《Void [Nightmare X Reader]》8


Nightmare watched in satisfactoon as his team caused utter chaos around this AU. The amount of negative feelings he was feeding off of was immense. He felt as strong as ever.

He smirked maliciously as killer terrorized his bait before ended thier lives.

Everything was perfect.


There was more strings in the building along with the strong stench of blood. Y/n almost wanted to throw up at the smell.


She walked quietly and observed the building. Now that the electricity was down hardly any light seeped into the room.

She heard the sound a slashing in one of the room and ran toward it. She had come. Face to face with killer.

"Well look who it is. My favorite toy." He grinned as black goo seeped from his eyes.

Y/n felt uncomfortable at the sight but pushed it aside speaking," killer. Where's Nightmare?"

Killer cocked his head mockingly, " Why do you want to know where the boss is at? You do know he could easily kill you right?"

Y/n just stared at him.

"Not gonna say. Oh well. Its much beter this way anyway." The room turned black as a fight ensued.

Y/n had a plan of lowering his Hp so he could getbout of her way. She chose to fight.

Her personal weapon the (insert weapon here) was the most useful thing in this situation.

She attacked with almost full force getting a few hits on Killer a few times. He was good at dodging so the fact that you managed to hit him more than once was a bit of a shock to her. Seeing as his hp was low she took advantage and ties him up using the strings lying around.

"Wow. You actually-"

The roof fell apart as Ink had emerged from the dust. He as usual was fighting the destroyer of universes, Error.


"Give up already Error." Ink shouted.

"Not a chance Squid." Error countered.

Ink smirked wildly "Walking windows vista." He started laugh as more attacks were thrown at him.

The fights vetween the two had always been so childish and destructive. Y/n turned to where killer was at.

"What were you gonna say?" She questioned.

"Never mind." Killer whispered still tied up in string.

Y/n continued her search still hearing the sounds of magic attacks being summoned.

The taps of her shoes were a sound that was prominent. She looked in every room, every corner and still there was nothing.

She kept searching and felt a strong energy from behind one door.

"Bingo." Y/n whispered opening the door. The creaking sound it made when it opened didn't help her case.

Nightmare heard the door creak. His head turned to that direction of it. His face turned into a scowl.

Nightmare knew the person trying to locate was one of two people, Dream or Y/n. He hoped that it was Dream and not the other. He stood a spoke menacingly, " I can hear you. I'm not deaf. Come and face me you coward."

Y/n froze at the sound of Nightmare's vouce. It was still as terrifing as it was when she had first came into its corrupted presense.

She called out for Dream hoping he will come. She walked into the room showing herself.

Nightmare froze.


Dream was in the middle of assisting blue with the rest of the bad sanses when he heard Y/n call for help.

"Uh. Blue." Dream spoke whilst dodging a bone.

"Yeah." Blue responded blocking an attack sent by Dust.

"Do you think you can handle them Blue?" Dream asked.

"Dream. Out of the years we have worked together I still feel like you gotta put more faith in me." The blue caped skeleton said. "Of course i can handle them on my own. I'm guessing Y/n found Nightmare right?"


"Yep. Gotta go" Dream said as he teleported to Y/n.

"Now you two." Blue faced Dust and Horror, " You might think that i can't do any damage cause I'm alone. Well let me tell you something."

There was a pause of silence.

"I can."

Blue attacks, Blasters and bones were sent to Horror and Dust.

Blue watched as they tired themselves sending one final blue attack.

"Aw. You guys aren't any fun." Blue giggled. Watching them as they stared back in disbelief.


Dream had appeared out of thin air. He saw Y/n and Nightmare facing eachother. He was puzzled to why his brother hadn't yet attacked her.

Y/n stared into Nightmare's eye not breaking contact. Though appearing to be stable she had many thoughts running through her head. Why hasn't he attacked her or why wasn't she attacking him were the two main ones.

Nightmare just stood there not knowing what to do until he felt the presence of someone else.

"Oh Dream. I see you've come to play the hero again right?" Nightmare spoke.

"Nightmare. You and your goons have caused destruction and pain in another AU." Dream stated the obvious.

"Isn't it great Dream. The cries the negative feelings." Nightmare continued. "Its a shame you can't enjoy it."

Immediately his tentacles sought to attack Dream. Getting out of her state of fear y/n summon her, (insert weapon) and lunged forward.

A hiss was heard from nightmare. Y/n opned he eyes and saw she had sliced them. She felt horrified in a way but continued.

Dream looked at her and summoned his arrows. They both attacked the goop covered skeleton.

Nightmare did his best at dogding but still got hit by a few arrows.

"damnit." He hissed. His attacks had gotten more messy.

Y/n was a bit unlucky and got hit by the attack. A sort of posion was felt. She crashed to the ground. Dream noticed this but couldn't help as he was still fighting nightmare.

"Hold on Y/n." Dream yelled.

Y/n ws in a haze as she relived the memories she sought to forget. She felt horrible. "Help me."

Ink and error were still fighting. Ink was getting tired. He swung his giant brush at error covering him with paint.

"Are you fucking serious?" A paint covered error said.

"Yep." Ink snapped his fingersas the paint turned to chains.

He heard a cry for help.

"Sorry to cut our little fight short. Someone needs my presense unlike you." Ink said jumping through a puddle.

A grumbbling Error was left.

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