《Prelude to Forever : Alden & Maine》One Shot #16 - Mr. Brightside


Hi everyone, here's a story with a third party twist - starring the guy we are all afraid of. I was so affected by the Jake story arc on Kalyeserye, such that I got scared everytime Lola Nidora's phone rang. But one of my readers, lololouisaa, requested for a story showcasing Alden's "seloso" factor, preferably with Jake as the third party. It was a challenge I apprehensively accepted, and here's the result.

Please do not hesitate to comment and share your ideas, I look forward to writing stories you request. Hope we can chat too, you can follow me on Twitter @Forever_Rimaine, or email me at Hope you enjoy the story as I did while I was writing it :)

Photo Credit : Airbnb Eddie Lee's Account

I just can't look its killing me

And taking control

Jealousy, turning saints into the sea

Swimming through sick lullabies

Choking on your alibis

But it's just the price I pay

Destiny is calling me

Open up my eager eyes

Cause I'm Mr Brightside.

-Excerpt from the song "Mr. BrightSide" by The Killers

It was their first trip out of the country together. Alden wanted a trip back to Japan with Maine but it was cherry blossom season, all flights were fully booked. Since he didn't want to waste the rare opportunity of spending two full days with her, he grabbed what was available, two days with her in Singapore.

Due to a concert engagement in Canada, he had to settle for flying to Singapore and meeting her here. Much as he wanted to fly to Manila first so they could take the plane ride to Singapore together, they both agreed to meet in Singapore to make the most out of the free time they had until Easter Sunday. Thank God Sunday Pinasaya's Easter show was taped.

It was almost ten in the morning. He was waiting in the visitor's lounge of Changi Airport for Maine, who texted that she was just going through immigration. A few Filipinos were ogling at him, some approached to have a picture with him which he obliged. Finally, he saw her running towards him, all smiles, looking sexy in her striped knit dress and sneakers. In a rare show of affection, Maine hugged him and kissed his cheek despite the onlookers. The click of mobile phones documenting their brief PDA did not bother them as they even obliged a few photos and waved goodbye to the fans.

"Miss mo ko, no?" Alden asked smugly. He liked teasing her because she was such a tease herself.

"Ang yabang natin ha," She said pushing him playfully. He pulled her by the shoulder, hugging her to him and kissing her temple. He pulled her luggage along as he kept her close to his side, then opened the door of a cab for her to get in.

"So what's in store for us today?" She asked with an excited smile.

"Mmmm, ganda ng accommodations natin eh, do you really want to go out?" He winked and raised his eyebrows at her suggestively.

"RJ, umayos ka ha, kakarating ko lang." He continued to stare at her intently, knowing how uncomfortable it made her. Even after being a couple for a few months, his stare always got her undone. He ran a hand down her arm, leering at her playfully. He felt her goosebumps rise and smirked with satisfaction. She slapped his hand away.

"Masyadong maaga sumarabe, ha?" She tried to look stern but failed miserably. He was in a playful mood and she missed him, a dangerous combination. If she was not careful, he would have his way with her, and the funny truth was, she actually wanted to have her way with him too.


The cab entered Tampines district, a residential area in the East Coast of Singapore that was merely ten minutes away from Changi Airport. Alden opted to rent a whole house than stay in a hotel, to maintain their privacy. Alden searched for the right house himself, making sure that the place would be something private, cozy and interesting. The house he chose was a short ride to the beach, a surprise he was waiting to spring on Maine. They finally arrived at their home for the next two days. The housekeeper Susan, an amiable middle-aged lady, welcomed them with freshly-squeezed lemonade.

Maine loved the house, it had so much character as well as antique paintings and interesting sculpture pieces. The room Alden chose for them was in itself, an interior design showcase. A king-sized bed was elevated on a platform, with books filling almost a whole wall to its left. Earth colors complimented the furniture and antique art pieces, and in stark contrast was the modern bathroom.

Looking at the bed, Maine felt her face turn red. It would be the first time they would be spending the night together, away from home at that. They never really discussed the extent of intimacy they would get into before because the opportunity never presented itself. Alden was quick to notice her apprehension. He pulled her to the sofa to sit, took off her sneakers and started massaging her feet, one at a time.

"Babe, I know what you're thinking," He said, looking at her closely. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, ok? We won't do anything we're not ready to do. We're here to relax and spend quality time together."

"Richard, do you think I'm worried about you? I'm worried about me. I'm the undisciplined one, love. And then you massage my feet and look at me like that. Why don't I freshen up and let's get out to busy ourselves, shall we?" Without waiting for his reply, she stands up, hugs his head to her midsection and plants a kiss on his crown before disappearing into the bathroom. It was Alden's turn to blush this time.

