

Prem stopped the car infront of the palace gates making Siva ask "Are you guys not coming?" to which the three guys looked at her as if she has grown a second head as Prem said "Come on Siva this is ladies festival what do you expect us to do there?"

Siva nodded in understanding "You are right bye" saying she got out taking her bag and walked inside as the car drove of the street. She saw many ladies there and got nervous but still walked into the hall and sighed when she spotted Gayatri in a half saree who smiled seeing her.

"Siva thankyou so much for coming. Pooja is about to begin you came on time" saying she made Siva sit on the carpet followed by her and Hima came out holding a plate with diyas in saree making the girls smile "She looks beautiful" Siva said making Gayatri nod.

After putting the diyas plate infront of the godess Laxmi statue Hima joined the girls and greeted Siva who smiled at her as the pooja started. Rani Meenakshi Devi started doing pooja as poojari gaaru chanted mantras as everyone showered the idol with the flowers and kumkuma and pasupu.

Gayatri and Hima put kumkuma and gandham to other ladies and married women applied kumkuma and pasupu to their mangalsutram as pooja came to an end Rani Meenakshi Devi broke a coconut and gave haarati and showed it to others making everyone take the blessings.

After the pooja was done Rani Meenakshi Devi handed the taambulam which is a plate with saree,kumkuma,pasupu, glass bangles and a little gold as it's sravana maasam(auspicious for ladies and they do pooja for their husbands).

Post lunch all the ladies had a chat about their families, sarees and jewelleries and in the evening Hima and Siva distributed prasadam and when Gayatri handed the taambulam along with her mother one of her aunt's said "Meenakshi vadina who's this new girl? I've never seen her in town before" making Hima and Siva look at the aunt.


"She's Gayatri and Hima's friend. She works under the new MD Dr.Deva" Rani Meenakshi Devi said making the other ladies nod and this aunt turned nosy asking "Where do you live child?"

"I live in the villa with other employees" Siva answered not being specific about the details making other aunt ask "Don't you know the tradition for this pooja? Why are you dressed like that? Didn't you inform your friend before hand Gayatri?"

Siva sighed trying to control her anger at their questioning making Hima say "Pinni pooja is already done why are you bothering about all these things now?" making the aunt roll her eyes and say "Hima did you forget our culture after going abroad?"

Hima was about to protest when Rani Meenakshi Devi ordered "Hima why don't you take Siva upstairs and give her the dress we bought for her to handover with tambulam?" giving a look to Hima who sighed frustrated and held Siva's wrist dragging her upstairs.

"Why do you have the most nosy relatives I've ever seen?" Siva said as she saw Hima shake her head and handover the dress from taambulam plate to her saying "Don't care about them it's their job to be nosy change and come I'll be waiting downstairs for you" and closed the guest bedroom door behind her.

"She's not lifting the call" Noel said making Deva sigh and dialed Hima's number and said "Ask Ms.Siva to come out" and was about to cut the call when he heard Gayatri "Brother come inside please..." and cut the call making him sigh."Drive inside" Deva said making the guys look at each other and Prem drove inside.

"Vadina you already found a husband for our Gayatri. When are you going to find a husband for Hima?" One of the aunt's ask making Hima narrow her eyes at them as Rani Meenakshi Devi said "There should be time for everything vadina and Hima's to be husband should be suitable to her in every way".


Everyone looked at the entrance as Deva came inside making Gayatri smile at him and walked towards him "I knew you would come" saying she held his bicep and walked towards the couch making Rani Meenakshi Devi smile and nod at him.

"You must be the new doctor in town" One of the aunt's said making Deva nod as he took a seat while other one asked directly "Are you married? If not I can find a match for you" making the younger generation look at her increbily.

"Attayya don't you have any other work? There is someone who's already born for him" Gayatri defended her brother making Rani Meenakshi Devi smile as Hima bought the coffee to the guys making Deva look at her with a raised eyebrow as he saw her in a halfsaree looking like a traditional indian girl.

Deva took his coffee as Prem whispered "This scene looks like pellichoopulu" as he smiled and took the coffee along with Noel as Gayatri said "Brother since you already are here have dinner" making everyone look at her love towards the new doctor.

"No" Deva said out loud a bit loudly making everyone raise their eyebrows at his rudeness but Prem decided to cover his boss by chuckling "What he meant is we are here to pick Siva actually it's kind of late so.." and looked around as he continued "Where is she by the way?"

"I'm here" saying she came down the stairs in an half saree making everyone look at her "Pinni may be you should find a match for my friend Siva also you know she is also of age to get married" saying Hima raised her eyebrows at Siva teasingly.

"You are right Hima! Why don't you send your friend's biodata so I'll find an eligible bachelor for her too" Hima's pinni said making Siva pause in her steps and glared at Hima who's trying to control her laugh as she said "Ofcourse Pinni".

"Umm... thankyou for inviting aunty but it's kind of getting late we'll go" saying she walked towards the guys with a sour expression as the guys looked at her making Hima say "Where are you going without taking taambulam girl? Don't be scared" and made Siva sit on the couch.

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