《TBATE : Prelude | Ouroboros》Chapter 5 - The Ruby Anchor
The day of the party
The last four days went by quickly after Agrona decided to host a party to introduce the reincarnates. Having invited all the sovereigns through their respective scythes, I had tasked Cylrit to oversee the preparations of the party which was to be held at the grand ball of Taegrin Caelum.
I remembered the thoughts I had while I was looking after Nico and Grey in the orphanage.
'My worries had increased since the time he managed to successfully bring Grey and Nico to our world. Their progression in training is monstrous, even with their memories sealed. If these two are showing this much improvement in this short amount of time, I can't imagine how powerful this Legacy could get once she awakens, if she does at all. But one thing is for sure. With the amount of mana fluids being used for sustaining her body, she is going to deeply affect my plans as her presence and influence will be impactful.'
And my predictions turned out right when I observed their manifestations through the red tinted barrier we had placed around the orphanage to prevent collateral damage. Not only did her awakening manifest her phoenix blood, it pushed the other two to manifest. A part of me wished for them to not awaken as Agrona will use them for experiments or more likely torture. It's a miracle I came out of it with an intact mind and was not broken like some of the retainers.
I had explained to Sylvia about how these power enhancing experiments were conducted. To say she was horrified would be an understatement. She understood how much those experiments would affect someone who is not a pure blooded asura. Coming here to warn the one she loved about a potential danger ended up being one of the biggest regrets of her life.
I didn't want the kids I raised for 8 years to be treated as lab rats and used as weapons for the inevitable war that's to come. In a way, they have shown me what it is like to have little brothers.
But surprisingly, Agrona didn't seem to consider experimenting on them. It feels like he wants to improve their abilities the old fashioned way of training. Based on his actions, it seems like he wants to erase any form of doubts the reincarnates seem to have as it might come back to bite him in the long run. Grey, especially having led his life as a king, is too sensitive to ulterior motives one might have.
The surprise didn't end there. He even assigned them to train under people close to them, as if trying to build relationships.
I felt blood drain from my face as realisation dawned upon me. He's not doing this out of good heart, he's doing this so that he can create weaknesses in these reincarnates through relationships. Truly a disgusting method.
I can't reveal my true intentions to any of the three before I know Agrona doesn't have a way to access and alter their memories.
A sudden jerk brought me out of my thoughts as a voice called out to me.
"Scythe Seris, we have arrived at our destination"
Looking out of my window, I saw the same grand mansion I've been to, a few times over the past few days. Standing at the gate was a girl, fidgeting as the maid accompanying her was trying to ease her worries. Being invited to a grand party where one mistake can lead to a whole blood being purged wasn't a simple thing.
Her whole family, if I could call them that were standing behind her, nervous but excited as to the opportunities this event would open up. Even though it wasn't revealed as to what the party will be about, it was clear that it was important. But one of them had a different expression, as if sympathising with her.
'If I remember correctly, his name is Sevren'.
As the coachman opened the door, the girl tried to back away. Couldn't blame her. Separated from her parents, forcefully made to learn etiquette in a short amount of time and made aware as to what her mistakes can lead to can make even an adult nervous. And she is just 8 years old.
"Nessa was it, I'll take it from here. Hello there little one, don't worry about the party. I'll take care of you"
She nodded before climbing on to the carriage hesitantly. She still seems scared of me.
The carriage started to move after the coachman had my permission.
'How should I proceed starting now?'
The preparations for this so-called party were extravagant. Makes sense as not only it was attended by the Scythes, but also the Sovereigns they served under. I was told they rarely attended these events as they saw it was beneath them to be mingling with 'lessers'.
Interestingly, no one else seemed to have been invited, maybe to keep the information of our reincarnation within a trusted clique.
These 4 days went by in a flash. I spent most of my time with Sylvie and mother. She treated me like one would treat their own child, watching over me and my sister as we played and cuddled.
Sylvie seemed to like me a lot, I don't exactly know the reason but her presence in my mind was comforting. Keeping all the negative thoughts away.