They spent the day like normal tourists, at Sentosa to see Madame Tussaud's Museum attractions and riding the cable car together, wading through Vivo City's Water Park, and exploring Little India's market to buy spices they needed for recipes to try and show off to each other. They decided to have dinner at Chijmes, one of Singapore's most popular nightspots. As they were about to enter a restaurant Maine read about on Trip Advisor, a guy who looked vaguely familiar waved at them.

"Oh my God, Jake?" Maine incredulously waved back, sounding a little breathless. It was KS Jhake, who happens to be Jake Ejercito in real life, son of Ex-President Joseph Estrada. He was wearing a white body-hugging shirt, tight jeans and a wide smile as he walked towards them and kissed Maine on the cheek.

RelaxRJrelaxRJrelaxRjrelaxRJ. It was a mantra he was chanting mentally to himself, hoping his flush would not give him away. Damn, of all people to bump into, it would be someone who used to be a ghost that tormented him that weekend he came back from his concerts in Dubai and Qatar. Alden forgot that Jake was currently based here. He looked at Maine and noticed she seemed self-conscious, nervously patting her hair in place, her voice a pitch higher than normal. He reached out his hand to Jake as Maine introduced them, and for the first time, he was able to take a good look at this enigma that had fans divided for at least a day.


He had to admit that Jake must be working out too. As someone who works out regularly, Alden knew what workout arms looked like and Jake's could give his biceps a run for his money. Flat abs that looked good on his body hugging shirt and even his damn dimple offered ample competition. He smiled with a realization though. Mas matangkad ako sayo, dude. RJ-1 point, Jake – 0.

"Babe what's so funny?" Maine was looking at him, almost as though telling him not to act weird. Hah. There you go, bibi called me babe in front of him. RJ-2 points, Jake-0.

"Wha---nothing, I just remembered something," He smiled at Jake, that naughty smile that worried Maine sometimes. He reached for Maine's hand to pull her towards a private table, but she preferred a table nearer the DJ's booth, where Jake was hanging out with the DJ before he approached them. "Here na lang babe. I like the music playing, you know me, I like my music loud."

OK, the night wasn't turning out in his favor but Alden was not one to back out of a challenge. He knew Maine loved him, but like any typical girl in the presence of an attractive guy, Jake was making her flustered and it honestly bothered him. He was the type of guy who could stand being in the company of Ms. Universe Pia Wurtzbach for all he cared, but his mind would still be on his Maine girl and the funny faces she made to crack him up. He admitted to himself that at her age, there was a risk that Maine's perspective could still change, Jake can still upset his apple cart.

Dinner was relatively pleasant, since Jake was also having dinner with his friends. They were having a good time actually, even though dining in bars that masqueraded as restaurants was not his thing. He disliked asking Maine to repeat almost every sentence due to the loud music playing. With his appetite, he preferred protein-laden dinners more than the pica-pica appetizers that they were munching on. But Maine seemed to be enjoying it here, so he would let her have her fun.

A waiter gave them drinks, apparently sent on the house by Jake and his friend. Alden took a sip, expecting to dislike it since he was not much of a drinker. He was surprised to find it sweet and refreshing, liking the fruity taste. He finished the drink and ordered another round for them.

"Uyyy, nasarapan siya sa drink," Maine teased. "Easy lang babe, vodka base niyan."

"Eto naman, ok lang ako," He assured her and took another gulp of his drink.

"Having fun guys?" Jake asked as he took a seat between Maine and Alden in their round table. Alden felt himself perspiring, probably caused by his alcohol intake. The music shifted to house and electronica, the dance floor slowly filling with the night crowd moving to the music. Maine and Jake were discussing music again, some bands Alden never heard of. Grudgingly, even in his tipsy state, he acknowledged Jake-1 point and he, RJ – 2 points.

"Hi Alden!" A group of girls approached him, students from home who were on school break. They requested to take a selfie with him and Jake, some hugging Alden and one brazenly kissing him despite Maine's raised eyebrows at them. He looked apologetically at her, shrugging helplessly. The girls were pulling him from his chair, asking him to dance with them.

"Alden dance with us please! Just for a few minutes, pretty please!"

Jake was looking from Alden to Maine, with an amused grin. Alden, poor guy was at a loss and needed rescuing, so Jake felt he had to butt in.

"Let him dance Maine, I'll keep you company." Screams ensued, as Alden was pulled off his chair and led to the dance floor.

