《Void [Nightmare X Reader]》4


It has been like this for months. Nightmare would visit Y/n whenever he could. They had learned more about eachother during this time and became very close friends.

"Y/n. Where do you get these books?" Nightmare asked while inspecting an old red book.

" I've collected them over time. They're interesting aren't they Nighty." Y/n said.

There was a comfortable silence between the two. Nightmare kept on sifting through the books looking for one he'd like to read. Though they were all interesting he found one called "Nil and Totum". It was writen in a strange language. It felt familiar in a way so he asked Y/n about it.

"Nil and Totum. I guess you were bound to find it. I wrote that one just in case..." She trailed off.

"In case of what?" Nightmare asked.

"It's not too important but do want me to read it to you? It's the story i told you when we met but in more detail." Y/n continued.

Nightmare frowned at his question not being answered but said sure because he was still curious.

The story was tragic and answered questions that he had about y/n but one being about the other guardian. He didn't ask fearing that it would make her uncomfortable.

"Hey Nighty. Want to help me plant flowers. I think its time to add something new." Y/n said opening the glass door to her garden waiting for a response.

"Sure. What type are they?" Nightmare answered fixing his crown.

"I think you'll like these. They're purple. But if you want me togo into further detail...." She paused and took a deep breath. " I believe they are clematis, morning glory, lilac, cosmos and lavender."

Nightmare just stood there stunned. "That's a mouthful. But impressive."


"Thanks Nighty." Y/n chuckled.

She grabbed his hand and dragged him to where the new flowers would be planted. The guardian of negativity was a blushing mess. It was good Y/n was in front of him Nightmare thought. He regained his composure shortly after.

Y/n turned around and handed him a lilac and some gardening supplies.

They had a fun time planting flowers. By the time they were done Nightmare looked at the sky to see it was close to sunset.

"Y/n I gotta go." Nightmare said.

"Bye Nighty." Y/n said.

Nightmare walked out of the cottage and entered the forest. It was a quiet walk back to the tree. Dream wasn't there again. This has been happening more frequently but he always came at some point.

The sun already set by the time Dream had returned. Nightmare was half asleep on the branch when he noticed.

"Dream where were you?" He said.

"In town." The other gaurdian reaponded.

"Why did you come late? Did you forget about me?" Nightmare asked.

"No. Brother i could never. I'm sorry I was late they wouldn't let me leave." Dream explained. "I have an idea. Tommorow we'll spend the day together. We'll go to the village and visit your friend. Does that sound good."

"Okay." Nightmare yawned.

Morning came. Nightnare and Dream woke up and went to the village. Nightmare didn't trust them but he hoped that with Dream they wouldn't hurt him.


Y/n needed to go into the village. She was running short on supplies. She grabbed her cape and headed toward the village. She saw the tree Nightmare talked of so much.

She looked at it in awe and continued on her way.


Nightmare just watched Dream froma distance. People needed him for some reason so he just waited.


He saw the door open and saw Dream sprint out. He couldn't say anything because he was too quick.

It wasn't long until a crowd started to surround Nightmare.

They all had something to hurt him and it frightened him.


Y/n just left the shop. She went into and saw a crowd. She didn't think much of it and went on her way.


Nightmare was trembling. He was so afraid. His aura heightened and of course it made things worse.

Everyone had hate in thier eyes.

He was overwhelmed.

'I need to run' he thought.


Dream had just finished picking one of his apples. He was going to help someone who had lost hope.


There was so much things bieng thrown at him. He couldn't atop running. He wouldn't let himself. He made it to the tree.


Y/n saw the crowd moving together. This didn't feel right to her.

"Something is going on" y/n thought out loud. She trailed behind the crowd wanting answers.


Dream had made it back. Everything was empty.

Where did everyone go. He heard a shriek. His eyes widdened as he ran back.


'Why can't people just see I'm not bad'

Nightmare thought. 'I'll show them i can just as good as a Guardian as my brother.'

He walked to where his brother's apples were and touched one. That was his mistake.


Dream breathed heavily trying to get to where his brother was. He was too late and saw that his apples were being corrupted.


Nightmare panicked. But he heard a voice.

"You'll get stronger if you eat them."

Foolishly he followed. All the apples were consumed by him. He couldn't stop.

Everything hurt


Y/n finally got her answer. Nightmare.

"Y/n the bush" Nil called to her.

" but Night-" Y/n said in worry.

"Now" The spirit yelled.

She listened and ran to where there was only one flower left.

"Who... I'll save you... I promise." She held the flower close to her and felt a sensation.

The flower was apart of her.


Dream was in horror. This wasn't his brother. Nightmare was changing. Everyone was terrrified only fueling Nightmare.

"Nightmare" Dream cried seeing black goop begin to cover his brother from the cracks of his broken bones.

"Dream... Don't... Forget.. Who... I ..used to be.." Nightmare croaked before being consumed by darkness.


"Don't be afraid Nightmare. I'll make things easier for you when I'm in control. "

Nightmare had given up. And someone new has risen.

A new Nightmare.

One with thoughts of plaguing everything in darkness.


The sky changed colors. Purples and blacks became more prominent. Everything was dying.

Dream held tightly on to the last golden apple.

Screams were heard everywhere as Nightmare slaughtered those who had wronged him.

He had a sadistic grin on his face.

Dream had to do something.


Nightmare felt a positive aura and grinned, " Dream, I see you finally decided to take a stand."

Nightmare's voice sounded grating as three pitches of his voice spoke at once.

"I cant let you destroy everyone's hopes and dreams brother." Dream spoke holding the apple.

Nightmare noticed this and tried to take it. He failed. Grunting he challenged his brother. "Then fight me."


Y/n went back to the tree and saw destruction. She only saw two figures. Dream and Nightmare.



I'd like to say thanks to all of you who have gave this book a chance. So I made another chapter for you to enjoy. Have a good day.

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