《Started as His Tutor》Damage Done


New Years Eve is nothing special. I usually sit in my room and day and lounge around with Wilbur. My dad would be making food and Wren would help him. Then, we eat and watch the count down on t.v. Everyone goes to eat and New Years is the same business repeated over except we watch a movie instead. I like it simple like that.

Except this New Years Eve I was very uneasy. Every year, I didn't bother to make any resolutions. I knew nothing would change, and I didn't mind that. This year would be the same as the start of last year, but I didn't want that. I didn't want to start another year without Vincent.

"That's strange. I didn't see Vincent come by these last few days," Dad notes as he pops come chips into his mouth.

"They're having a lovers quarrel," Wren jokes.

"Shut up," I glare.

"Did you guys fight?" Dad asks.

"No, not really. He's probably just busy," I try to dodge his question.

"Yeah... That's probably why you've been staring at your phone every second of every day," Wren smirks.

"Everything's fine," I try to convince everyone, including myself.

"He should be over here by twelve," Wren says.

"Why?" I steal some chips from my dad's palm.

"Duh! The New Years kiss!"

Immediately, Dad and I start coughing and choking on whatever we were eating.

"Wren! We're just friends!" I say in a panic, eyeing for my dad's reaction. He seems uncomfortable and shy from the topic, but doesn't disagree with Wren.

I'm saved by my phone's text alarm. Quickly reaching for it, I hope to see Vincent's name, but it reads Vivian. Dad and Wren looks at me expectantly too, but when my expression drops so do their's, and they turn their attention back to the television.

Vivian: Hey, are you busy?

Me: Not really.

Vivian: Want to go to a New Years Eve party with me? Evelyn and Olivia have this date and they won't let me third wheel.

Me: I don't really like parties.

Vivian: I promise it will be fun.

Me: I'm tired.

Vivian: I'm in front of your house.

Scrambling, I run over to the front window and carefully peer outside. Vivian makes eye contact with me and I'm forced to open the door since I got caught.

"Hi, Wren. Hi, Mr. Lee!" Vivian greets my family as she walks in.

"Hi," they quietly reply, almost as if they were expecting someone else.

"Hurry, get changed," Vivian urges, nudging me upstairs. Looking at dresses, she can't find anything except for frilly ones I got as gifts in elementary school from my relatives.

"These will do," I say, pulling out a hoodie and jeans.

"Aw, you should dress up. It will be fun that way," Vivian whines, showing me her sparkly and short black dress.

"I think I'll stick to this. Don't push me or I won't come," I warn jokingly.

"Fine," Vivian pouts, plopping onto my bed to wait for me to change.

"Let me brush my hair real fast." Gathering up my clothes, I head to the bathroom.

"Would you mind if I borrowed some of your jewelry?"

"Yeah, go ahead. I don't have much but there should be a box with some in my closest."

Once I'm changed, which didn't take long since it was very basic, I joined Vivian in her car. As she drove I nervously played with my fingers, hiding my hands in my pockets. I never went to parties. Even family reunions give me anxiety. Once we drive up to a house with bright lights and crowds of people I feel stomach churn.


"Ready?" Vivian asks.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Nope! Come on," Vivian waits for me to get out of the car and links arms with me, leading me to the doorway. As we walk, people turn to say hi. Each one of their voices slowly sank as they realized I was next to her, confused by our sudden reunion. Or maybe it was the fact that they were puzzled by the strange figure draped in oversized clothes, almost resembling a walking sack. Vivian and I both stood out but in polarizing ways.

As we walk inside, people start to offer to get Vivian a drink. Turning to me she asks, "What do you want?"

"I'm good."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. But Vivian... Don't tell me there's alcohol..."

Vivian laughs, "Of course there is. A bunch of teens aren't going to gather to drink juice boxes."

"I don't think being here is a good idea. How about we just go and eat?"

"Come on, we already drove here. It will be a waste." She drags me off into the kitchen and takes out two cans of beer from a cooler filled with ice, handing me one she already opened."

"I'm not thirsty," I refuse.

"Just hold onto it until you are. It's not that bad. You'll know once you try it."

