《Love and Despair || Human! Monokuma x Fem! Reader》|| Chapter Nineteen: Despair in Your Eyes ||





(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

After Leon's punishment, everyone was left in utter shock. Unlike everyone else, Monokuma was in a rather blissful mood. It was as though the punishment cured all of Monokuma's troubles and lifted all of the burdens off of his shoulders.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, we couldn't even begin to feel the same way. Our moods were downcast and the memory of the gruesome event still lingering in our minds. With that same mood present, we all went to our dorms.

Upon entering my room, I could see that everything was back to the way it originally was. There was no traces left of Sayaka's struggle, nor was her corpse still present when I entered the bathroom. It was a relief I didn't have to see that horrid scene again, but the idea that it ever even happened still disturbed me.

I exited the bathroom, making sure to close the door behind me. I made my way to the bed and laid down upon it's soft surface. Laying on my side, I glanced over at my (s/t) hand. On my ring finger was the ring Junko had gifted to me, the last gift she had given me before she was killed.

I could feel tears developing in my (e/c) eyes as I continued to stare at the ring. Before I had known it, tears began to stream down my face as sobs escaped from my parted lips. I hugged my hand with the ring against my chest, crying more as I continued to think about Junko.

I had longed for just one more hug, one last conversation, a chance to tell her goodbye. Without realizing what time it had been, I continued to mourn over the death of my best friend.

Much to my dismay, the monitor on the wall buzzed to life, Monokuma's voice ringing out from it. "It is now 10 p.m. meaning it is nighttime! Try to get some rest everyone, don't stay up mourning all night! Sleep tight!"


As soon as the monitor turned off, I felt anger mixing in with the sorrow I felt. I was angry at Monokuma, very incredibly angry. I was mad about the whole situation.

The night continued on. Although I tried to sleep, my body refused to allow me to do so. My mind continued to race as I tried to keep my eyes closed only to to open them right back up again. In the end, I only got around an hour of sleep that night.

I was awoken from my short slumber by the usual morning announcement. In his announcement, Monokuma requested that we made our way to the gym.

I slowly crawled out of bed and let out a small groan. Exhaustion tore away at my energy as I sauntered to the gym. Upon arrival, everyone else was already awaiting in the gym. I trudged over and stood behind Hina who looked over at me in concern.

"Hey, are you okay (Y/n)?" Hina questioned, eyebrows furrowed in worry.

I didn't mumble a reply, instead only shrugging in response. When he heard my name, Monokuma snapped his head towards Hina and I. Monokuma was standing upon the stage, but when he saw me, he jumped off the stage and scurried over to me (nearly tripping on the way).

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Monokuma shouted as his smile widened.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Hina remarked. Monokuma simply laughed and shoved Hina out of his way. It wasn't enough to knock her onto the ground, but she did stumble a bit. Luckily, Sakura helped her regain her balance.

Monokuma grabbed my shoulders and stared at me in enthusiasm. I stare back at Monokuma with an unamused expression as he slowly began to smirk. "So, how are you feeling, (Y/n)?" Monokuma spoke, seeming to whisper my name. His tone wasn't pleasant and made me shiver.


"Hey, why did you call us to the gym?" Sakura asked Monokuma. Monokuma, who had his gaze fixated onto me, let out a small sigh. His grasp onto my shoulders loosened before he eventually let go. He turned back to the stage, climbing back onto it.

"Ahem, I called you all here to announce that every time you overcome a class trial, a new floor on this school opens up to you!" Monokuma announced, throwing his arms up in cheer.

"So, you mean that the second floor is now available to us?" Kyoko said.

Monokuma nodded in response to Kyoko's question. Kyoko then speaks, "well, then we should go explore that right away."

"Yes, in fact we should! Once everyone is finished exploring, let's meet back up at the dining hall to discuss everything!" Taka affirmed as he clenched his fists. Everyone nodded in acknowledgment and, after a few other responses, everyone began leaving the gym.

Soon enough, I was the only one left in the gym. Just as I was about to leave, Monokuma walked up behind me and grabbed my wrist. I froze, slowly turning myself to face the boy.

"Hey (Y/n)~" Monokuma cooed as his grip on my wrist tightened. I didn't reply, but instead stared at the ground. Monokuma placed his hand on my face and forced me to look into his eyes. His eyes looked void of any sort of clear emotion as he continued to stare at me. His frown soon turned into a smile as he quietly asked me, "how are you feeling?"

My throat felt dry as I forced a swallow. Monokuma let out a small chuckle. "Oh, I can only imagine the despair you are feeling right now! You found out someone you trusted was using you, your best friend died right in front of you, and you watched your classmate be brutally executed! How unfortunate!~"

I clenched my jaw as my gaze turned harsh. Monokuma, noticing this, smiled even wider in amusement. He leaned in closer to my face until our noses were touching. A frown replaced his smile as his breath hit my face.

I wanted to move away, but it was like Monokuma's gaze held me frozen in place. After what seemed like an eternity, Monokuma backed away. A frown still lingered on his face as he turned around, his back facing me. He turned his head back to look at me, an unreadable expression spread across his features.

"I can see the despair in your eyes, (Y/n)," he spoke before he walked out of the gym. The clicking of Monokuma's shoes faded away in the distance.

I stood in confusion for a few more moments before regaining my composure. Apparently a new floor was open, so I should probably go explore that as soon as I could. I strolled out of the gym in search of the stairs to the second floor.

I thought about what Monokuma said to me as I walked through the hall."I can see the despair in your eyes." I shook my head, now in front of the stairs to the second floor. I shouldn't waste my time thinking about Monokuma's nonsense now.

Without another thought about Monokuma, I began to go up the stairs to the second floor.

Do not re-upload my work or use it in anyway without my permission.

I do not own Danganronpa or any of the characters. I do not own the artwork used unless stated otherwise

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