Nico and Cecilia unfortunately couldn't spend much time with us since they had to learn etiquette and mannerisms for the upcoming party. Having learnt these in my past life, exempted me from those awful classes.
Mother and Sylvie weren't invited to the party since it was told some of the Vritra still held a grudge against the Indrath clan for wrongfully banishing them.
Seris was acting in a suspicious way ever since I had got my memories back. I couldn't exactly tell but it felt like she was evaluating me or waiting for something. No use thinking about it now. Have to cross that bridge when one comes to it.
But the thing that concerned me was today's announcement. It is going to be revealed that we are reincarnates and that I was a king. I was apprehensive about his situation but realised that as long as I have people that know my secret, especially my loved ones, I can maybe lead a normal life not guilty about lying about my origins.
(A/n: 'Loved' ones. Bro is spoiling himself xD)
"My Lord, we are done with the preparations." A maid brought me out of my thoughts as they were done dressing me up and doing my hair.
Looking over in the mirror, there stood an eight year old boy, dressed in a white suit with gold trims. The color is identical to his eyes and hair. The hair was done in a ponytail fashion with bangs covering the left side of his face.
The body felt so foreign for a moment I couldn't help but describe myself in third person. But one thing was for sure.
I was absolutely handsome.
"Thank you. You've done well" My voice came out a little colder than I intended.
"We are unworthy of your praise, My Lord" they replied in unison. Seems like the idea of lessers is firmly drilled into the citizens of Alacrya. It's sad to see this form of hierarchy.
The maids left the room as they were done with their job.
'Bwoderr I wanna come too'
'Maybe another time Sylvie. Today scary people are gonna be there'
'Yes, my little sister I promise'
Looking over to the mirror again, I could see that a genuine smile had crept up my face. Chuckling to myself about how a voice can change someone's mood so easily, I left to meet up with the other two.
Arriving at the front door of the mansion we were given, I was met with two figures chatting away.
Cecilia wore a red one piece dress which had a split at her left leg. Her hair flowed freely over her shoulders. She looked stunning.
Nico wore a black suit with a red shirt inside which matched his hair and eyes. These two looked really good together.
"Did my invitation to your wedding get lost in the mail or something? I'm hurt Nico. I thought I was your best man!" I said in a fake hurt tone.
Both of them instantly turned their heads and I could see it being tinted red due to embarrassment.
"You're the one to speak Grey! I wouldn't be surprised if you manage to find a fiance at this party with how you look." Nico retorted.
"Not happening. This party doesn't have that type of attendees." I replied.
"You both are forgetting we are 8 year olds right now." Cecilia managed to blurt after recovering from the initial embarrassment.
"Right right. Now let's go. I don't think we should be late to this party."
Going outside, we were greeted by a butler who proceeded to place what we now know was a Tempus Warp on the ground. A portal manifested and all three of us walked through.
We were teleported to what seemed to be a waiting room of sorts. There were two couches facing each other with a tea table in the middle. Multiple refreshments were placed on it.
"The High Sovereign will call upon you soon. He advised you to have some refreshments in the meantime." The butler informed us as he stood next to the door.
I sat on one couch whereas the other two took their seats on the other. They held hands with their fingers intertwined, as they comforted each other, nervous about what's to come. Couldn't blame them. With such powerful beings around who make you feel like an insect, it is nothing but normal to be scared. We are being used as weapons, that's for sure. But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy our lives.
The doors to the room opened revealing Agrona. He was dressed lavishly as more ornaments adorned his elk like horns. His blood red eyes looked straight at us as a smile made its way to his face.
"You all look wonderful. Looks like the servants did their job well. Now follow me, we can't have the guests waiting." He gestured to us to follow him.
We did as he told and soon arrived near an opening blocked by curtains.
"Thank you for your patience My Lords. the High Sovereign will now grace us with his presence." announced a voice on the other side of the curtain.
On cue, the curtains split as light invaded my eyes. Agrona walked ahead as he took centre stage.
