《A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting to be Appreciated 4》7


"Judging by your expression, it seems you don't know yet." Fanlu mercilessly pinched her chin, "Has Chu Beijie never touched you, even though you've been with him for so long?"

Zuiju had always accompanied and been spoiled by her Teacher. Wherever she went, the title of the genius doctor's disciple had followed, so even the Royal House of Dong Lin had treated her with respect. There was no way she had ever been threatened by a man so close before.

Fanlu's warm breath brushed over her face. He was indeed much scarier than the pack of wolves. Zuiju was terrified and embarrassed, she hurriedly said, "Go away, just go away!"

"Who are you?"

"Bai Pingting, I'm Bai Pingting!"

"Bai Pingting?" Fanlu harrumphed once, let her go and got off the bed.

Zuiju felt like she had just survived the clutches of death and she was somewhat relieved. She pressed even tighter against the wall.

Fanlu was born a spy. He was clever, understood how to read expressions, gaining the most important information from the enemy. How could he possibly not understand?

This woman was not Bai Pingting.

Whatever reason she had for having the luminous jade hairpin, she was not Bai Pingting.

When the Senior Official learned that Bai Pingting had died, he immediately raised Fanlu's rank in joy, letting him become the governor of Qierou City.

He risked the death penalty for committing fraud, falsely reporting Pingting's death. He thought that he had gotten a valuable commodity in return.

In the end, it was all a downright joke.

All sorts of different outcomes flipped around in Fanlu's mind. From the corner of his eye, he monitored Zuiju who looked at him warily.

This woman wasn't Bai Pingting. She wasn't worth anything at all.

Not to mention, if the Senior Official knew what he had done, then death was sure to follow.

Kill her?

His hand slowly reached out towards the crossbow placed on the table.

However, he stopped when he touched the familiar handle made of twisted tendons.

What use was killing her? If Bai Pingting appeared before the eyes of the world's people again, then even if he killed this woman, his lies will still be uncovered.


Fanlu turned his head, studying at the hostile woman on the bed.

She had big, raven black eyes, bushy black hair and stubborn lips.

That day, why did he seem possessed and end up saving her?

Apart from being a valuable commodity, what on earth was it about her that made him so fearless, risking his life to steal her from the mouths of the wolves?

He stared at her and stared for a long time, finally saying, "This is a place called Qierou, a small town in Yun Chang." He studied Zuji, the corners of his mouth lifting into that evil smirk that only belonged to himself. "I have just been appointed the city governor here and am the highest ranking official here. If you want to run, I'll hunt you back like a rabbit." He hesitated before adding, "Then, I will peel you like a rabbit and display you, naked, on the walls."

Yangfeng drank the medicine on her bed before lying down. Her body felt freshened but her heart was worried about Pingting. She beckoned to summon a maid.

The maid timidly said, "Madam, the Main General has said that Bai Pingting is in the guest room at the end of the corridor. Main General will immediately see Madam after the doctor has taken your pulse and set a description. Miss Bai also has attendants looking after her, so Madam only has to properly rest."

Yangfeng sat up from the bed and swivelled her legs to put on shoes. "Don't worry about the Main General; there's me. I won't force myself. Just one peek and then I will lay back down. I haven't seen Pingting's appearance clearly yet. That encounter wasn't long ago. What are you standing there for? Help support me."

The maid was terribly afraid that Ze Yin would be angry, but seeing Yangfeng's expression, she was also terribly afraid of Yangfeng. She was torn by this dilemma for a breath moment, and in the end, she came forwards to support Yangfeng. She called someone else to help, and the two supported her.


The maid confirmed, "Really just a peek? If the Main General decides to blame us, Madam must put in a few kind words for us."

"Understood." Yangfeng chuckled, "You two are just too clever. Why are you so afraid of the Main General, are you not afraid of me?"

She leaned on the shoulders of the two maids, slowly stepping out of the room.

They had managed to step onto the corridor, but happened to see Ze Yin and the doctor come out of the guest room. His face darkened as he strode towards them. He wrapped his arms around Yangfeng and held her up, helplessly reprimanding, "Did I not tell you to lay down properly? Why are you out of bed again? Now that Pingting's here, isn't she here for you to see at any time?"

He coldly glared at the two maids who were so scared the jumped right back.

Yangfeng was in his arms, feeling comfortable and cozy. She raised her head to look at her beloved man and smiled sweetly, "Don't blame them. How could they not obey an order from the dignified Main General's wife? Husband, how is Pingting? Is she very sick?"

"Her body is too weak. It certainly wasn't easy to last such a rough journey." Ze Yin carried her back to her room, while whispering, "She's pregnant."

Yangfeng was stunned, her face full of surprise.

"It must be Chu Beijie's child," she whispered back.

"That's right." Ze Yin sighed, "From Ruohan's letter, received yesterday, it seems the King of Dong Lin's illness has gotten worse. His two princes are both murdered in the hands of our King and He Xia..." He bent down to put Yangfeng into bed before tucking her in.

"The blood of the Royal House is in Pingting's belly." Yangfeng slowly spat out this phrase and asked, "Then where is Chu Beijie? Where is he now?"

"No one knows of his whereabouts. Ever since hearing about Pingting's death, it seems he has disappeared. Our King is delighted about this and held a three day banquet in the Royal Residence. If he knew that Pingting did not die and has his child, he would immediately rush back." Ze Yin's voice trailed off and looked at Yangfeng.

Yangfeng was also very hesitant. She carefully thought for a long time, sighing. "Although he is pitiful, he is also hateful. Even though he seems utterly heartbroken about Pingting today, perhaps if his country were to be in crisis tomorrow, he would immediately offer up Pingting. From what I see, the world under the skies already believes that Pingting is gone, so why don't we take advantage of the wrongs? Let Pingting lead a peaceful life."


"This of course has to be what Pingting herself wants. I'll talk to her about it. She will understand." Yangfeng paused again for a while, "After such chaos, I will never let Pingting leave my line of sight again. Whether I am rich or impoverished, no matter what the outcome, we sisters will always be together. That way we can protect each other."

Ze Yin knew that in Yangfeng's heart, she still deeply regretted what had happened in the battle of Kanbu. This was a guilt she could never compensate Pingting in her lifetime.

But as long as Yangfeng was fine, what else mattered? Ze Yin never hesitated when he acted, and he rapidly nodded his head. "Fine. If Pingting decides to live with us in seclusion, then we will immediately pack up our belongings and move to somewhere else. This place is no longer safe. Ruohan knows, the King knows and even Chu Beijie knows. There is no way of knowing whether there will be someone else who stumbles here in the future."

"This time, let's not have any more connections with Bei Mo. Even if it's Ruohan or the King, let's stop all correspondence."

Ze Yin studied her and lowered his voice, "Okay."

"Husband..." A wave of gratitude whelmed up in Yangfeng.

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