
"ɴᴏ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘ ɪs ᴀʟʟ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴄᴀɴ sʜᴀʀᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴜᴍʙʀᴇʟʟᴀ ᴀɴᴅ sᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴏʀᴍ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ."

|Chris Brown|


"You okay baby?" I asked as i held her hair back allowing her to throw up her guts.

Her body jerked and the contents of her stomach came up through her mouth,"Yeah-" she threw up again.

We just arrived at our hotel here in vegas i'm here for an appearance/performance at Drais nightclub.

We didn't even have time to go back to LA when Ant called me Amor'e and i was just wrapping up our last day in New-York in which we flew to so that both of us could handle some business.

I honestly admired her for the boss that she is, she has her own before she met me and her bag just keeps getting bigger. She got that hustler mentality that i like, there's no one sided shit we both get that paper and spoil eachother.

The last day we were in New York is when she started throwing up and shit. If she pregnant mannnn i'mma be so happy yo.

We talk about having kids all the time.

I told her i wanted twelve but her ass said she giving me two-three and that's it. If her ass think i ain't getting at least like five then she straight trippin'.

Once she was finished emptying her guts, i helped her stand to her feet and assisted her walking over to the sink.

She started brushing her teeth.

If she pregnant than imma be happy, i feel like we ready for this if that's the case.

If she is then it's good timing

"I feel awful babe" she said after brushing her teeth.

We walked back out into the bedroom and she later down on the bed while i sat on the edge placing her feet in my lap,lightly massaging them.

"I can cancel on them and we can just lay in bed for the rest of the day i suggested.

She shook her head no,"No baby, your fans already bought the tickets and everything to come see you tonight. I'm not gonna deprive them of that i'm gonna be fine after i get some ginger ale in my system because i'm not missing your performance at all" smiling i leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"Aight i'mma go get the ginger ale, stay right here and get some rest"i warned her knowing the second that i left she might pick up her laptop and go right to work.


She the female me!

"I promise baby"i kissed her once more and then left out.

My bodyguard led the way for me as well entered this grocery store.

I looked at all the ginger ale's and just decided to get all the brands they had in case she didn't like a certain one. I also went to the female section and grabbed everything kind of pregnancy test they had.

We finding out if she pregnant today and ion care what the fuck she has to say.

I played and then left out.


Amor'e Winters|

"Okay Christopher" rolling my eyes i set all the tests i had peed on on the counter in a row.

Chris came home earlier with a whole lotta pregnancy tests and woke me up out ta my sleep to take them.

We're currently a little mad at each other because we both raised our voices at one another because he was annoying me about taking the test and because i didn't wanna take it.

I honestly didn't think that i was pregnant, i thought that it was just something i ate that was sitting well with my system.

But noooooo Doctor Brown thinks otherwise.

"Why you gotta be so stubborn huh?"his nose flared and an irritated look was evident on his face.

"Because your annoying"i rolled my eyes at him.

I took a seat on the toilet and he stood by the tests. We sat in silence awaiting the results.


Chris's timer on his phone went off and he instantly turned around looking at the tests.

I jumped up and rushed over there to see them as well.

I choose the clear blue one because it was digital and it showed accurate results.

At least that's what those infomercials told me.

Tears filled my eyes as i looked up at chris's which had tears in then too.

We were speechless.

I'm Pregnant!

How?...i-i mean this was so unexpected.

Chris pulled me into a hug and our arms wrapped tightly around each others body.

"Are you happy"i asked pulling away from him.

"Hell yeah i'm so fucking happy about this babe"chris said extaticly.

We shared a couple kisses and then another hug.

"Let's wait to tell everyone ight, i wanna keep this between us for as long as we can" he said as we walked back into the room.

"I think that's a good idea too babe".

Once it really soaked in that i was truly pregnant i started getting ready.

All of our friends were here in vegas tonight for the party later so i couldn't wait to go hang out with them.


Tokyo came over to our room and did my hair.

He had already installed a blonde wig on our last day in miami so he just touched my edges up and curled it.

