《Just Friends》CHAPTER- 10
"So Jade, I hear you are an author."
Jade looked up on hearing Emma's voice.
They all had just settled down in the living room with glasses of red wine.
Jade decided to keep her reply small because she didn't really like the tune in which Emma had asked the question.
Actually she didn't really like Emma. Period. She tried to convince herself hard, that her dislike towards her was not because of her relationship with Alec, but because of her nature.
In the few minutes she had spent with Emma, it had become clear that she had a way of making the other person feel a little inferior.
She looked down her nose at everything. From Jade's dress to the dessert Amanda had brought with her.
"Have you read any of her books Emma?"
Emma turned to look at Julia, who was sitting next to Alec on the love seat.
"Not really. I don't read much fiction. I always feel that the media influences the writers of fiction novels."
Jade who normally loved the British accent, having had a crush on any guy who sported one, found Emma's way of speaking really annoying.
"In what way?" Jade asked.
"Take for example the current rage of Feminism that is there in the media. They hype it up so much that it's almost like no girl is safe anywhere. It's ridiculous."
"Girls are really not safe anywhere. And anyways it's not only about that. It's about equality. For men and women. Same rules and same rights."
Jade realised her reaction was a little aggressive and loud than what was strictly required but she couldn't help it.
"There is equality. I mean, if... When Alec and I, we get married, he will allow me to work. It's not like he's going to tell me to sit at home."
Jade almost winced at the idea of Alec ever marrying this devil with an angel's face sitting opposite her.
Emma had her all riled up while she herself sat casually sipping wine from her glass.
"Allow? Why does he have to 'allow' you to work? Why does he have a say in whether you work or no? It's your life."
"He'll be my husband. Of course he will have a say, in my life." Smirked Emma.
"This is where we go wrong. If men have a say in their wives or daughters life. Whether they should work or no. Study or no. Go out or no. Then women too should have a say in their lives. You should also give him permission to work."
Emma giggled before saying, "Don't be ridiculous."
She actually giggled.
Like they were in third grade discussing some new cartoon, instead of discussing feminism.
"That just proves your not a feminist. Totally not."
Jade felt like going and shaking Alec by his shoulders and asking him why he was wasting his time with this... This... She couldn't even come up with a name for her.
"No I'm not a feminist. Though I do support gender equality."
"That's like saying I don't want water, I want H2O." Said Jade sarcastically.
"Okay.... Let's change the topic."
Julia said sensing the tension in the room and trying to cool it down before Jade and Emma started fighting and abusing each other.
The others had just been staring at the two of them while they had thrown words at each other.
The only thought in Alec's head was, where the hell was all this about marriage coming in?
"I'm sorry. I guess I got a little excited."
Jade said guiltily.
She expected Emma to also apologise or at least say something. After all they had been arguing for the last five minutes without giving anyone else in the room a chance to hold a normal conversation.
But the skank just sat there calmly sipping her wine and eyeing Jade.
"That's okay.... Umm.. Why don't we go and start eating?" Susan said awkwardly getting up.
"That's a good idea. I'll help you set the table."
Alec jumped up happy to have an opportunity to leave the room and get away from the tension.
"I'll come too."
Jade said, she just wanted to go as far away as possible from the eye of Emma.
She got up and followed Alec out of the room towards the kitchen.
As she was passing next to Emma something happened and the glass of red wine in her hand slipped and fell right on Jade's dress.
"Oh God!"
The front part of her pretty dress was dripping and had a huge stain on it.
"I'm so sorry!" Emma got up from the chair and with a panicked look on her face.
"It's okay. It was a mistake." Jade said automatically trying hard to wipe the stain away with the tissue Julia handed her.
Or was it?
"Come with me I'll help you out."
Julia said guiding her towards her room.
"No no.... My mistake I'll help. Anyways she's closer to my size than yours."
That was true. While Julia was rod thin and a lot taller than Jade, Emma had a curvy figure like her and was just a little shorter than her.
Jade followed her to the guest room of the house.
The room now sported 4 huge, designer suitcases. The dressing table was covered with various creams and more make up than any mall.
On the bed there was a book with a very important looking man wearing a suit on the cover.
Emma went to the cupboard and took out a light green dress, which would have looked better for a tea party on the front porch than a small dinner with friends.
She handed the dress to Jade and said, "Here you go. Put it on."
"Listen to one thing. You can act as superior as possible, hug Julia and Susan, show off that you know Alec since the beginning of time. But he's mine. This family is going to be mine. And if you know what's good for you, you'll start behaving accordingly. Understand?"
Jade was surprised by the challenging tone of her voice. She was so taken aback that for some time she couldn't answer.
Once she got her voice back she said, "You are not married to Alec. And they will always be my family, always. It's doesn't matter how many blonde women with sophisticated British accents come into Alec's life he will always be my best friend. Get that in your mind!"
Emma scowled, before she could say something to that there was a knock on the door and Julia poked her head in.
"Hey! I came to check if everything is okay."
"Yup... Everything is fine." Emma lied smoothly, "I was just saying that I'll leave Jade to change and go down."