"Thank you for gathering here my loyal Sovereigns. Today I announce with great joy as our attempts of bringing over entities capable of helping us in our goals have finally succeeded. I present to you-Grey, Nico and Cecilia."
We proceeded to walk on the stage in the order we were called in. Taking my place next to Agrona, I looked at our audience.
It was a huge hall with five different sets of round tables set up. There were five balconies where I could feel terrifying presences. The balconies appeared dark except for blood red eyes looking down at us with curious gazes.
'I suppose those are the sovereigns.'
The tables I previously saw below were occupied by the Scythes with their retainers standing against the wall nearest to them.
The centre table was occupied by a man clad in black armor. He had eyes similar to the sovereigns.
'Scythe Cadell of Central Dominion'
One was occupied by a buff person with bulging muscles.
'Scythe Dragoth of Western Dominion, Vechor'
The other three we knew all too well.
'Scythe Melzri of Eastern Dominion, Etriel'
'Scythe Viessa of Northern Dominion, Traucia'
'Scythe Seris of Southern Dominion, Sehz-Clar' and a girl?
There was a girl seated next to Seris. Is she the disciple Agrona mentioned? She seemed to be around our age.
She wore a one piece similar to Cecilia, but azure blue in color which complemented her hair. She had midnight, almost navy blue hair and gem-like ruby eyes which stood out in contrast to her pale skin and dark hair. But something about those eyes seemed too familiar, like I've seen them somewhere a lot.
They seemed to lack the luster they are supposed to have in a child.
Her eyes met mine as she stared at me curiously. Before we could continue this stare-off of ours, Agrona continued with our introductions interrupting us.
"These reincarnates, as I like to refer to them, are very special. First Nico Sever"
Nico stepped forward.
"This individual here was a genius inventor back in his world. Luckily he has inherited the intellect that is the trademark of our basilisks though his vritra blood. His presence is going to take Alacrya into a new technological era."
"Next Cecilia Sanders"
Cecilia stepped forward as Nico returned to his spot.
"Cecilia here was known as The Legacy back in their world. It was due to her immense potential in ki, which is similar to mana, was unrivaled. Her presence affects things around her, anything related to mana. She'll be the beacon of hope against the threat that looms over our entire continent."
"Next Grey Wilbeck. Also known as King Grey."
I stepped forward.
"Grey was a king in his past life. Born with little to no amount of ki, he managed to climb the ladder through pure skill and hard work reaching the ranks of the elite, eventually getting the title of the strongest. His potential is now vast as he has the thing he lacked back then. Both him and The Legacy are the sword and shield of this continent. He is also someone I consider my son and all of you shall treat him the same."
To say that surprised me would be an understatement. I couldn't decipher his motives at all.
"And the person who helped in obtaining the vessel for the Legacy, Sovereign Orlaeth."
A man with two heads stepped out of the shadow in one of the balconies. He gave a quick bow and returned to his place once again. The sovereigns were then dismissed as the actual party began, if one could call this a party. It felt more like a clandestine meeting of the underworld.
Cadell arrived at Agrona's side as we went to meet up with our acquaintances. The retainers seemed to be dismissed to take care of other duties.
Viessa and Melzri went to Nico and Cecilia and started praising how good they looked. They were probably excited as they would be training them.
I walked up to Seris as to not be left out. She stayed seated as I approached her sipping on a red drink.
"Looking handsome there little Grey. Too bad this event doesn't have much crowd to impress ladies. Unless..." She shot a snide grin in my direction before continuing to drink.
"Thank you for your words Scythe Seris" I bowed in an exaggerated manner to tease her.
"I'm hurt you treat me like a stranger, Grey." she said, placing her hand over her heart.
"Good to see you too Seris. You're not bad yourself."
She gave a small smile before turning her head to her side.
"Why don't you introduce yourself?" she said looking at the girl I had seen earlier.
The girl flinched at Seris's words and instantly turned to me.
"H-hello, nice to meet you. I'm Caera" she uttered sheepishly.