Alden was a decent dancer but tipsy Alden was better. He had less inhibitions, the girls were fawning all over him, and although he refused to admit it, he was having fun. He glanced at Maine, she was smiling at him and for a moment he wished she wasn't cool with his dancing with these girls but realized it was a childish thought.

"Hey Maine, don't worry he'll be ok," Jake assured her.

"What? Yeah I guess so."

"You really like him, don't you? It shows."

"I don't like him, Jake. I'm crazy about him," She said, surprised at her admission. Yes, she liked this crazy guy who wasn't used to hanging out at bars, drinking and meeting up with girls. She liked how he just went on with their dinner here even though he disliked having Jake around, without complaining or sulking. And now he was dancing with girls and seemed to be enjoying it.

"Jake, I'm sorry but I think I have to rescue him from those girls."

Jake laughed good-naturedly. "By all means, go. C'mon I'll take you there."

Alden saw Jake escort Maine to the dance floor. He stopped dancing, as he saw Maine start to move to the music while walking towards the dance floor, Jake doing the same. Maine was looking at him, with her naughty smile as she danced her way to him, hooked an arm around his neck and kissed him in front of all the girls around him. With a slow smile he pulled her close and danced with her, unmindful of the girls who by now noticed Jake and flocked to him instead.


He woke up with a pounding headache, dressed only in his boxers. Maine was fast asleep beside him, her arm across his chest. He smiled and grimaced, damn, smiling was an effort. He didn't remember how they got home, or how he was able to go up the stairs. His last memory was dancing with Maine in his arms.

He got up to take a pee, washed his face and brushed his teeth. By the time he stepped out of the bathroom, Maine was awake but still sleepy. He slid back under the covers and gathered her close.

"Good morning sleepyhead," He said and kissed her. She smelled so good, especially her neck, where he liked to bury his nose and mouth.

"Can we sleep some more? I fell asleep only an hour ago." She was absentmindedly squeezing his bicep again, until he remembered Jake, who also had nice well-formed biceps.

"Babe how did we get home?"

"Jake brought us home, babe. He and his friend, the guy who owns the restaurant." The thought of Jake bringing them home and Maine having only one hour of sleep did not sound good to Alden.

"Maine, why did you sleep late?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"Why? Was something bothering you?"

She didn't reply. Damn, Jake, he thought. Damn him for being such a cool guy, damn him for confusing his girl.

"Maine? What is it? Is it Jake?"

"Yes, him. In a way."

For some strange reason, The Killers' Mr. Brightside began playing inside his head. The thought of Jake kissing Maine, worsened his headache. He got up and grabbed a shirt from the hanger, distancing himself from her by sitting on the couch.

"Babe, we never discussed Jake when I got back from Qatar. Is there something you need to tell me?"

"What? You make it sound like I'm hiding something from you. Babe, it's not like that." She gets up and walks to him, sitting on his lap.

"Hey." She frames his face with her hands and kisses him. "Are you jealous of him? Don't be."

"He's a cool dude. I know that you and Jake share more interests than we do. Di ako mahilig magnight out eh."

"Oh-ows? Kaya pala di ka maawat magsayaw last night," She said, more amused than irritated.

"Pinainom kasi ako ng Jake mo eh."

"Huy teka, anong Jake ko? Seriously RJ, Jake is not a problem." He gets her off his lap. Maine realizes it was no joke, Alden really was worried about Jake.

She sits on his lap again. "When I said Jake bothered me in a way. It wasn't in the way you were thinking. You're right, he's a cool guy, we like the same things but last night, when I saw you dancing with those girls, I realized something." She threads her fingers through his hair, while one arm is around his shoulders. His arms loosely hug her closer to him.

"Cute as Jake was RJ, I realized I didn't care. It's like you put blinders on me. All I cared about was you dancing with those girls. Those girls! Respeto naman, I was there and they were openly flirting with you! And you seemed to be having fun, argghhhh." She looked so embarrassed.

"Uhmmm, you were jealous?"

"Of course I was! Naman babe, you think it's easy to watch women throwing themselves at you? Ang hirap ha."

"Maine, if you must know, my eyes were on you because I was worried you allowed me to dance with those girls so that you and Jake could catch up. Grabe ang tanga ko lang."

"Hey, stop that. Ok na tayo ha babe? Kahit bumalik pa sa Kalyeserye si Jake ha, he's not a problem ok?"

"Ano? Wag na siya babalik ha. I mean it, wag na," He was laughing when he said this. He got up, carrying her to the bed and laying her down gently, wrapping the covers over them both. "Tulog na tayo ulit bibi."

"Tulog talaga ha?"

"Oo promise," He said, but his hand was massaging her belly button.

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