《Worth The Risk》Surprise, Surprise


Delilah sighed as she looked in the mirror. It was getting closer and closer to the time they had to leave for the dinner party. Everything she tried on, she hated. It was too low cut, too short, too form fitting, or drew too much attention. Delilah had never been self conscious about her sexuality. She was drenched in sex appeal and she owned it. However, now it seemed like maybe that aided in her assault. How could she dress the way she did and never expect anything bad to happen to her. She was literally making herself a target. In this moment she was more disgusted with herself than anything else. Had she inadvertently asked for this? Honestly, maybe it should have happened sooner and she had been spared by some stroke of luck to have gone this long. She pulled at the top she was wearing, mentally willing it to stay up to cover her cleavage. That was a lost cause.

Emma noticed her struggling. She found one of Delilah's tops that had buttons so she could adjust how high or low she wanted it. "Try this."

Delilah took off what she was wearing. Emma couldn't help but to watch. She bit her lip and turned away from Delilah. She didn't want her to see her looking at her body like that. It could be triggering. Emma wanted Delilah so bad she wanted to bang her head against the wall.

"Does this look okay?" Delilah asked. She paired the black top with a black skirt. She was trying to blend in with the shadows. Maybe less people would notice her.

Emma turned back around. "You look beautiful." She meant it. Even in all of her despair and sadness, she was radiant.

"Would it bother you if I didn't do my make up?" Delilah asked. She wasn't in the mood for that either.

"Not at all." Emma hated that question. She despised that she even felt like she had to ask. "With or without it you are still the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on."


Delilah wanted to smile but her lip started to quiver. She began to cry. Emma rushed over and wrapped her arms around her. It wasn't anything Emma said. It was the simple fact that Delilah didn't feel gorgeous. She felt awful. She was uncertain of herself. It felt like a stranger staring back at her in the mirror. All day her mind tormented her with questions and intrusive thoughts. She internally nitpicked everything she did, said, or wore.

"I'm sorry. I don't even know why I'm crying." She apologized.

"Don't say sorry to me for that. It's okay." Emma rubbed her back. She pulled away from Delilah and wiped the tears from her girlfriend's face. "I'm sorry you're going through this, but you're not alone even if it feels like it. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. You'll get through this. We'll get though this."

Delilah nodded. "Okay."

"I love you and whatever you need for me to do, I'll do." Emma said.

Delilah had been silently going back and forth with this idea all day but was nervous to voice it. That would mean it was real and it actually happened. She didn't know if she was ready to admit it out loud, but if Savannah did it to her she could do it to someone else and Delilah didn't want that. "How do I...tell someone?"

"Like, you want to report it to the police?" Emma asked. Delilah silently nodded. Emma swallowed. She'd sat through enough cases to know how badly the victims got ripped apart sometimes. The way people would accuse her of lying or saying maybe it was her fault. She didn't want that for her girl but if Delilah thought it would help, Emma would do anything she wanted in a heartbeat. "Okay."

"Tomorrow though. Tonight, I guess, we party." Delilah shrugged. She looked at herself one more time before her and Emma made their way to the car.


The dinner party was going well. It was not as many people as Delilah imagined there would be. Still, it was more than she wanted to be around. There was food and drinks. Music played in the background of everyone's mixed chatter. Emma was enjoying herself. She ate almost every hors d'oeuvre the wait staff brought around.

"Lilah!" Marisol said. She grabbed Delilah and brought her into a hug.

Emma watched curiously as this stranger of a woman hugged her girlfriend.

Delilah smiled and squeezed her back. "Marisol! What are you doing here? Tía Bell did not say you were coming."

Marisol was Isabella's daughter and consequently Delilah's cousin. They were each other's favorite relative. They always said they should have been sisters. "I know! I asked her not to tell you. I wanted to surprise you. She told me you've been down." Marisol's eyes slowly traveled to Emma. "Oh I'm so sorry." She extended her hand. "I'm Marisol."

"This is Emma!" Delilah said. "You two have definitely met."

Emma and Marisol both had an "oh!" moment. They hadn't seen each other in a while and they had changed in age and looks.

"She's my girlfriend." Delilah announced.

Marisol gave Delilah a sly look. "Well we really have some catching up to do."

Juan and Isabella approached and greeted the three of them. "Delilah, love, do you mind if we steal Emma for a bit?" Isabella asked.

"Are you going to bring her back?" Delilah asked.

Isabelle chuckled lightly. "Of course."

"Perfect. You can tell me everything." Marisol said grabbing Delilah's hand.

"You'll be okay?" Delilah asked Emma.

"She's in good hands, Mija." Juan said. "Don't worry. I'll bring your queen back in one piece."

Emma laughed at Delilah rolling her eyes. "Yes, babe. I'm fine."

Delilah didn't want her to be gone for too long. "Okay." She gave her a kiss on the lips. Emma wished she could pause the moment just to live in it a little while longer. It was their first kiss since the incident. "Don't be long."

"Tsk. Young love." Isabella teased as her and Juan whisked Emma away. They actually took her outside of the party. They left the mansion completely. Emma looked around skeptically. She didn't know Isabella super well but she trusted Juan. She knew he wouldn't lead her to danger.

They casually made small talk as the three of them entered into what Emma assumed was some sort of a guest house. It was about the size of a regular house though. It even had a basement, which is where they were headed.

"Emma, I had a few ideas on what to do with the subject at hand but I know you. You're smart and I know you love Delilah. I know you would do whatever was in her best interest, si?" Juan asked.

Emma wasn't completely sure of what he was talking about, but she nodded because no matter the context, the statement was true. "Of course."

Isabella smiled and grabbed Emma's hand. She gently ran her fingers over the healing scars from their fight. "It's obvious you'd do anything to protect her."

"I would." Emma said. As they got to the bottom of the stairs she heard little whimpers coming from somewhere inside the room.

"I know. So tell us what we should do with her." Juan opened a closet door and dragged a bound and gagged Savannah out. She fell to the ground.

Emma watched in horror. What the fuck was going on?

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