《Red Whispers || Wanda Maximoff X Reader》Chapter 16 || Too Far


I wake up with Nat's head on my chest, arm draped over my stomach. Smiling softly, I let my fingers start to play with her hair, focusing on how even her breathing is, how calm she is when she sleeps. That's a change.

"Staring is kind of creeper-ish don't you think?"

Her raspy voice makes me slightly jump, "Jesus christ Romanoff you scared me."

Her body vibrates as she laughs, then picks up her head to meet my eyes.


I roll my eyes and let my hand in her hair drop to her cheek. She rests her gaze still on mine before she grabs my hand and kisses my palm, pulling my hand away from her cheek as she laces our fingers together.

"Sleep well?" She offers and I laugh, "you mean the four hours we got? Lovely."

A laugh rings into the air from her as she sits up, still naked from last night. Tossing her hair up into a ponytail, she makes her way over to my dresser. I watch her in awe. She really does have a gorgeous body.

"Again with the staring," She comments before pulling one of my t-shirts out of a drawer. She turns to me, then makes her way over to the bed.

I shrug and smirk, "just admiring the view." Nat gets on top of me, straddling my lap with her hands on my shoulders.

"I don't blame you. Although I prefer this view much more."

She pulls the covers away from my chest to which she smirks at, eyes widening at the sight. "What?" I ask but then look down and see hickies nearly coating my chest. I shriek and push her off me, "Natasha freaking Romanoff are you kidding me?"

She laughs and starts putting her bra and underwear back on. I groan and turn around to her, seeing hickies on her neck and chest.

"Well at least I'm not the only victim."

Shrugging, she pulls my oversized t-shirt over her head. It fits until a few inches above her knees. She looks pretty good in my clothes, can't lie. When I pull on my own sweats and shirt, she grabs me and pulls me closer to her.

"I like people seeing what you did to me. And I'll especially enjoy people seeing what I did to you."

My cheeks flush a deep shade of red that clearly only riles her up more as she pulls me closer to her lips, pausing before we can kiss.

"Tell me Y/N Stark. Was this just a one time thing?"

Gulping, I look into her eyes and breathe out shakily. God she is something.

"I-I don't know. Do-do you want it to be just a one time thing?"

Chuckling, she kisses me softly, then pulls away to brush the pads of her thumbs across my cheeks.

"We'll see."

She stands and makes her way to the door, making me frown in confusion.


"Wait what?"

Giggling, she opens the door, "are you coming or not? I'm hungry."

For a moment I start to think about what she means by "we'll see" but I shake off the thoughts, following the Avenger out to the kitchen. Everyone's eyes instantly land on us, making me flush and Nat to lift her head high.

"Morning boys. Wanda." She smiles while heading to the fridge to grab yogurt. I sit at the counter where Wanda's cooking and greet her. She ignores me.


She glances up quickly before looking back down at the pancakes she's making.

"Morning Y/N."

I frown at her but she doesn't look at me again, just places pancakes on a big plate, using her powers to move them to the center of the table.

"Eat up," she instructed the team while carrying orange juice over.

Sitting still, I stare at her while she laughs with everyone else. What the hell's her problem? Vision greets everyone and takes a seat next to Wanda. She smiles at him and I notice Vision's eyes go from her eyes to her lips.

"Stark! You just gonna stand there or you gonna eat?" Steve shouts over to me. Nat picks her head up to look at me, smirking now.

"Give her a minute, she ate a lot last night."

My jaw drops at her comment with a light scoff, seeing everyone having the exact same surprised expression as I do. Wanda, on the other hand, just rolls her eyes and shoves more food in her mouth.

I make my way over and start eating beside Natasha who just smiles at me innocently, "Was it something I said?"

The rest of the meal is spent talking about training, who's sparring today, etc. Steve assigned Wanda and I to train together. We share a look but she looks away before anything else. We finish and head to our rooms, Natasha excuses herself to shower before she gets ready to Spar with Steve. I throw on my outfit and head to the training room. Wanda and I stand on opposite sides of the mat where she just glares me down.

"Alright now remember, no powers. Just hand-to-hand combat." Tony instructs us before we make our way to each other. I can see Nat already beating Steve's ass but am pulled back to our mat when Wanda hits me in the stomach, winding me.

I groaned, holding my stomach, "What the hell was that for Red Eyes?!"

She tilts her head, "stop staring at your little girl toy and focus."

With raised eyebrows at her little dig, I crack my neck and sigh, "fine. You asked for it."