"Alright..." I hesitantly comply. I watch in shock as Vivian pops open a can herself and takes a gulp. Having never gone to a party with her, I never witnessed her doing rebellious things. To me, she was the girl you see at church every Sunday, a perfect angel. In reality, no one is. But what about Vincent Miller?

I try to shake the image of him out of my head. Luckily, my attention is diverted when Vivian pulls me into the basement, where various people are playing pool, games, or just casually lounging around.

"Who's house is this anyways."

"Sam. You know him right?"

"The guy who does track?"

"Yep. Do you know him?"

"I talked to him once."

"Want to play truth or dare?" She points to a circle of people on the corner.

Memories of he awful game during winter break flashes back into my head, and I immediately reject her invitation.

"I'm going to go get some fresh air. You can go ahead and play," I say.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll text you if I can't find you."

"Okay then."

"Have fun."

I dodge the clusters of people and get lost a few time in the sea of bodies before I find the front door. Once outside, a rush of relief settles in me and I make myself a seat on the sidewalk. People walking in look at me weirdly, but walk past. Bored, I lift the can in my hand to my lips, almost it listing it until I realized into wasn't soda. Sighing, I place the can next to me and try to kill time on my phone looking at pictures of all the foods I wish I could be eating right now.

My concentration on food is broken when someone sits down next to me. Bryan.

"Sitting here alone?"

"Leave me alone," I warn.

"Jeez, what did I do to you?"

"Just go, okay? Enjoy the party. I don't care as long as you leave me alone."

"Why do you have to be such a bitch? I'm just trying to keep you company since Vincent won't."


"How do you know that?" I asked, surprised. The only one who knows about the fight Vincent and I had is Carson.

"Everyone knows. It's pretty obvious when you show up with Vivian but Vincent is at the same party. Why? You guys have a fight?"

"Go away. It's none of your business." I'm slightly bogged down by the fact that I didn't see Vincent at all. Maybe he saw me, but didn't say anything. Is he still mad? Will he never talk to me again?

"Well you butted in between me and Ally. She broke up with me because of you," he snorts.

"She deserved better anyways. You're a jerk," I coldly respond. "Eventually she was going to."

"You don't actually think I was even interested you right?" Bryan asks smugly. "You're not my type. No boobs, no butt, no sexual appeal."

"Yeah, I know that. You were just trying to get back at Vincent since Ally liked him," I scoff. "You're childish."

"Well, since we both don't like Vincent, how about we go inside and make him jealous?" Bryan slyly suggests, sliding closer to me.

Out of irritation, I shove him away. To my suprise, despite my infamous lack of strength, I manage to make him scrape an elbow on the pavement.

"Look, I'm sorry, but you need to leave me alone."

"Why are you getting mad at me? I'm just trying to help you get back at Vincent." Bryan angrily says, rubbing his elbow.

"I don't need your help. I'm not mad at Vincent, okay? Just go away." I turn to push myself up, but Bryan pulls me back down by the elbow so hard my wrist slams against the concrete.

"He probably only saw you as an easy piece of ass. What? He got tired of your body?" Bryan jeers.

"Vincent isn't like that! Let me go!" I yell. When Bryan's grip tightens, my free hand gropes around until in lands on the can of beer. Taking it, I pour its contents over Bryan's head, his mouth opening to gasp catching dribbled of beer running down his face.

"You fucking bitch," he growls, using his other hand to clamp onto my back of my shoulder next to my neck. I kept a straight face despite the pain shooting from his digging nails. "What? No Vincent to protect you now?" he smirks.

Suddenly, the realization of a crowd gathering outside due to our increasingly loud and hostile conversation. With more chatter, it drew more and more people who either filmed the altercation on their phones or stared, not intervening. Seeing this, I had no choice but to engage in physically protecting myself.

I jerk my arm to the side, causing Bryan to lose his grip on it. Then twisting my torso, I position my elbow and ram in into Bryan's left rib. He yelps, loosening his hold on my shoulder so that I could grab his arm, twist it behind him, and pin him with his cheek pressed against the ground. All of this happened so fast before I knew it, I was on leaning my weight on a groaning and cursing Bryan.

Laughter erupts from the crowd surrounding us.