He then got started on my makeup.

I always feel a little pressured too look my best when i'm with chris because i like to think of myself as a rare acessorie that he can't buy. I compliment him as well as he does me, i always need to look my best when i'm next to him.

When Tokyo was finished with my makeup we picked out a bomb outfit and shoes and purse to match.

My phone buzzed while Tokyo helped me put on my outfit.

That shit was right as fuck!


- what fit you wearing boo?

I sent her a quick pic and then got back to getting ready.

Once i got my outfit and shoes on.

Tokyo carefully slipped my fend I headband on my head making sure not too mess up my edges.

"Baby you ready!"chris yelled from the other room asking.

"Yeah i'm coming".

Grabbing my bag Tokyo and i left out the extra room and walked into the living room area.

"Damn mama"chris gushed as i walked over to him.

His arms wrapped around my waist grabbing a handful of my ass in his hands.

"Babe... we gotta go" i told him in between kisses.

If it were up to him i'd be face down ass up with him beating my shit in.

I wiped the little lipstick he had off his lip with my finger and looked my baby over.

Oh yeah he definitely getting some kissy tonight!


"There they are"des loud ass said as Chris a few of his friends, Tokyo and i entered the section we had joined with them.

"Girllll....you look damn good" jayda complimented me as i made my way over to the girls.

"Thank you bae" we all hugged and then took our seats.

We all engaged in conversation when the baby topic arose.

"Imma nut is kaya this summer"Stunna said

"Well i'm sorry because i sucking that shit out my pussy"everyone busted out laughing at kaya disgusting yet funny reply.

"Bitch your disgusting" niah said chuckling.

"So Jonathan why in the hell did you get dani's ass pregnant" dess's nosey ass asked finally asking what everybody was thinking.

Social media exploded when that video surfaced of dani's belly in the red dress but it got different reactions.

Some said it was a food baby and then others said she was really pregnant.

I knew that she was because sadly i knew the relations between her and baby.

I don't entirely blame danny but she knew that baby was sleeping out on her all the time,lieing and shit and not too mention he had A WHOLE BABY on her.

He rubbed his hand over his face pulling at his goatee.

"Yeah man she pregnant".

"Man i told yo ass too pull out"stunna said.

"Damn bruh her crazy ass pregnant with yo .....Third! Baby"chris chuckled lighting a blunt.

"Hope that baby don't come out like her crazy ass"dess mumbled making me shove her shoulder.

I didn't like dani either but she's pregnant with a baby....that child ain't done nothing too us.

Let's not forget that i'm also pregnant,babies are a huge blessing to the world and especially when your having them out of love.

Now that i think about it, i actually feel sorry for her. I just hope that her and Jonathan can find a way to co-parent that won't affect the child in any way shape or form.

I honestly can't wait to tell everyone i just know my girls are gonna be super happy about the newest edition.

"Y'all were need to go on a vacation or some shit" jayda voiced.

"No shit....to where though"future asked.

"There's the Maldives"chaylyn suggested.

"Ouu yes the Maldives is so beautiful"niah smiled.

"What's that place y'all girls like and shit?" Baby asked.

"Shit....bora bora"stunna rolled his eyes.

I know kaya been bugging him about going there.

"What about Tulum?"dess asked.

"Nah Chris and Amor'e asses already went their last year" jayda rolled her eyes making us all laugh.

"Oh i got it...what about FIJI, none of us have gone there let's all go for spring break" i suggested.

"Yeah that sounds fye"jayda said.

"Hell yeah"dess twerked in her seat.

"Alright so it's settled we going FIJI?"chris asked.

"Yessirrrr"all the girls said at once.

I honestly can't wait for this trip.

Out with all friends for three weeks.

This finna be lit as fuck!.


Amor'e is pregnant!!!🥳

Who saw this coming?👀

What are y'all thoughts on dani being pregnant.

She seems happy so i'm happy for her a baby is a huge blessing😊

Introducing Dess , Jayda and Chaylyn to the story.

Get ready because this story about to get shaken up🙃

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