Charing her, I go to grab her but she knocks me off my feet, not before I grab her arm, taking her down with me as I twist my body on top of hers. Not a second passes before she grunts, shoving me off to kick me in the stomach. I grab her by the foot and twist it, her entire body flipping but she lands on her feet. Her eyes glow red as she huffs at me, arms at the ready. I notice that her footing is off and instantly go as if I'm punching but use my leg to kick the side of her knee, knocking her down to a kneel. She looks up at me as I grab her arm, holding it behind her back, my other arm around her neck in a lock as I whisper in her ear.


"You got fire in you today Maximoff. Any reason you want to rip my head off?"

She doesn't answer, only using her free arm to elbow me so she gets free, then turns jumping as she kicks at my head but I dodge her. I continue dodging, backing up as I do so. She's pissed, and clearly trying to murder me. Her eyes are full of anger and flicker between her normal green and deadly scarlet.

"The hell's gotten into you!" I shout as I slap her foot away, then duck under a kick, grabbing her side and forcing her to the ground, sitting on her while she lays face down on the mat. Nat and Steve stop their training to watch.

"What the hell's going on over there?" Nat says and I turn to her, "I got it under control, don't worry about-" I'm cut off by a force of red energy shooting me up to the ceiling. I hit my back on the metal, crying out in pain.

"Y/N!" Tony and Nat shout as they run over. I fall straight into the mat with a thud. I try to catch my breath as I turn over, hand on my chest, attempting to steady my vision and lungs.

"What the hell Maximoff?! What's your problem?!" Natasha stands up and charges at Wanda who just stares at me in shock, eyes relaxing to her normal color. I watch weakly as Nat starts to fight Wanda, Vision appearing from the walls to stand between them, breaking them up.

"Y/N, talk to me. What hurts?" Tony has my face in his hands, clearly not wanting to move me in fear of ruptures or injuries. I move everything slightly, feeling my bones out. Once I can tell that nothing is broken, I cough and shake my head.

"I'm fine."

I stand up shakily, Nat quickly coming to my side to help me. I stare at Wanda, a confused yet angry feeling bubbling in my chest. What the fuck has gotten into her? She knows the rules of training. But during that session, I didn't see the Wanda I know, I saw someone who was almost a stranger, someone who truly wanted to hurt me. She looked so angry.

It looks as if she's about to say something but I shake my head, allowing Nat to help me out of the room and to my room. She and Tony help me into bed and I let out a pained moan as I lay down.

"I'll go get you some ice, okay?" Natasha brushes the hair away from my sweating forehead, offering up a comforting smile before she disappears out the door. Tony stares at me with narrowed eyes.

"Alright now you're just making me uncomfortable. What?"

Taking his glasses off, he observes my bruises, checking for cuts before he speaks up.

"So you wanna tell me what just happened in there with Little Witch?"

"As if I'm supposed to know? She looked like she wanted to murder me. I've never seen her that angry before."

"Why is she angry?" He asks with a curious tilt of his head. But something tells me he isn't that curious. He knows something that I clearly don't so I just jump right to it.

"Why don't we skip the back and forth and you tell me what I did to piss her off this much."

Sucking in his breath he stands, walking around my room, picking up picture frames to observe them, then noticing the dent in the wall from when I accidentally hurt Wanda during a night terror.

"Let's see...you and her have been inseparable since you've gotten here, right? You felt this...connection to her from the very start. And now all of a sudden, you're doing all kinds of whatever you are doing with Natasha."

He has started one of his little lecture things. Where he waves his hands, using them to talk as he continues to observe the room and me.

"Right...What's your point?"

He sighs, crossing his arms over his chest as he smirks, "You really are oblivious, huh? Little Witch clearly has some sort of...emotional connection to you, romantic, whatever you want to call it. And she has had to watch you flirt and kiss and disappear to do what everyone in this compound heard you doing with Natasha last night. You hurt her feelings, so she hurt you back."

I stare at him, then break out into a fit of laughter. I can't help myself, I just keep laughing, my chest starting to hurt from it.

"You sound crazy. Wanda likes Vision. She said last night-" "she said last night that she likes someone. Never specified. And then you used her as a pawn to light some sort of weird Black Widow-level intensity sex fuel for your bathroom and bedroom festivities."

Frowning, I start to think deeper into it...Wanda ignoring me this morning, acting all pissed with Nat, staring Nat down whenever she touches or flirts with me. The sparring with Nat and I when Wanda left. Is Tony right?

Is Wanda...jealous?

Before we can talk more, Nat appears with an ice pack, placing it on my head gently while taking my hand into hers. Tony just keeps his eyes locked onto mine before patting my leg, "Think about it Kid."

With that, he leaves.

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