《Red Whispers || Wanda Maximoff X Reader》Chapter 18 || Hold Your Hand


She walks over to the stove and I stand still, unsure of what I should do. Do I leave? Do I say something else? What the hell do I do in this situation?

"I..." That's all I got.

Really, idiot? You can't say anything else?

Mentally, I slap myself and turn around while Wanda prepares the rest of her meal, breathing heavily but calming herself down the more she focuses on her cooking. I wish I could read what she was thinking. I tried to when she got hurt, maybe I can now.

I try to focus on her, try to will myself into her head. So far she doesn't notice anything so I keep trying. I close my eyes and am instantly met with this collision of visions, her thoughts.

I see our first kiss, I see her and I laugh, I see her holding me while I cried.

I open my eyes and she is now staring at me, confused as to what I was doing.

When she sees my reaction, she picks up on it, dropping the spoon onto the ground.

"Holy crap. Did you just? You read my thoughts didn't you?"

Okay I can lie and say no so I don't get shot, or I can be honest and get shot...option one seems better. But she can tell when I lie.

"Well I um...kind of."

Expecting her to flip out I wince, closing my eyes as I prepare for impact. But all that happens is a shriek of excitement and her jumping into my arms, causing me to stumble as I try to stabilize us.

"I knew you could do it! You can read thoughts! Y/N do have any idea how amazing that is?!"

Opening my eyes I see the most adorable and proud smile on her face. She is happy? That I read her thoughts?

"You-you're not mad?"

"What? No of course not! Well maybe a little because they're private but now at least we're even from last time. Still! You did it!"

She giggles and I start to get excited. "I did it."

Nodding furiously, she smiles as she drops to her feet again, letting me have my moment of joy.

"I did it...I can read minds...get into peoples' heads...I did it! Wands I did it!" I grab her and she gasps in surprise as I spin her around with joyful giggles. She joins me while laughing. I place her down and just stare into her eyes.

"You're amazing."

"Me? I didn't do anything, that was all you. I knew you could do it." She smiles as she looks up at me. I can't help what I do next. I shouldn't do this. I don't want to hurt Nat, even though we aren't official, I still feel bad. But I couldn't stop. I was pulled into her by something.

I kissed her.

I felt the electricity course through my every vein as our lips connected. My thoughts that were previously whirring all calm down onto one thing: Wanda.

I can feel her. I can feel inside her head and I know she just feels me in this moment. It's just us.

When we pull away she stares into my eyes as I smile.

"You're amazing."

Shaking her head, she just smiles back, "no, Y/N. You are amazing."


It feels like I am trapped in this moment with her. With Nat it's all heat and obsession with physical touch, which of course I don't mind because she's Natasha and she's fantastic. But with Wanda, something about her just feels deeper, more meaningful. Around her, it feels like not only is my body lighting up, but my mind is lighting, my soul feels alive around her.

"You know what else is amazing?" She whispers, fingers gripping onto the sides of my jacket. I tilt my head at her, not sure of what she's about to say, then I feel a powder hit the side of my face. Gasping, I see her open mouth in faux shock as she stands with the bag of flour floating beside her.

Wiping it off my face I chuckle, "oh you're in for it now, Maximoff."

We fight back and forth with the flour until I chase her around the kitchen. She squeals when I pick her up and put her on the counter, giggling uncontrollably. We're both covered in flour at this point and she just laughs wholeheartedly, trying to catch her breath. I hold her waist on the counter and she just smiles down at me, shaking her head as she comes down from her giggle fit.

"You're evil," she laughs, wiping flour off of my nose. I dip my finger in the sauce she made and swipe it onto her nose. Squealing again, she whines, playfully hitting my shoulder.

"Y/N Stark! We have already made a mess of things."

"Maybe so. Let me clean up a bit."

She looks around the destroyed floors coated in flour but I tilt her head back to me with my fingers, leaning upwards to lick the sauce off of her nose. I instantly feel heat radiating from her cheeks as she freezes at the feeling. I smirk and turn away, wiping the rest of the flour off my skin until I start cleaning up the kitchen. I hear her feet hit the tiled floor, and then she helps me clean up until we are done.

She offers me the food she made for us to share so I offer for us to watch a show. I know she likes sit-coms so we put one on, finally agreeing to watch The Office, and eating in silence. My fingers fiddle and so do hers. I want to hold her hand. I feel like my skin is just buzzing in desperation for her touch, but I'm terrified to move. I suck at this, the "feelings" thing.

I don't do feelings. For years I was trapped in a cell, being a guinea pig for Hydra and focusing on nothing but being the best soldier they could possibly have. The closest thing I had to feelings was the bond I felt with Pietro. Our friendship. Then he died and I swore not to feel for anyone, especially not romantic feelings, because once you lose someone you love, it hurts more than any goddamn thing in the world. Then here's this girl who for some reason likes me and has all these feelings for me. Normally this would scare me away, same goes for Nat. I like Nat, I feel comfortable with her, we have a great time together, but we're at surface level...with Wanda I know it entails something much deeper. And that...that's horrifying.


