《I Demand It | TAEKOOK✔》Trouble Maker


The room stood in silence. Not a single cricket to break the ice cold chill running through.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook questioned. He dismissed Choi's unaddressed remark.

"Are you questioning my authority?" He asks again.

Jungkook stepped closer raising his brow high as he remembered Taehyung would always do when he said something snarky.

"That is absurd! I would never... Your majesty!"

Lord Choi spoke rather quickly to dismiss the thought of challenging the king. But seemed to also prolong adressing his king correctly.

"That is what I thought. So as I've said before, no one is here." Jungkook snarls.

Jimin smirked leaning on a wall close by. He thought his friend really looked like a king for once. Sounded like one to. Ugh...look at you acting like an adult now...

Jimin heard chuckles. He looked around to see if anyone had heard as well, but no one moved. Was he able to hear better as well from the blood? He looked up again at Taehyung and saw the other staring back at him. You laughed? He thought. Taehyung only smiled at him. But then he hears something else. You're funny. Jimin heard in Taehyungs voice. His eyes go wide. He does have the ability now, it's true!! It had to be Taehyungs blood.

Lord Choi began to walk out along with the others until Jungkook stopped them for a second.

"Also, do. Not. EVER. Enter. My. Space. Don't even breathe the same air as me, if I so happens to find out you do I'll slice you a thousand fold and have you thrown to the blood suckers. Its been a while since they've fed anyway." Jungkook growls.

"Y-yes, your majesty"

They all shouted in unison, bowing many times.

"You may go." Jungkook dismissed.


With that they basically ran out of the kings quaters. Along with them Lord Choi and his rat.

Lord Choi looked as if he would burst into flames. His only time getting close to exposing the lies of a king came to an end as quickly as it begun.

He refused to give up on it. He would find out the person he saw last night. I'll come back for you Jeon you just wait...once I get you alone, you'll see.

There was a growl in the distance, luckily unnoticed by anyone but Jungkook and Jimin. After the footsteps were long retreated Jimin burst into laughter. Jungkook was startled by the sudden joy in a terrible situation.

"What?" Jungkook asked partially annoyed. He wanted to know what could possibly be funny in their 'predicament'.

"Woah almighty king!! I'll be at your service anytime if you act like that!!" Jimin over exaggerates him being taken aback by Jungkooks 'king' voice.

"Seriously?" Jungkook tried, he really did but he couldn't help but laugh as well. He had to laugh, if not he'd possibly cry from how nervous he was, the boy almost shit himself infront of all those officials.

"Sooo~ Jungkookie. Who was the man Lord old fart and his bitch claimed to see you with?" Jimin pestered.


The king hesitated, was it a good idea to tell Jimin about Taehyung he wondered. Maybe his bestfriend wont be able to tell Taehyungs a vampire. But he knows Jimins training to detect vampires, that's how they've got so many blood suckers caged up. What was a good alternative? He had no idea. But he chose to trust his good old friend and tell him about Taehyung but he'll leave the vamp thing out, for precautions.


"He's here right now....actually..haha.." Jungkook nervously laughed.

"Well tell'em come out! I wanna see the person who's caused all this trouble." Jimin lied. Of course he already knew who had been hiding all along. The Lord had the vampires blood in him now. He had his scent lingering no matter where he'd hide. Jimin could never forget such a smell.

Come on out Taehyung oh and please don't be a prick- oh! or blow your cover for fucks sake! Jungkook said mentally. He already knew the vamp was listening.

A big thud was heard behind both of them.

"Oh fuck!! Jesus you didn't tell me he liked to scare the living shit out of people kookie, he's an asshole"

"I didn't know this either..." Jungkook said sharply through his teeth.

Taehyung took a few steps toward them silently smiling. He had no shirt on, his muscles that Jungkook didn't know he had, were alot more apparent with sweat coming down. Hmm..didnt know vamps could sweat.

Jungkooks eyes then traveled with the line of sweat. He noticed Taehyungs pants were holding on to his waistline, you could see the V line straight to the mans dick. Jungkook gasped and turned to see Jimin gulping.

"Well I guess I can see how you're easily distracted" Jimin teases.

"Very funny~" Jungkook whispered hitting Jimin in the head.

Taehyung chuckled at them. Jimin heard this and turned his attention to the other. He tried to block everything else out, like the air radiating around him from being in close proximity of raw power. He coughed.

"Lord Park Jimin, Jungkooks loyal guard, information giver, and best of the bestes friend, and you are?"

Taehyung looked directly into his eyes. "Oh right! Lord Park nice to finally meet you. I'm Taehyung" He says. His voice higher pitched and laced with amusement, mostly out of the situation. It was quite fun to see things transpire before his eyes of course.

"Any sur name?" Jimin pestered.

Jungkooks eyes widened, why was it only now that he hasn't asked Taehyungs sur name? He didn't know a damn thing, he slept with this man, played with this man laughed with this man and yet he knows absolutely nothing about him. What does that makes Jungkook, some sort of easy lay? What if Taehyunf just decided to run off, he gave practically everything to this guy, and he barely knows him. Th least he worried about was that he was laying in bed with a dangerous vampire, and more so that he lied in bed with a complete stranger.

Taehyungs eyes pierced Jimin like a sword but was gone in an instant.

Jimin knew without asking what that look meant. It screamed "you're pushing your luck boy!" He shouldn't have really done that he was quick to try and take it away. If Taehyung even read a fraction of the books he'd know who Kim Taehyung was, or some general idea, so he just hoped then that the vampire would come up with some clever cover or idea. Praying that the other just ignored the question in all.

"You don't have t-" Jimin tries.

"Kim" Taehyung says.

"What?!" Jimin and Jungkook said in unison.

"Kim. My name is Kim Taehyung" The vampire responds. A still moment occurs, and not a sound comes out. Nobody moves then, the human appearing to be the most frozen in place as if a deer caught by lights.

It was then Jungkook dropped to the ground like a rag doll.

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