《TBATE : Prelude | Ouroboros》Chapter 1 - Sylvia
It has been several years since I've arrived in Alacrya. Memories of that day are still vivid. Worrying for the life of my fiance and the father of my child, I disregarded the warnings of my father and left for Alacrya...
Arriving at the shores of the lesser continent known as Alacrya, I was approached by what seems to be a squad of humans? They would have been if not for the unmistakable black horns protruding from their head.
'Are those Vritra horns?' 'Was the accusation of interbreeding true?' I questioned myself, not drawing the conclusion I desperately wished wasn't true.
They got into a battle stance releasing their aura, which was impressive for a human. Showing I wasn't affected by it, I tried to talk to them.
"My name is Sylvia Indrath, fiance of Agrona Vritra and I request an audience with the same." I spoke in an authoritative voice, releasing some of my own intent.
They stiffened up upon feeling my aura and probably the information provided to them. One of the taller humans looked over and nodded to the girl standing next to him, who immediately took out a communication roll talking to whoever was on the other side.
As soon as the roll vanished,the girl informed the others who immediately took a knee.
"We welcome Lady Sylvia to Alacrya, High Sovereign has requested your presence" The taller human informed.
"Rise" I commanded.
They did and took out an anvil looking contraption which upon activation created a portal. Although sceptical, I followed them into the portal.
On the other side was what seemed to be a throne room, Agrona being seated on the adorned throne. His eyes widened after seeing me.
"Rest of you, dismissed" he commanded and they left after a quick bow.
He got off the throne and approached me with relief plastered on his face. When he came close he pulled me into a hug.
"I've missed you Sylvia" he whispered into my ear causing me to relax in his embrace.
"I've missed you too dear" I returned the hug.
After a few moments in each other's embrace, he broke the hug and asked the question due.
"What brings you to Alacrya Sylvia? I thought after the banishment our engagement was broken." He questioned with a confused face.
I gave him a solemn smile and instead of answering it with words I channelled aether to my pocket dimension and took out a rainbow coloured Egg.
His eyes bulged into what one would mistake for full moons and looked towards me for confirmation. I gave him a small nod with a few tears forming in my eyes
He hovered his hands over the egg carefully as if it would break if touched.
"Can I?" he asked, I handed him the egg after a quick nod.
"It's a girl." I stated.
He gave a warm smile cradling the egg like a baby.But it was time to break the more serious news to him.
"Agrona" I said in a serious tone and he turned towards me "It's my father, he has sent a small army of asuras to eliminate the Basilisks"
All the previous traces of happiness vanished from his face as his brows furrowed and his face contorted into grimace.
He then took out an artifact and channelled mana to it. Seconds later a portal opened and a woman walked out of it. I almost mistook her for an asura looking at her demeanor. She had vritra horns which originated at her forehead and curved upwards and slightly backwards giving it a royal vibe. She wore a black battle robe.
"Seris I'm appointing you to be the personal escort of my wife and make sure you attend to her with utmost care. Escort her to the highest room of my palace" he demanded in a cold voice.
"As you wish, High Sovereign" she replied before activating the same artifact that I saw earlier and motioned me to follow her. I turned to see my child in his hands.
"I'll hold on to our daughter, take your leave Sylvia" he stated with a smile which didn't seem to reach his eyes.
I hesitantly complied before following Seris into the portal,as I did I heard Agrona calling out to other sovereigns i guess. On the other side was a long corridor which was decorated with multiple paintings depicting wars and portraits of Agrona himself. Reaching the end of the corridor brought us to a large mahogany doors.
With a slight push she opened it and to say I was impressed with the interiors would be an understatement. Black coloured walls adorned with gold details and furniture to suit them. A balcony which was separated from the room by gold lined black curtains. A slight whistle was heard by the wind blowing through the balcony indicating this place was high up. I walked towards the balcony which Seris told me overlooked the Basilisk Fang mountains.
I stood on the same balcony looking over the vast untouched forest. The forest seems to lack the luster it had back then, probably due to the events that followed afterwards. Seris filled me in on everything that transpired before and after my arrival. I didn't know who to blame. Agrona at one time told me of the atrocities that my father committed against the djinns. Both aren't innocent, but banishing a whole race for the fear of his secrets getting exposed is too much. And genocide? I'm ashamed to call him father. Did mother know of all of this? Questions flooded my mind.
