《Void [Nightmare X Reader]》1


Protecting her shrub affects her at times. She may be protecting a representation of what nothing is but that is not what she is herself.

The constant feeling of nothing radiating from the flower haunts her as beautiful as it is.So, Y/N decided to go on a walk. 'Hopefully, nothing gets my flowers.' She thinks while walking down a dirt path.

The forest is beautiful. Birds are singing, everything is peaceful. A tree catches her attention and she sits under its shade. As she was relaxing watching the leaves move in a dance as noise disturbs her soon after.

Startled Y/N gets up and looks around the area. After searching around the area for a while the guardian finds a skeleton. A wave of negativity rushes through her. Her magic nullifies the effect a few seconds afterward.

'What can be causing such negative energy to such a being' she thought, 'Maybe I should...'Y/N not wanting the poor skeleton to feel this way cast an aura. This seemed to work and bring the attention of the skeleton before her.

His royal violet pinpricks looking at her amazed at what she had done. Though it ended up being for quite a while.

"Um... Hello." Y/N waved her hands wanting to grab the attention of the skeleton.

"Oh... Sorry." The skeleton said regaining his composure.

The skeleton stepped out of the darkness giving a Y/n a clearer version of him. He wore a golden crown with a crescent moon, a white and black long sleeve shirt with black pants and shoes. He also had a belt that had letters on it though it was hard to see what it read.

"It's fine." She thought in silence for a second, " but I'd like to ask... why does someone like you have such powerful negative energy?" It wasn't too long before realizing it was a bit rude of her to say that.


She covered her mouth in embarrassment.

"I am terribly sorry. I can run my mouth out sometimes." Y/n explained, " It wasn't my intention to sound rude."

" Oh, that's fine. But there is a reason why you felt that..." The skeleton looked at the sky for a moment before making eye contact once again.

Y/n had the impulse to listen to the skeleton for whatever he had to say. It was an odd feeling since she had been isolated for most of her life, "Y'know you can talk to me about it... Even though we just met."

"You will? That's so nice of you... I don't even know your name though." The skeleton responded. He looked at her awkwardly.

"Me. Oh ... My name is Y/n L/n." Y/n said reaching out for a handshake.

"And I'm Nightmare." The skeleton replied accepting the gesture, "So you probably want to know why I have powerful negative energy. Right?"

"Right." Y/n nodded.

"I protect the tree on the other side of the forest." Nightmare paused and continued, "The tree has two types of apples. One type a golden apple that holds positive feelings while the other, an apple that if you look close enough looks like galaxies, holds negative feelings."

"Which one do you protect?" Y/n inquired.

"I protect the apples that hold negativity while my brother does protect the other." Nightmare answered.

Y/n took in the information she had just learned. She then realized something, "Wait, you have a brother. What's his name? What's he like?"

Nightmare smiled, "My brother's name is Dream. He wouldn't hurt a soul if it came down to it."

" He sounds nice. But Nightmare, I still have a question." Y/n said.


"What is it?"

"Why are you here in the woods?" Y/N asked.

She did not know the effects of her question but soon did. Nightmare's eye sockets darkened as he stared off into the distance again. A wave of negative energy came from him.

Regretting her words Y/n tried to nullify the effects of the negative energy to apologize.

"Nulls," Y/n whispered as a flash of white light came from her. She hoped she didn't look crazy in front of her new friend, well acquaintance. He doesn't seem to notice though and the effects of her magic seemed to work as Nightmare looked calmer.

"I am so sorry. I didn't know it was a sensitive topic." Y/n apologized. The air around the two was slightly awkward yet relaxing.

"It's fine. You were curious. Though now I am too." Nightmare cleared up. "Let's make a deal. If I tell you why I'm here you tell me how you did that."

Y/n cursed under her breath as her little trick was noticeable. "Fine, but you go first, "Y/n said agreeing to the terms laid out before her.

"I just want to let you know it's not for a happy reason." Nightmare explained trying to get comfortable.

"Well, I'm all ears," Y/n said trying to lighten up the mood following along.

He took a deep breath and told her about the village near the tree. How everyone would flock to his brother's side and not his. How they would ridicule him and hurt him. Y/n, feeling bad gave Nightmare a hug. He flushed and accepted it. It was the calmest he has ever felt.

"Nightmare. I'm sorry to hear that." Y/n gave him a smile to try to make him feel better. "It's my turn to tell my story right. It goes something along these lines."

"Once there was nothing and something. These two beings would protect a bush full of flowers. But they got attacked and killed. Nothing made a being to protect their bush while something did the same. But they put the beings in separate places. I protect the bush of nothingness so I, in a way, I am like you except I am human in a way." Y/n told Nightmare.

"So that's why you can do magic. That answers my question." Nightmare said.

He looked at the sky then gasped as he saw it was near sunset. He gets up and wipes the dust on him off. " Hey Y/n sorry to cut this short but I need to get to my tree. Bye."

"Bye Bye! Take care." Y/n replied walking back to her cottage. Nightmare was interesting and she hoped she could see him again.

Once she arrived home she checked on her flowers. They seem to be in good condition though they were a bit dull.Y/n didn't worry about this since it was normal it would go back to how it used to be sometime tomorrow she was sure of it.

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