"You go ahead Emma, Julia why don't you stay here and help me please."
Jade said as sweetly as she could.
Emma flashed one last diabetic smile at Jade and walked out of the room.
"Phew! The sparks that the two of you are giving off!" Julia said dramatically, before plopping down on the pillow.
"I can't believe Alec is dating this brain dead girl."
"If you'll keep arguing like this, Alec is going to have a tough time."
Jade glared at Julia who shrugged and picked up the book lying on the bed.
She removed her pretty dress and started putting on the dress which Emma had given her. The only thing she could say about it was that it was green and it fit her.
"We were not arguing. We just have different opinions."
"That's the understatement of the year, Jade." Julia looked up from the book and almost burst out laughing, "1975 called, they want their dress back."
Jade stood in front of the mirror looking at herself.
The dress was hideous with a stiff collar and pearl buttons running it's length.
It made her look pale and sickly and clashed horrifically with the light make up she had put on before coming.
"Who wears such dresses?"
Jade sighed and picked up her own dress. She didn't have any other option but to wear this dress. It did fit very well.
"Emma obviously does."
Julia face was a picture as she tried hard to control her laughter.
"Go ahead. Laugh. You know you want to."
Julia just needed just that much encouragement to burst out in hysterics.
Jade looked like a governess from years back. The dress was till a little below her knee and it made her legs look horrible.
"Okay sorry. Let's go, anyways it's just us." Julia said once she got her breath back.
Jade sighed, "Easy for you to say."
"Come on!" Julia pulled her out of the room and towards the stairs. As they were headed down she said, "Was I the only one who thought that she dropped the wine on purpose?"
"I don't know Jules. I really don't know."
The walked into the living room together, Jade thoughts stuck on the conversation she and Emma had had in the guest bed room before Julia had come in.
As soon as they entered the living room the flow of conversation stopped as everyone had turned to stare at Jade.
"Uh... You... Jade..." Alec stuttered finding for something to say as a compliment.
"I'm so sorry I didn't think the dress would make you look pale. I guess you are a little darker than me." Emma said standing up.
That bitch, thought Jade.
But she smiled instead, "I guess."
"I'll give you something else to wear."
"No it's okay. It's just family anyways." Jade said declining Emma's offer.
"Let's have dinner?"
Susan offered when no one could come up with anything good to say about the dress Jade was wearing now.
"Yes let's go. I'm starving and I thing I saw Susan's special chicken."
Amanda said too cheerfully ushering everyone to the dining area.
Jade went to take her seat on the Carter dining table. All through the years she had had so many meals in the house that she even had a fixed place on their dining table, right in between Alec and Julia.
But before she could reach her chair, Emma plopped into it and started talking to Amanda who was sitting right opposite to her.
Julia looked at Jade, unsure of how to react. It would have been rude to ask Emma to get up and God knows she had been rude enough earlier.
Jade shrugged and sat next to her mom opposite Alec.
As usual the food was beyond delicious.
Susan Carter was first and foremost a great cook.
The conversation came to a still while everyone concentrated on eating after complimenting Susan.
"Jade I heard Jason and Nicole had twins." Alec said breaking the silence.
"Yes Nadia and Noah. They are my godchildren."
Jade smiled at the thought of the over energetic twins.
"They are even more troublesome than what you and Jade were when you'll were young, and mind you that's quite a feat."
Amanda piped in after taking a sip of her wine.
"I've not met Jason for years."
"You have not come home for years." Jade replied to Alec's statement.
They shared a look which made Julia start talking before a fight broke out, "We should all catch up one day. Go out for drinks or to dance. Alec, Jade, Emma, Jason, Nicole, me and even Steve when he comes."
"That's a good idea!" Alec exclaimed.
Jade just nodded. All of them going out would mean that she would be the only one alone. While the other couples enjoyed themselves. Not a way she wanted to spend her evening.
"I forgot to tell you Alec. I have to go to Chicago tomorrow for two days." Emma spoke after a long time.
Till then she had just been eyeing everyone. She had this way of looking at people, her light green eyes noticing everything. It was a little creepy.
"Chicago? Why?"
She smiled at Alec, "Mr Bridge asked me to go and check up on some things in the Chicago office. I have to go as soon as possible. Preferably tomorrow morning."
"Okay. I'll get you a cab in the morning." Alec said going back to his chicken.
"You could come back with Steve then. He's coming two days later himself."
Julia had asked Steve to leave the hotel in the care of the more than capable manager.
They needed to take some time off and spend it with each other desperately. And they also had some news to give to everyone.
Emma replied.
Dinner was a quiet affair, with very few words being spoken.
They enjoyed the chocolate soufflé Amanda had got for dessert and then it was time to leave.
"We'll plan something soon." Julia said referring to the idea of all of them meeting up.
"Yeah. Sure." She turned to Emma and said, "I'll send the dress to you later."
"No that's okay. You can keep it with you. As a reminder of me." Emma smiled sweetly.
Like she would ever be able to forget her, thought Jade.
