《Void [Nightmare X Reader]》14


A soft white glow. That was all she could see.

She was floating. A splashing sound was heard in the distance. Y/n turns around to see where the noise originated. she almost cried seeing what she saw.

"Nihil." Y/n whispered walking closer to the old man.

"Y/n. It has been quite a while hasn't it." Nihil said giving y/n a small smile.

"It's been five centuries."Y/n sassed crossing her arms at the statement.

"And you haven't changed a bit." He replied still smiling.

"Why are you here? why now of all times?" Y/n asked wondering why she was in this place.

"You see y/n. There's is something powerful lurking in this place. It could be dangerous. you must leave." Nihil warned as his black eyes started to glow white.

"Wait why?" y/n questioned at the sudden warning. She backed up a bit at the sudden magic.

"The answer lies in the person you once called a friend." Nihil said making direct eye contact with her "he has issues he needs to fix. It is not safe for you here."

"Nils." Y/n spoke before Nihil started to dissipate.

"You need to leave." those same words echoed in her mind as the pale whiteness turned into a menacing black.

Y/n felt like she was drowning. she tried to reach out for the last bit of whiteness before it faded to black. She had failed.

"Y/n... where were you?" a frail voice called out.

"where were you?" it continued.

"Why did you just watch?" a figure appeared from the shadows. Y/n's eyes watered seeing her old friend.

"did I not matter to you?" he asked. His lavender eyes piercing through her soul. "Where you when I needed you the most?" black goo had started to come out of his eyesy/n had a look of horror as she saw what was going on.


"no. no, not again," she screamed out loud.

The image of Nightmare calling out to her helplessly was burned into her mind.

"where were you." he continued as the negativity manifested.

"i-" Y/n tried to explain becoming hysterical.

"where were you?" he said consumed in darkness as 4 lone tentacles arose from all the negativity.

"I'm sorry. I-" Y/n continued.

Y/n got on her knees. Her hands covered her face as she sobbed loudly. "It was in danger. I couldn't. I had to. I needed to. I could have."

The goo disappeared as Nightmare looked at her with a blank expression before it morphed into one of malicious intent. "You better get up," he said grabbing her chin before killing her.

Y/n woke up gasping for air. She clasped her mouth and looked out the window of her room. she felt something wet on her face. "tears. jeez, that was a bad one."

'it's not safe for you here.' y/n heard in her head one again.

"I know I'm in a castle with a bunch of skeletons but don't you think that's a stretch Nils." Y/n sighed getting up to go get a glass of water.

Right before she stepped out she realized she should probably change. She looked for any possible option in the very convenient dresser. Once she did she stepped out. The house smelled of blueberry.

"Interesting choice Nighty. Woulda thought you would've been more of a lavender person." she thought out loud while passing the dungeon staircase. she stood for a moment. "maybe I'll go there later."

y/n made her way to the kitchen and saw all the Bad Sanses happily eating blueberry pancakes. She shuffled her way through and grabbed a glass cup and getting water.


"Hey." a rough voice out of the bunch spoke up. It was Horror, "Don't you want any pancakes."Not wanting to be rude y/n nodded her head as horror smiled and passed over a plate.

" I only make these so often. You should enjoy it while it lasts." Horror spoke looking proud of himself.

"Yeah... sure." Y/n said before eating a piece. The second she swallowed it she immediately ate the rest of it in a flash. "Horror. this is a masterpiece. you should cook more often."

A chuckle escaped from the broken skulled skeleton. " I already do but it's the thought that counts. " he whispered in her ear, "you can't really trust those insolent guards to cook. they'll probably burn the castle."

"But isn't this stone-" y/n said before being cut off by Horror "They'd find a way to."

"Hey, Horror!!!" Dust called. "Boss said it's our turn to cause destruction."

"I'm going! " he returned the call. "Well that my cue to leave. Good luck finding something to do."

y/n watched horror head out the door with dust. "Interesting."

"So do you talk to yourself like that often or." Error spoke out of the blue earning himself a slap on the face from Y/n.

"do you not know how to approach people?" Y/n said heatedly.

"No need to be rude. I'm just saying what I'm seeing here." Error responded.

"yeah right. Now tell me why are you here." y/n responded unconvinced.

"fine. That octopus." He bluntly said.

"I'm sorry what." y/n said

"Y'know Nightmare. Or as you call him Nighty. " Error teased. "yeah. he wants to talk to you."

"you could've said that he wanted to talk to me and not do whatever you just did." Y/n spoke annoyed.

"Yeah. I could've." Error paused before continuing, "but what would be the fun in that?"

y/n just sighed leaving the room as a nosy Error followed behind. "you do know I didn't tell you where he is right."

"you don't need to." Y/n told error.

he raised a brow, "what do mean I don't need to?"

"he's behind that door isn't he." Y/n replied.

"um. " error looked at the door Y/n pointed to, "Yes. Jeez, you are weird."

"says the one who has dolls of every sans in existence." y/n retorted.

"touche." Error responded, "Well tell me what happens in there. I'm gonna watch Undernovela."

The slaps of error's flip flops on the floor were all the guardian heard before she opened the door.

A creak from the door was heard as it opened. She slipped through and saw the grand hall before muttering to herself "that's a noisy door."

"y/n." Nightmare voiced from across the room. "we need to talk."

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