《My Best Friends Baby》Chapter 16


I still feel like something is up with Autumn. I mean even though she's told me she's okay, I know she isn't and I know something is up that's she's hiding and I just really want her to be honest with me.

"Yo dude, have you figured out what's wrong with Autumn yet?" Jackson suddenly questions while all the boys and I are playing PlayStation. Autumn has gone out with her friends for the day doing god knows what, probably shopping.

"Nah not yet man, but I've been keeping track of the symptoms she's having so I should find out soon." I explain to each of the boys. Jackson and I have known each other the longest. Our parents went to high school together and we're all best friends. After they went to college our mums got pregnant around the same time (Jackson is only 1 week older than me) and about 2 years later my parents got married and then a year later his got married. We've been best friends since birthday pretty much and we have a bond that still confuses our parents to this day. The rest of the boys we met along the way as we got older.

"We'll make sure once you find out you tell us!" Aj spoke up while shooting a guy in the head on COD.

"Definitely bro." I reply while placing down my control and standing up to go get food from the kitchen. "Anyone want any food since I'm getting some." I call while walking towards the kitchen. I hear a chorus of 'yeah's' and 'yes''


"A! I'm back!" I hear the voice of my beautiful girlfriend. All the boys left about 30 minutes ago as they all had to get home to get ready for school tomorrow. Even though every single one of us hates school, we hardly do work either. The only one that actually does the work is me because Autumn forces me too and always has, if I don't do it she yells at me and I hate her yelling at me.

"Lounge, bubby!" I call back while resting my feet on the coffee table in front of me, watching a weird show on tv that I can't remember the name of.


"Hey, so how was your day A?" I hear Atty come over and wrap her arms around my neck from behind me and leaning down giving me a kiss on the cheek. I chuckle at her cuteness while grabbing her arm and pulling her around the couch and sitting her on my lap.

"It was good babe. How was your shopping trip?" I reply while running my hands along her back.

"It was good, I brought some nice clothes and the girls and I got lunch and had an amazing time." She says with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm glad baby. Why don't you go put all your bags in my room, while I go start dinner?" I asked while tapping the bottom of her back. She nods in agreement and gets up off me so I can get up and heads towards her bags taking them upstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and look at the stuff we have in the pantry to see what I can cook for dinner.

"Babe, I'm gonna have a quick shower! I'll be down in 20!" I hear Atty call from upstairs and reply with a quick okay.

Finally after 5 minutes I decide to make my mum famous speghetti that is to die for that she's taught me how to cook. I start getting out all the ingredients for the speghetti when Atty's mobile goes off from her bag in the lounge.

I quickly put the ingredients down and run to the lounge to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I speak once accepting the call and walk back into the kitchen.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to Miss Autumn Smithton?" I hear a female voice come from the other side of the line.

"She's busy right now, but I'm her boyfriend Ace. Would you like me to pass on a message?" I ask while getting the speghetti and putting it into the big pot that's filled with water and turn the heat on.

"Oh that would be great. Hi Ace, I'm calling as a reminder to let Autumn know about the ultrasound that's tomorrow at 5pm." She explains, I don't process what she says until a few seconds later.



"Ultrasound?" I question while stopping everything I was doing.

"Yes ultrasound for the baby." She replies.




"O-okay. Thank you. I'll make sure to tell her." I explain and after bidding goodbye I hang up. Autumns pregnant! She's pregnant! Oh my god! I'm, I'm at loss for words! My girlfriend is pregnant. Guess where going to be having a big talk at dinner tonight.

"Ac-" I hear my name cut off followed by a loud scream coming from Autumn, then followed by a loud thump. I quickly turn off the gas and run to Autumn to see her unconscious at the bottom of the stairs on her stomach. I run to her side and turn her over, to see her arm protectively around her stomach and blood pouring from the side of her face. I quickly pull out my phone dialling 000

"Which service are you needing? Police? Ambulance? Fire Brigade?" The computer female speaks.

"Ambulance!" I shout into the phone. I slowly stand up taking Atty to the couch and laying her down while running to the kitchen and grabbing a face washer, wetting it and taking it back to wipe the blood away.

"Hi, this is Bruce Campbell. What's your emergency?" I hear a male voice speak into the phone.

"Hi, um I need an ambulance straight away! My girlfriend has fallen down the stairs, is unconscious and is also pregnant." I panic into the phone.

"Sir, I have sent the ambulance, they are on their way now, but I need you to stay calm for me okay son?" I hear Bruce speak kindly to me. I nod at his words but remember he can't see me.

"O-o-okay." I reply really shaken up almost crying at the fact that my baby girl is hurt.

I start to hear the sounds of the ambulance getting closer and louder knowing they're almost here. Bruce says good bye and that he hopes my girlfriend and baby are okay and wishes me luck.

Knock knock knock.

I jump up running to the door and immediately let them through the front door and lead them to the lounge where Atty is. They pick her up and place her on the stretcher and 2 men carry her out while one comes over to me.

"Sir, are you family?" He asked me while we both walk towards the front door.

"I'm her boyfriend." I explain while looking at him pleading him to let me go with my eyes.

"Okay son, go on in. I'm sure she will want you with her." He pats me on the back and I quickly run towards the car and jump in the back with Atty, sitting on the seat and holding her hand immediately. I lean down and place a kiss on her forehead while tears are slowly looting down my face. I couldn't hold myself any longer. I'm scared, I really am.

"It's gonna be okay baby, your gonna be okay, our baby is gonna be okay." I whisper while still leaning down to her forehead placing small kissing every few seconds. I pull out my phone and go through my contacts and stop once I get to Andrew's number. I place the phone to my ear waiting for Atty's dad to pick up.

"Ace! How are you my son?" I hear her dads cheering voice on the other end and know I'm gonna ruin it.

"Hey Andrew and I'm not doing so good. Something's happened." I explain while sniffling because I'm crying still. I just want her and our baby to be okay.

"Son, what's happened?" His cheering mood gone in seconds and now his voice is filled of worry and concern.

"I think you need to come to the hospital, straight away. Something's happened to Atty." I explain while looking down at her and moving her hair from her face with my fingers.

"No, oh my god, my baby girl! Son you stay strong. We'll be there soon. Just stay with her. We'll call everyone else. It's gonna be okay." He tells me calmly but also his voice if full of worry and sadness.

"Okay, please get here soon." I reply and he quickly replies with and I will and then we get off the phone.

I lean back down to her and move her hair from her face and place a long kiss on her forehead.

"It's gonna be okay baby."



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