《I Demand It | TAEKOOK✔》Info


Jungkook sat in the dark room stressed with work. He looked down at the stack of paper with a groan. He slammed his head to the table.

"Ugh...This shit is ridiculous..." the King mumbled.

"Your majesty!...there is more!" A woman shouts.

The woman dropped a stack of papers next to the King, bowed and quickly retreated, not wanting to feel the Kings wrath.

"Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!!" Jungkook roars.

"Such a dirty mouth for a King..." A deep voice says.

Jungkook jumped I his seat at the invasion of another voice. Then he grumbled once recognising the owner of the deep voice.

"Now you fucking show up!! I've been looking for you!" Jungkook shouts.

Taehyung could tell the King was overly stressed and held some anger right now, that is in turn only released on him.

"Well I'm here now." Taehyung smirked.

Jungkook seemed to catch that so he turned back around in his seat. He decide ignore the vampire since he felt the other wanted to be a dick.

"Jungkook." The vampire says.

The king continues to work, still ignoring Taehyung. He hummed and looked through the papers.

"Boy, if you d-" Taehyung begins.

"What is that?! Can't hear you blood Sucker!!" Jungkook screams.

"Jungkook.." The man warned but Jungkook still didn't budge.

Taehyung didn't like being ignored, it's the one thing that makes him extremely irritated.

The vampire basically sprinted over to the King, gripping his brown shiny locks and yanking his head backward.

"O-ow!" Jungkook winced.

"Listen to me." The vampire demands.

Taehyungs voice was low and raspy, his breath caressing Jungkooks ear.

"I-i have work to do" Jungkook says.

The Kings face flushed a little, but he quickly shook it off and scurried to work again.

"Ah..ah hold on.." Taehyung says, he slid his hands down Jungkooks chest slowly.


"Your very tense my king...should I help you?"

Jungkook still decided not to reply which ticked Taehyung off as he seen this as an act of defiance.

"Not gonna answer?.." Taehyung growls.

There was a second of silence and Jungkook almost thought the vampire gave up. Then he felt himself being yanked back again but harder this time around, his body cam flying of the chair into the vampire.

"What's wrong with y-" Jungkook begins.

"DON'T IGNORE ME." Taehyung growled.

Jungkooks body turned stiff. It was then he realized that Taehyung must have used powers. His body stopped against his will. Is he using powers against me!?!

Taehyung only smiled slightly, almost unnoticed by the eye but not Jungkook.

"You used your powers against me!?!" Jungkook screams.

"What powers?" Taehyung asks.

Jungkook was pissed off. "TAEHYUNG!!" Jungkook screams.

"Calm down boy...you just might hurt yourself." The vampire remarks.

Jungkook felt it again, the feeling of being weak, scared and not in control. The feeling of terror and dominance radiating over him. His head began to ring, his neck starting do that tingle thing its been doing for a while. He rubbed the side of his neck to stop the chilly feeling of obedience.

"Come on...let me help...you look tense" The vamp whispers.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook up against his body, holding him extra close. He dug his head into the Kings neck, he then sucked the shining mark.

"Oh!...d-don't do that.." Jungkook gasps.

"What's wrong? Don't need help with your problem" He says.

Taehyung looked down and the King followed his gaze to his own erection.

He gasped and tried get out of the vampires grip, which was absolutely impossible.

"Woah..woah!" Taehyung teases.

It was then Jungkook noticed his eyes flash. He got a glimpse of the blue color again. His eyes deeply stared into Taehyungs.


"Y-your eyes..." Jungkooks mouth was agape.

"What about them?" Taehyung asks.

"What does it mean?...w-when it changes...c-color I mean.." Jungkook asks.

Taehyungs head quirked to the side. "All you need to know is that red means 'Feed' " The vampire whispers.

"B-but your eyes weren't red when you were hungry." Jungkook questioned.

"Well I wasn't exactly hungry." The vampire says.

"How? I saw you!...you were like desperate." Jungkook whispers.

Taehyung surprisingly didn't get angry at Jungkook. He looked down into the Kings eyes and shook his head.

"You didn't..." Taehyung paused.

"...Because if you did..." The vampire released his grip along with the grunt from jungkook. "You would've pissed your pants."

Jungkook couldn't reply he only deeply listened to Taehyungs words.

"When vampires are hungry there are levels. Similar to stages, luckily I wasn't close to the last stage. Which is what they call 'deep abyss'. A stage you don't want to be in." The vampire continues.

Jungkook gulped, the name explained some common level of sense. But he still wanted to know more. He wanted to learn everything about these creatures.

"What happens?" Jungkook questioned.

Taehyung sighed, he was bored of the conversation now.

"Okay! Buy can't you at least tell me what color it is so I'll know." Jungkook begs.

"You wont need to." Taehyung dismisses.

"Taehyung please! I wanna knowww~" the King whined crossing his arms.

Taehyung sighed once more. Heaven and Hell!! He's like a fucking child!

"Black. So dark with no reflection. No marble effect or glossy eyes. Just pitch black eternal abyss that has no soul. Compared to looking in the eyes of all things evil, hell" Taehyung says.

"That actually sounds terrifying" Jungkook whispers.

"You think that's terrifying. Well you haven't seen it, those vampires you hold in that dungeon will go to that soulless abyss eventually with the rates you feed them. It's a hunger so indescribable that some drink their own kind until the other gets so dry, they crumble. Some even try drinking themselves." Taehyung says.

"Well I'll have you to protect me right? You wont bail on me for your vamp buddies? I won't have to find a new vamp to play with??" Jungkook teases. He loved to play, tiger always got jealous over other vampires Jungkook would included in the conversation. He found a knew ignition to start Taehyung right off.

Taehyung growled with possession, grabbing the Kings waist. Smoothly placing his fingers over the crease of showing skin, loving the warmth coming from the area, and the feel of pumping hot blood coursing though his veins.

"Don't worry your majesty. Not even now will you be able to get rid of me" The vampire whispers.

"I guess so, you're my vamp!"

Jungkook snarled back like a tiger. Showing off his pearly whites, appearing absolutely innocent, nonthreatening however.

Taehyung chuckles at what he sees as adorable.

"Heyyy, don't laugh!!" Jungkook screams. He hated when the vampire made fun of him whenever he was cliche. It was already embarrassed enough saying the words, least he could do was accept the try.

Taehyung sucked on his neck more tired of waiting so long to touch the boy

"Ah~wait" Jungkook moans.

"No more waiting. Undress." Taehyung demands.


"Well this is a quite sight...."

Through the crack of the huge crescent doors of Jungkooks corridor, peaked a very interesting figure lingering around.

"You, tell the council we have some information they might like to know." A mysterious voice says hovering in the shadows, watching the two.

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