"Caera, remember how you were supposed to introduce yourself? It's okay, no one is going to hurt you here so take it easy." Seris said in a soothing voice. Caera's eyes widened in realisation.
"Forgive me for my actions. My name is Caera of Highblood Denoir. It's nice to make your acquaintance." she announced as if being taught to do so. I felt like she was hesitant to introduce herself like this.
"Hello Caera, no need to be so stiff. You can call me Grey. I heard you are Scythe Seris's disciple. You must be really talented." I tried to make a conversation to put her mind at ease. But it seems like I touched a sore topic as she started trembling a little.
My senses told me to stay clear of topics related to family too. More like her eyes did.
"But I must say. You look absolutely beautiful, My Lady. In an event filled with..." I couldn't continue as I felt a soft murderous aura from Seris.
Caera seemed to brighten up a little.
"And I must say the same to you. You look 'beautiful' too." She left out a soft giggle as Seris chuckled at Caera's snarky remark.
"So I've been told. Although it makes me happy to hear that from someone such as you." I retorted in a playful manner.
A small blush seemed to make its way to her cheeks as her gaze fell to the ground. Is she angry or embarrassed?
'Oh no, did I take it too far?' I tried to think of possible ways to recover from this situation.
Thankfully Nico and Cecilia soon joined us. They furrowed their brows for a moment as soon as they saw Caera but they covered it up soon.
We made small talk with each other. Cecilia seemed to know how to maintain a conversation with her involving all of us. I could feel Caera open up a bit more and feel comfortable. Again I felt it, that sense of familiarity. But I couldn't put a finger on it.
The party came to an end as we were the only ones left in the hall except a few maids who had arrived after the announcement.
"It was a pleasure meeting you Lady Caera. Hope we meet again in the future" I said bowing slightly.
"It was a pleasure for me too." she said as a small smile managed to grace her lips. Unlike before, that smile felt genuine.
'So she can smile like that' I thought as I didn't realise they had already left.
"Looks like our friend here has finally been smitten by a girl." Cecilia teased.
Both Nico and Cecilia gave coy smiles as they thought it'd embarrass me. Maybe to get back at what I did earlier today. But I knew what I felt towards her wasn't a form of attraction, but an urge to help.
"It's not that. I don't know what but her eyes seemed all too familiar. I can't seem to point out what it is." I replied as I tried to remember what it was.
Nico and Cecilia looked at each other and after a quick nod and Nico explained in a solemn tone.
"Grey, it seemed familiar to us too. It's because your eyes gave off the same feeling when...headmaster Wilbeck passed away and you wanted to distance yourself from everyone."
"Nico is right, Grey"
Everything made sense. They felt familiar because I used to see them everyday in the mirror back on earth. Despair, lack of trust, fear of relationships and much more all projected through one thing that can't lie. The eyes.
Soon, we reached the mansion. I don't remember what conversation we had on the way as my mind was filled with thoughts of my past life. Laying down on my bed, my whole body relaxed, but the same couldn't be said for my mental state.
'Why did such a young girl have that look? Didn't she say she was a Highblood? She still has her parents. Their names were Corbett and Lenora if I remember correctly. Then why?'
My thoughts continued until I was engulfed in the cold embrace of sleep.
~Next day~
Our training was supposed to begin today. Cecilia and Nico left to meet up with Viessa and Melzri.
Arriving at the huge training grounds that was assigned to my training with mother and Seris, I was greeted by a sweet view. Sylvie was running around chasing butterflies as mother watched her with a warm smile. I just stood there looking at the view before me.
I still wasn't sure whether I could trust Seris or not but I'll play along for now.
"Grey?" "Bwotha!"
Two voices called out to me simultaneously to see mother and Sylvie looking at me with smiles on their faces. I gave a smile of my own before making my way towards them. Looks like Sylvie still has problems pronouncing words with the letter 'r'.
"How was youa day bwoda!?" she said as she jumped into my arms.
"It was...good Sylvie. How was yours?" I replied as I walked towards mom with Sylvie in my arms.
"It was good! Mama gave me lots of sweets!" She hummed happily.
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