My thoughts were interrupted as I felt an all too familiar presence approaching my room. The only one who in this castle I can openly share my thoughts with.
"Come in" I said entering the room after I heard a couple of knocks.
Seris entered the room and after bowing a little "Lady Sylvia, the High Sovereign requests your presence" she stated.
"I told you to call me Sylvia when we are alone Seris, I thought we were close enough for that" I replied in a fake hurt tone.
"Of course Sylvia, I just wanted to lighten the mood even if a little considering what's about to happen" she spoke in a worried tone.
"A mother would do anything for her children Seris. It's okay. I get to hold my daughter again after this whole ordeal."
Yes,the same man I fell in love with is using our child as a bargaining chip.
Seris gave a sad smile and started escorting us towards our destination.
"By the way Seris, was the reincarnation of the kid named Nico successful?" I inquired.
"Yes,the experiment proved successful and is stable as of now"
"Poor souls..." I muttered under my breath as we continued to walk through the long hallways.
Reaching the laboratory situated under Taegrin Caelum I was hit with an unpleasant feeling. Although they tried to mask or cover it up I could smell the metallic odour lingering in the air,strong sound spells casted on the doors told a lot about what transpired in there. Soon we reached a similar door located at an intersection which could be missed if not looking for it.
We entered the room to find that no one had arrived yet. There was a crib in the centre of the room. A faint purple barrier encasing it. A complex structure of spells was interwoven to maintain the barrier, among other things, but the runes were all too familiar to me. 'Aevum' I thought tracing the features and deduced it was to slow the time in there or to maintain stasis of living cells. The most rudimentary aevum spell.
Inside the crib wasa an infant, with a patch of black hair and pale skin but seems lifeless. There was a table situated at the side of the crib with a file over it. Picking it up I started to read.
'Project No.132'
Specimen-Human baby modified with blood from High Sovereign Agrona Vritra
Age-4 Months
-Place the specimen in Stasis chamber
-Awaiting further instructions from High Sovereign until the transfer.
I placed the file back and as if on cue the doors opened showing two figures.
Agrona and Cadell. Both walked in and Cadell stood on the opposite side of the door where Seris stood.
Agrona walked over to me and gave me a small smile. I sometimes can't help but think he still loves me but that feeling is overshadowed by the constant worry of the threat my powers bring.
"Agrona, you do know that I can perform this process only once. And if the reincarnation fails, that body will not be usable anymore. I couldn't do it even if I wanted to again."
"Yes, I won't ask more of you than I already have." He replied.
He gestured to me to start the process I was told to. I went over to the crib and activated Realmheart. A warm feeling enveloped my body as I felt power surge through my veins. Bright golden intricate runes appeared all over my body and my vision lost its color which was replaced by particles of five different elements floating in the atmosphere. The barrier around the crib had a faint purple tinge indicating it was a weak aether spell form.
Dragons upon obtaining insights into any branch of aether are blessed with the knowledge which shows them how to share their biology with other life forms. Although this spell works in a way that will temporarily reduce the user's abilities by more than half for the next few millenium, it can only be used by a dragon once in its lifetime. Immature dragons would end up losing their lives if they tried to use this spell. I believe this knowledge was provided to us by an edict of aether due to the low birth rate of dragons and to provide the species with a means of survival in case of threat of extinction.
Digging deeper into the knowledge I had obtained, a bright light enveloped me as I found a rune burn itself onto my right palm. As I placed my palm on the baby's body, I felt power leave my body as the baby was enveloped in a similar light.
Minutes passed as I felt power continue to drain. The process then came to an end, which caused intense dizziness as I stumbled backwards.Agrona caught me in his arms and whispered
"You've done well"
I looked over to see that the baby had turned a shade fairer and the previous patch of black hair had turned into wheat blonde. Agrona motioned to Cadell and he carried over the Egg, my child, which was placed on a velvety pillow. I took the egg and held it close to me as if it would be taken away again. And my physical condition was just aggravating my emotional state. Tears clouded my vision as I struggled to stay upright. I finally had my daughter back.
Seris walked to my side helping me stand and gestured me to walk with her. Taking one last look at the baby and Agrona who had an excited look on his face we left the room. Outside the room were several Vritra scientists waiting impatiently. They gave an annoyed look in my direction before they started to enter the room.