"If you don't stop thinking so loud I'm going to shut your brain off."

It takes a moment for me to process what she said to me but by the time I do, I notice her staring with an amused smile. I gulp down the lump that's been sitting in my throat and shift my position on the couch. Wanda does the same, then clears her throat.

"You wanna tell me what's going through your head so I can stop being tempted to look for myself?"

Breathing out a short laugh, I shrug and look down at my hands, unsure of what to say in this situation. Do I tell her that I want to hold her hand? Is that lame? What if she laughs at me?

"Y/N, just tell me already. What's going on?" She's concerned now. Great I'm making a big deal over nothing and she's probably convinced I'm about to tell her I'm an axe murderer or something.

"I just...um." I clear my throat anxiously and meet her eyes, instantly tearing my gaze away because the eye contact made it worse.

"I want to um...hold your hand?"

It's silent and I swear it's the loudest goddamn silence in the world. Until she starts laughing. My cheeks instantly turn red as I sigh in annoyance with myself.

"Stupid, I know."

"No no! It's cute. It's just...that's what's been making you all twitchy and nervous?"

Her eyes are bright once again, making something skip in my chest, a fluttery feeling taking over while I nod slowly, cheeks still a burning shade of embarrassment. Wanda notices how uncomfortable it is for me to show actual emotions and nods, reaching for my hand.

When our fingers lace together I feel this little electrical current shoot up my arm. She notices it too because she shoots her head up to look at me. We both don't say anything, instead I move closer to her so that our thighs are touching as we watch the sitcom. I steal glances at our locked fingers every few seconds, observing how she traces the patterns on my skin like she did that one night. It's her thing to comfort me, she knows it relaxes me and for some reason the idea of her noting things that calms me down makes me even more giddy than before.

My eyes land on the side of her face, taking the moment to truly appreciate her side profile. Sharp jawline, adorable nose that scrunches up in the cutest way when she laughs at the show. Her eyes have this twinkle to them when she smiles a true smile and,

"eyes on the television Stark. Or are you too distracted?"

Her eyebrow quirks up as she turns to me, making my cheeks heat up once again for being caught red-handed.

"I-um...no, no. Not distracted." I cough and mentally curse myself for being such a blubbering idiot. I can flirt, I flirt with Nat all the time and I have flirted with Wanda before. But why does it seem so scary to do now?

"It's okay, seeing you like this. All nervous around me? It's cute. Really cute."

The confidence in her voice almost makes me run away. She's taking control and I hate it, I should be the one with the confidence right now. But she knows that she's having an effect on me and she's taking advantage of the power switch. Gulping down my breath, I stare her in the eyes as she smirks. I catch myself flicking my gaze to her lips but before I can look away, she has a finger under my chin, tilting my head up to look her in the eyes.

"My eyes are up here love."

Okay, yeah. That sent a chill down my spine. Licking my lips, I sigh and shake my head.

"Fuck it," I mumble and grab the back of her neck, pulling her into me, our lips crashing together. Something explodes inside of me, a fire starts to light when I feel her breathe out in surprise into my lips. I poke my tongue in between her lips every now and then until she opens her mouth, welcoming me.

I feel Wanda starting to lean back on the couch and we adjust positions, following her down until I'm hovering above her. We pull away to catch our breath and she looks at me, eyes searching mine as her mouth sits open, still trying to find oxygen. The corners of her lips are lifted into a wide spread grin and I am sure I look the same.

Her fingers find their way behind my head, tangling into my hair as she pulls me down, arching her back slightly so our bodies are pressed together. I can feel the heat building as we make out. I bite down on her bottom lip, tugging at it, earning me a light moan from her. That sends me even further into the fire. My hands start to travel down her sides, feeling her curves. She smiles into my lips when I grab her waist, pulling her more into me. My lips move from hers to her neck, kissing it gently at first. She groans, gripping my shoulders now as I begin to suck on the soft skin.

"Y/N..." She whispers out a soft moan and it nearly makes me want to pick her up, go to her room and throw her down on the bed but I keep my cool for now. I use my hand to tilt her head to the left to expose more of her neck. I suck more on her neck and gently bite it, massaging the area with my tongue.

Wanda releases something between a snarl and a moan, grabbing my face fiercely to align with hers again before she shoves me upwards. We sit up and she moves so that she's sitting on my lap. I grab her butt and lift us, speeding us to the wall with my powers. She grinds her body against my torso whilst tangling her hands in my hair again. I feel her tongue push its way between my lips and I sigh into her mouth.

We hear a door open and instantly break apart as if a bomb just went off. I speed away from her until I'm on the couch, pretending like I was just watching TV. I steal a glance at Wanda, seeing the hickey already formed on her neck, to which she picks up on and widens her eyes, mouthing curse words at me.

I hide a laugh as she disappears down the hall quickly, leaving me to greet the returning team.



So that happened :)

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