《My Best Friends Baby》Chapter 13


Ace's POV:

I've noticed that Autumn is starting to get really weird over these past few weeks. For instance, she's always craving these weird foods, like the other day she wanted ice cream and pickles! Which was really weird because 1) she hates pickles, she can't stand them one bit! And 2) who would eat ice cream and pickles?! Like ew! Even just the thought of that just makes me sick and wanna go running to the bathroom and throw up!

I've been thinking if I should talk to her about it or something but I don't want to force her into telling me something she might not be ready to talk about.

"Awey!!!" I heard a little high pitched cute scream that obviously came from my gorgeous baby sister.

"Yes pumpkin?" I called back to her from where I was in my room on my bed with my laptop sitting on my lap.

I heard her little footsteps coming towards my closed door, the handle kept moving and making sounds but never opened. I waited on the bed knowing she would get it very soon. After about two minutes the door opened slowly and her little head popped in with a huge smile on her cute little face.

"Hey Awey! Mummy wants wo know if you will ake me wo my friend Nette's house?" She asked me while standing next to my bed and pleading me with her gorgeous eyes. Gosh I love her eyes and her! Everything about her!

"Sure princess. Are you dressed reading to go?" I asked while shutting off my laptop and standing up, not needing to get dressed as I was already dressed for the day.

"Yep, Autummy help me! Do you wike it?" She asked shyly while her cheeks turned a cute shade of pink. She's so cute! And I seriously have to stop saying that! But seriously she's my little sister and ugh she's so cute!


I glanced down at her outfit to find her wear a dark blue flower headband and her hair down with her natural curls flowing past her shoulders, a dark blue and white poker dot t-shirt with a dark blue bow in the top left right corner, a dark blue tutu with black leggings and dark blue buckle up shoes.

"Baby, you look as pretty as a princess!" I replied while squatting down and holding my arms out for her to come give me a hug.

"I love you Awey!" She screamed with a huge smile on her face and running towards me and latching her arms around my neck tightly. I stood up with her in my arms and started walking out my door.

"Can Autummy come woo Awey?" Scarbee asked while resting her head in the crook of my neck.

"Course babe, is she downstairs?" I asked while walking down the stairs and heading for the kitchen to speak to mum.

"Yeah, she's akling wo mummy." She spoke quietly while playing with the top of my shirt.

"Okay baby girl." I replied while walking into the kitchen to see mum and Autey talking at the kitchen bench.

"Atty, why did you dress my baby sister up so much? She's only two!" I asked while jokingly glaring at my gorgeous soon to be girlfriend.

"But look how cute she is A! And plus she wanted to wear blue today so we looked through her closet and found that and put it al together and it looks pretty cute!" She tried to protest while having a cute innocent look on her beautiful face.

"Atty, I'm not angry. I was just joking." I replied cheekily grinning at her with a smile from ear to ear on my face.

"Oh you cheeky little..!" She exclaimed while smiling cutely at me.


I chucked at her and turned to mum who was smiling at both of us with a weird look in her eyes. I'll have to talked to her about it later.

"Autummy, can you come with me and Awey wo drop me off at Nette's house?" Scarbee asked cutely while looking at Atty.

"Course, baby girl. I can come." Atty replied while standing up and walking towards Scarbee and I.

"Mum we'll be back in an hour or two maybe 3." I explained while walking over to her so Scar can give her a hug goodbye. I kissed her forehead before turning on my heels and walking through the kitchen door.

"Okay Ace. See you soon." Mum replied as she went back to working on her laptop. Probably work from the business.


"Scarbee, now you behave for Ernette's mum alright?" I explained while standing in front of Ernette's mother. Atty was standing next to me while have a little conversation with Ernette's mother.

"Yes Awey, I alays beave!" She replied while crossing her arms in front of her chest and looking up at me cheekily. I just chuckled at her sass towards my comment.

"Don't worry Ace. Scarlett, is always very well behaved when she comes here." Mrs. Clare explained while chuckling at Scarbee's posture towards me.

"See! Told you Awey!" Scarlett replied while poking her tongue out at me. Oh you gotta love her.

"Yeah yeah, Scarbee. Alright well I'll come pick you up in about 3 hours, that alright Mrs. Clare?" I put my attention on Mrs. Clare and she automatically nodded her head yes.

"Awesome. Okay bye pumpkin. I'll see you soon. Love you." I bent down and gave her a big kiss on this forehead and a big hug and stood back up straight and waited while Atty did they same.

"Bye baby girl! Have an awesome time gorgeous! I'll see you later okay?" Atty said while squatting down and spreading her arms open for a hug. Scarlett quickly rushed over and wrapped her tiny little arms around Atty's neck.

"Okay Autummy! I love you sissy." Scar said while giving Atty a big kiss on the cheek then letting her go and running inside scream out Ernette's name.

We all chuckled at Scarlett's cute little scream that when through the house and then not even a second later you hear Ernette's scream back, which just made us laugh harder.

"Oh what cuties. Alright Scarlett will be fine, so don't worry. I'll see you in three hours Ace and Autumn!" Mrs. Clare smiled at us and we smiled back at her just as much.

"Bye Mrs. Clare!" Atty replied while waving and turning around heading to the car with me following closely behind.

We both got into my beautiful baby! I love this car so much and a bonus it's my favourite colour!

"So, where do you wanna go baby?" I asked Autumn as soon as we got into the car. I started up my baby and revved the engine a little while grinning at Autumn who just chuckled at me.

"Anywhere you want to go babe. How about we go for a movie and lunch? Sound good?" Atty replied while reaching over and grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers together! I love holding her hand like this, it's so soft and smooth and tiny compared to mine!

"Sure gorgeous." I replied while pulling out of Mrs. Clare's driving way and heading towards the cinemas.



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