"Holy fuck! Bryan just got his ass whooped by a nerd," someone says in the crowd.

"Wait, is that a girl? Wendy?" I search around and find that it's Luke who recognized me.

"Luke!" I call in suprise.

"Shit! Vincent!" Luke turns around to find him.

"No, no, no," I try to intercept. I want to talk to him again, but not like this.

The crowd splits into two within seconds, making a clear path for Vincent to run through. Once our eyes meet, I immediately stand up. Bryan clamors to his feet but his brought back down when Vincent grabs his collars and throws a fist at his cheek. It would've been worse if I hadn't pulled Vincent away mid- punch. Bryan pressed his hands against his lip to see that it was cut and bleeding, probably inside his mouth too.

"What the fuck?" Bryan yells. Vincent lunges forward again but I try to grab onto his arm. When that fails, I wrap my arms around his chest from behind and cling onto him, trying to slow him with my weight. Once I do this, Vincent finally stops, giving Bryan enough time to stand up. The realization that everyone's eyes are on us makes me drop my arms and step back a bit.

"I fucking swear, if you touch Wendy one more time-" Vincent starts to warn before Bryan interrupted him.

"She was the one who poured beer on me. I was just trying to be fucking friendly," Bryan groans, wiping blood from the corners of his lips.

"Shut up and don't approach her ever again. You deserve it for being an ass," Vincent warns.

He turns and without looking grabs my hand and leads me in the opposite where Bryan was standing. I follow without resistance and get into the passenger seat when Vincent opens his car door. His demeanor changed in the car. He seemed irritated, but was quiet and kept his stare on the road and minimized his frowning.

"Thanks," I try to break the silence.

"What were you thinking going to this kind of party?" Vincent asks, his tone cold.

"I came with a friend not long ago," I try to explain. Remembering Vivian, I quickly text her to say that I got a ride home, to which she replied 'I know. You went with Vincent.'

"You shouldn't be there. Some people are up to no good."

"About a few days ago. I'm sorry-"

"Let me ask you one thing. What happened to the necklace?"

I look down and check my neck to find that the swan necklace was gone. Shoot! Did I forget it at home? Did I drop it somewhere? Did Bryan pull it off?

My mind was racing but I tried to compose myself to look calm. "Oh, I probably left it on my dresser."

"No other reason?"

"Not really."

As he drives, he reaches into his pocket and drops something into my lap. Picking it up, I realize its my necklace.

"How-how did you get this"?" I stutter in shock.

"Saw Vivian wearing it," he says, his eyes kept on the road ahead.


I'm trying to make sense of everything. Why would she wear my necklace? Is it possible she got the same kind? Oh, right! I forgot about her borrowing my jewelry.

Before I can explain myself, Vincent stops in the driveway of my house.

"I was really hoping you wouldn't lie to me," Vincent sighed.

"No, I-" My eyes land of Vincent's reddened knuckles and I instinctively pick up his hand to examine it. "Does it hurt? Why did you punch him so hard?" Slowly, he recoils his hand and I draw back my hands in response.

"We shouldn't be friends anymore. I don't want to be friends anymore."

"Vincent, I-"

"I have to get going, so you should hurry inside," he continues, his serious voice unwavering.

I sat glued to the seat. Continuing to look at him, I could see that he refused to look at me, both hands on the wheel and looking straight ahead. Slowly, I unbuckle myself and get out of the car. The entire time, I willed for him to look at me, but Vincent never did.

Before closing the door, I speak again, "If that's what you want, lets do that then. Anyways, thanks for being my friend for the last few months. Happy New Year."

Still, he didn't glance at me. Finally shutting the door, I stoodd off to the side of the driveway and hesitantly wave as Vincent pulls off. In the distance, fireworks explode to mark midnight. My knees grow weak and I let myself fall onto the grass, laying there and staring up at the bright flashes of color in the sky while clutching the necklace in my hand. The tears I've been suppressing for so long wells up and overflows, streaking down my face like the strips of light coming from fireworks.

I wish I could've shared this view with Vincent. I wish I could've had my first New Years kiss. I wish I could've confessed to him. My New Years Resolution: forget my feelings for Vincent Miller.

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