room. Everyone stared at her in shock as she continued to laugh. "Kyhehehe!~ So you figured it out, huh? Soooo? Watcha gonna do about it? It is I, the Ultimate Murderous Fiend, Genocide Jack! Better yet, let's go with Genocide Jill!"

"T-Toko?!" Hina shrieked.

"Nope, not Toko! She's a total loser, I'm Genocide Jill! What happened here is split personality!"

The reveal of Genocide Jill shocked the entire class. Hifumi had enough guts to ask her if she was the mastermind of this entire game, but she denied that accusation. Monokuma seemed insulted that any of us suspected that Genocide Jill was linked to him and the other mastermind in anyway.

"You see? This murderous fiend is the culprit behind Chihiro's murder. Genocide Jill is the culprit," Byakuya accused.

"Huh? Actually, nope! Sorry to burst your bubble, but I ain't the culprit!" Genocide Jill giggled.

"Do you expect us to believe you?!"

"Eh, not really! But I'm tellin' the truth, I swear!"

Wait a moment...maybe I was right to question Byakuya's accusation. Was Genocide Jill really behind this murder?

Thinking back to Genocide Jill's passed murder cases, not all of the information matched up. The other victims were killed by multiple stab wounds and hung to the wall using those same scissors. Chihiro was struck by a blunt object then suspended by cables. I mentioned this to the rest of the class, earning a disgusted gasp from Genocide Jill.


"I murder with passion and conviction! I like to consider my self a professional with a particular way of doing things! Chihiro's murder was no creation of mine! Also, notice how Chihiro is a girl! I don't murder girls, only adorable little men! Kyhehe, I said it! I'm so embarrassed!~" Genocide Jill giggled and blushed.

Byakuya tried to argue against Genocide Jill's innocence, but he was shot down multiple times by different sources of evidence. We had a lot more to discuss to solve the case of Chihiro's murder. With Genocide Jill crossed off the list of suspects, we had much more to discover during this trial.

After hours of the class trial, we had finally uncovered the truth behind everything. Chihiro's true identity as a male, the truth behind the murder, everything.

"Mondo Owada...you are the culprit," I state as I stared into Mondo's wide eyes.

Mondo opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped by Taka screaming first.

"N-No! This...c-can't be right! Mondo...h-he couldn't have done it! Where's your proof?! Where's the evidence?!" Taka yelled.

Kyoko then spoke up, explaining all of the evidence that traces back to Mondo being the murderer. Taka shook his head in disbelief while Mondo simply stared at the ground. Taka glanced at Mondo, tears falling from his eyes.

"M-Mondo! This isn't true! Tell me it isn't true!!" Taka begged.

"I'm sorry bro...I-I killed him. I killed Chihiro," Mondo admitted, clenching his fist. 

"B-Bro? What are you s-saying...."

"I have no choice but to admit it..."


"C'mon Monokuma, get it over with. Let's vote for the culprit."

"W-Wait!! Hold on!-"

"No waiting or holding on! Let's vote for the blackened!!" Monokuma gushed. "Everyone, please grab the lever in front of you and vote!"

Just as expected, the culprit that was voted was Mondo Owada, the true culprit who had murdered Chihiro Fujisaki. Monokuma threw his head back and let out a loud laugh at the despair emanating around the room.

"I-I don't believe it...there's no way he would kill someone!-"

"I'm sorry bro," Mondo interrupted Taka. Mondo gave Taka a sad smile and rested a hand on his shoulder. Taka shook his head again, more tears falling from his eyes.

"W-Why are you apologizing? Why, why, why, why, why?! W-Why did you do it?!" Taka cried. He gripped Mondo's jacket, dreading the moment he had to let him go. Mondo stayed silent as he gazed down at Taka. 

"Well, well, what an emotional scene before us! It's such a tragic story, really...Mondo went and killed that poor boy Chihiro just to hide his deepest secret," Monokuma sobbed. "Speaking of Mondo's deepest secret, let's reveal it, shall we? Mondo killed his own brother!"

Mondo flinched at the mention of his secret, dread visible on his face. Monokuma proceeded to explain the story of how Mondo had supposedly killed his brother. At the end of the story, Mondo had broken down. He explained how he had a desire to be stronger like his brother, only to realize that he was truly weak in the end.

He told us about everything; the murder, his desire to be strong, everything. Monokuma was amused by Mondo's despair-filled attitude. In fact, he even had the audacity to laugh at him. Taka glared at Monokuma, yelling, "what's so funny?! You son of a bitch, how could you just laugh at this situation?! I dare you to laugh like that again!"

"Oh, trust me, if I could I would laugh for hours at all this despair in the room! Unfortunately, I can't because punishment time is just around the corner!" Monokuma grinned.

"Punishment...? You mean...execution?! No, no, no, no!!" Taka cried.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes! Now then, I have prepared a very special punishment for the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader, Mondo Owada!" 

"No! Please, don't take him away! Take me instead, Monokuma! Please, please!"

"It's alright bro...I'm sorry I couldn't keep the promise we made," Mondo spoke to Taka.

"NO! I said wait! Don't do this!-"

"Let's give it everything we got! It's punishment time!!" Monokuma announced, pressing onto a big, red button that ascended from the ground. A metal chain gripped Mondo's neck. Taka reached out to Mondo as he was yanked away by the chain. Taka let out a blood-curtling scream as his best friend was taken away before him.

We were all transported to the dark execution room just like we had for Leon's punishment. Taka ran up to the metal gate separating us from Monokuma and Mondo and desperately screamed out for Monokuma to stop the execution. Monokuma ignored Taka and instead hopped on a motorcycle with Mondo tied to it.

Taka's screams and pleads were heard all throughout Mondo's execution. No matter how much he begged and cried, Mondo's fate had been decided. When Mondo had finally been executed (and turned into butter), Taka had lost his voice. He merely stared at the container of Mondo butter that contained the remains of his former best friend. 

I walked over to Taka and pulled him into a hug. He clinged onto me tightly and cried onto my shoulder. I could feel my heart break just by hearing his pain-filled sobs. I knew exactly how he felt. The pain of seeing your best friend being killed before you was enough to tear you apart.

This was truly despair, wasn't it? Oh how disgusting it was.

Do not re-upload my work or use it in anyway without my permission.

I do not own Danganronpa or any of the characters. I do not own the artwork used unless stated otherwise

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