Seris held me with pity as we started to make our way to my room, or should i call it a glorified bird cage...
My excitement knew no bounds as I watched Sylvia perform the forbidden aether arts. I had only heard about this but watching it in person was a whole different experience.
After a few minutes of anticipation, I saw the ritual come to an end when Sylvia stumbled backwards. I caught her in my arms and motioned Cadell to give her our child. I loved her very much but she possessed power that could threaten my plans. But now that she was weakened, I could peacefully progress what I had planned whilst having her by my side.
After she left, the scientists entered the room and began working on the reincarnation process. It always made me wonder why the djinns, having access to all such knowledge, refused to use it for their survival. After they set up the artifacts that had runes that we worked on for centuries each, I approached it and channelled my mana into it. After having access to Nico Sever's memories, bringing the souls of the other two wouldn't be too difficult.
My mind along with the baby was dragged into what I named as the mind realm. I could see multiple colourful fabrics suspended in the air as if displayed in an art museum. Each representing a different world. I approached the one which I wanted to interfere with and started to channel my insight. Although it was incomplete, it was enough for now.
As I concentrated on the memories of Grey, I felt a connection to his soul. Like a thread, a lint sticking out from the fabric of reality of their world. I gently tugged at it and as it came free I placed and weaved it to the empty space of our reality.
It was a success. I could feel Grey's soul entering the infant. But different from Nico's arrival, a small purple butterfly manifested and sat on the baby's nose before disappearing. Regardless, the experiment was a success.
The baby slowly opened its eyes which were glowing like molten gold and I could see intelligence confirming it was.
"Welcome to our world King Grey, we will meet again after a few years" I stated before I used my empath powers to seal his memories.He fell into slumber right after.
I turned around and informed the others that it was a success and motioned them to prepare for the next experiment. I had another thing I wanted to do now that it was a success.
After a brief walk I arrived at my wife's bedroom. I entered after knocking to see her seated on the couch holding the egg. Her eyes widened upon seeing me and held the egg impossibly close.
"Don't worry, I won't take her away. I just came here to remove a tracking spell I had placed on her which I forgot to remove before handing her over" I held out my hand for her to present the egg.
"W-What? W-why would you do that?" she started trembling, which confirmed the fact that she was weakened physically and by what I did, mentally too. It hurt to see her this way, but I have to stay strong, for my brethren who have put their trust in me. I didn't answer her question.
Her eyes screamed anger and sadness as she held out the egg. Imbuing mana into it, I removed the spell causing black smoke to come out of it which was not a tracking spell but a spell which allowed me to have control over the said body. But she didn't need to know that. If Grey's reincarnation had failed, I needed to create a stronger weapon and what's better than a naturally born half dragon half basilisk. But now that it was a success, I didn't have to use my daughter anymore.
"It's done." I said with a smile before starting to walk out of the room.
She hadn't spoken a word till now. But as I was about to reach the door...
"Was it successful?" she questioned
"Yes it was." I answered
"Will I get to see and raise him?" She looked at me with a pleading look.
"After a few years,yes I promise you can" I replied before leaving the room.
After I was midway from my destination, I summoned Viessa.
"Have the Orphanage ready, Seris will be the Headmaster, you and Melzri will act as the caretakers." I ordered before leaving to attend the most anticipated experiment.
'Things are going to change soon.'
"I'm sorry to inform you Mr.Leywin that the pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage. The damage is severe and Mrs.Leywin cannot bear children anymore." the doctor said in a grim tone.
"W-wha w-why did this happen doctor? Is there any treatment? I-I don't care how much it costs...please. Help us" Reynolds pleaded to the doctor, tears streaming down his face.
"I'm terribly sorry. There is no such treatment. Miscarriage at two months is an extrememly rare occurance seen in emitters and since emitters are rare themselves, we have not been able to find the cause of the problem." The doctor answered.
"I hope you recover from this." He said before leaving a heartbroken husband.
Reynolds walked over to his wife who had a thousand yard stare.
He broke the remaining news to her. He knew he had to stay strong for the love of his life but seeing her in this condition nearly broke him.
"I'm sorry Alice,I'll always be there for you. Through thick and thin. Remember?"
Their cries were silent, but the result of these events that took place on this particular day were anything but...
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