"Bye Jade and Amanda!" Susan smiled at them while they got into the car.
Alec just waved with a hesitant smile.
Hesitant was the word for the interaction Jade and Alec had had the whole evening.
They had not spoken much after the first conversation.
"It was a good night over all." Amanda said once they started driving off.
Her cell phone, in her clutch beeped signalling the arrival of a message.
It was a message from Alec. It came as a surprise to Jade that he still had her number.
She relied quickly curious to know, what he wanted to say.
Jade didn't know how to reply. The last thing she wanted to do was to meet with Alec alone.
But she couldn't just say no, could she?
. The reply came immediately.
Coffee with Alec would be interesting if not anything else.
Amanda dropped Jade at her apartment.
After saying bye and goodnight, Jade went up to her apartment, happy to be back.
She got out of the hideous dress and pushed back the strong feeling of burning it before pushing it to the back of her cupboard.
Just when she had changed into a tank top and shorts and was about to go to bed her cell started ringing.
The caller id said that the call was from Nicole.
She sighed and picked it up because as far as she knew her best friend, Nicole would keep calling till she didn't pick up.
"Hi!" Nicole said when Jade picked up the phone.
"Hello! Shouldn't you be in bed?"
Jade tried to remove the exhaustion from her voice.
She was drop dead tired, after spending the morning with the twins, the encounter with Matt, getting ready and of course all the drama with Emma.
"Forget about bed, tell me what happened."
Jade laughed, "You want to know everything?"
"Yes everything."
So Jade recounted all the events of the evening not leaving a single thing out.
By the end Nicole was laughing out loud, "You had quite a event full evening."
"You bet!"
"This Emma sounds interesting."
"I can't wait till you meet her." Jade said.
If she had clashed with Emma, Nicole's encounter with her was bound to be hilarious.
"You must be tired. Go to sleep. And all the best for tomorrow's meeting with Alec."
"Don't remind me about that."
Nicole giggled, "Go to sleep."
She kept the phone and fell face down on her bed. She was asleep before her face hit the pillow.
The next morning when she woke up it felt like she had slept for less than five minutes.
She really wanted to throw the alarm clock and bury her head in the pillow again.
But she knew she had to complete some writing in the day. So she pulled herself from the bed and went straight into the washroom.
Her blue dress which now had a very big stain on it was still lying on the sink where she had left it last night.
Looking at it brought back all the things that had happened last night.
While having a bath and getting ready the only thing she could think about was what she was going to say to Alec when they met in the evening.
Last night, there were other people around her. People she could talk to while avoiding Alec the whole time. But that was not going to be an option today.
She had her two cups of black coffee while replaying the events of yesterday in her head.
By the time she was done it was pretty clear that she won't be able to right anything with all the jumble of thoughts in her head.
So she put on shorts and a sports vest, tied her hair into a pony and went for a run.
Maybe a run would clear her mind.
Who was she kidding? Nothing would help her get rid of the dread of meeting Alec. Except for maybe a bottle of whiskey and a strong hangover.
Happy Reading!! XX
- In Serial46 Chapters
Re:Shard - Due to RL issuse uploading is very slow, but still undergoing and not yet dead
An abusive bastard of a father and a mother who never cared. A life in crime, used as a human shield and an assassin and what not. Our main charter’s life is not the best. But he doesn’t complain, he has seen worse after all the is the one to deliver it to others. So his death doesn't come as a surprise, but what comes after does!Cast into a world of magic and monsters, how will he fare in his new life?Cover: [The Ice Barrier] by Horriso.NOTE: This story is for MATURE readers only meaning 18+ (Or what counts as mature in your country!), It is NOT a story for the faint of heart.It contains violence, gore, evil, sexual content + rape - might put them as spoilers, for thoses who want to semi skip them. Utterly brutal and vile. Murder, Slavery etc.2th Note: This is my first posted fantasy story. English is not my first langue. So there will be grammar poops along the way. Will try my very best not to get to much of it in. Will try to get at least one chapter in each week hopefully more.
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It's been a while hasn't it? Since I disappeared. Sorry this couldn't be under better circumstances, but let's just agree that it's better late than never. I've been finding my way back since then, traveling across worlds of magic, science, even eldritch locations. I've seen things you wouldn't believe, and some I'd prefer you didn't. I'll tell you everything, even what I became in the dark. A long, long time ago, hahah... Never mind. Let's just start. My intention is to explore every. single. world I can think of from scifi to high fantasy, hopefully forming an overarching storyline along the way. I hope to be able to explore most of the settings, most of the tropes, and play with them in multiple different ways. However, this also means that many of the tags will only apply for specific sections of the story... As the first arc is now completed, chapter titles will be slowly edited to include the world involved, and then any relevant tags. Also exists on wordpress here, will update both sides simultaneously. Constructive criticism welcome and much appreciated. 20/3/2018. Previous cover courtesy of Archmage Naoki, also Bobb on the Discord RRL server.26/3/2018. Current cover courtesy of ssddx. Thanks for the cover.
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