《Void [Nightmare X Reader]》5


Under the pale moonlight Nightmare sat in a meadow of flowers. The aura surrounding him making flowers in a 5 meter radius slightly wilt.

The skeleton stared solemnly at the twinkling stars above him.

"Well, at least the sky is still there even though it feels like my life is falling apart." Nightmare chuckled to himself.

He took the nearest flower and started pulling off the petals. "It gets better, it wont, it will" repeating the phrase as it lands on it won't. "Imagine depending on a flower to determine the future..." Nightmare sighed.

He sat crossed legged soon changing his position. Putting his head on his knees he contemplated more. The air around him seemed to get a bit more heavier along with the color surrounding him. Dark blues, purples, and black were more prevalent. The only thing disturbing him from going into his own head was the screech from a nearby animal.

Despite not wanting to he got up. Curiosity was his drive for exploration after all. Walks would definitely help he thought to himself. "They did in the past."

Three trails laid out in front of him in a way symbolic of his own life. "Left, right, and forward."

"As much as you would like to go back this time its not an option. Two paths hold an immeadiate answer though its not one you'd like. The only way is to keep going forward." Nightmare read a small sign on the edge of the path.

"Well that was helpful," a scarcastic remark sliped out of his mouth, "who even decided to make puzzles out of the path you should take to get through."

Crickets were the birds of the night as they chirped loudly. The middle oath led to another clearing. The only thing setting it apart was the lone white flower.


"It's a flower." Nightmare stated the obvious, "It's kind of like y/n's old flowers."

Lulling in the past was something nightmare did often. Thinking over every thing that happened eachday to reflecting on past actions. The problem for him is that the memories were the one he felt a strong emotion.

Its seems like the negative experiences set themselves apart. "Vida doloroso" being a phrase he took to heart.

Thoughts can be a blessing and a curse. Cold boney fingertips laced his chin. It really seems like his demons aren't truly dead. He felt a chill go up his spine.

Black, purple, blue. That chilling cyan turquoise eye that glowed through darkness. White teeth forming a smirk.

"I'm apart of you and there is nothing that will change that." Words that were all too familiar. The same words engrained in his head.

"Even if you 'defeated' me physically i'll always come back in your lowest points. Thats what we've been doing together, partner." Smooth yet frightening, and in a strange way it was calming.

Nightmare tensed up.

"It's only a matter of time till you come to your senses." It disappeared like it never happened. The only trace being black smoke that smelled terrible.

He wanted to cry. It was so frustrating how easily he could get hurt. He sat by the white lotus like flower. "Why am I like this? It's like the whole village thing all over again." His head on his knees he starring at the flower.

"Nightmare! Nightmare! Where are you!" A honey like voice called out.

He didn't respond. Light steps neared. Yellow boots appearing next to the white flower.

"Nightmare? What are you doing here? Ive been looking for you all over." Dream asked.

"I know. Im sorry i went off." Nightmare gave a light smile to take away some of the tension.


"You had me worried. I didn't want you to get hurt." Dream stressed his concerns with his sibling. Nightmare was silent not wanting to respond.

The yellow caped skeleton understood what happened. "Nighty, is something wrong?"

"No, im fine." He responded" no need to worry about me. Come one lets go home." He gave a forced smiled. Old habits truly don't go away. Dream not wanting to push his brother to speak went along with it.

"Swap made omlets." Dream tries to converse, " Well he tried to. He kind of burnt them."

"Are they still good?" Nightmare asked.

"I'm not really sure."

Dream opened a portal for the both of them to pass through.

The aroma of burnt food filling nightmare's non existent lungs.

"Oh! Nightmare's here! Have some food!" Blue yelled excitedly giving a plate to Nightmare.

"I just came back..." He mumbled.

The omlete as Dreamed described it was burnt.

'Who even cooked this.' He thought to himself before remembering it was blue who did it.

Not wanting tonbe rude he ate the burnt food. He gagged taking mental notes to help the skeleton prepare food next time.

"Did you like it?" Blue asked him.

Nightmare nodded slowly. Soon afterward getting up and washing his plate.

"Y'know I think i could get used to having Nightmare around." Ink randomly spoke.

Silence was shared between them before he spoke up. "Where's Y/n?"

"She's probably in her room having a mental breakdown or something." Ink inputed, " i think i heard her scream earlier."

"I should probably check on her." Dream got up from the dinner table.

Nightmare did the same but going into the guest bedroom. It had all he needed. It nice comfortable bed to sleep on.

He decided it was probably a good time to take a rest. Today had been eventful for him.


The morning after was better. No existential dread poking his thoughts yet.

The only strange thing is that he was alone. Searching for an explanation for where the others could have gone who looked in the kitchen. A note layed of the counter.

"Went to stop some bad guys from destroying the mulitverse- signed blue"

He read outloud. He didn't think much of it.

He was sure they'd come back later. Which was mostly true. Dream came back earlier than the others.


New year new chapter!

Hope ya'll liked it



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