《Red Whispers || Wanda Maximoff X Reader》Chapter 14 || Shut Up


By the time I am showered and dressed, the party is already alive and thriving. I make my way over to the main room and am immediately met with hundreds of eyes. It's like the entire room begins to slow down the second I step foot in the party. All the guys smirk at me, eyeing me up and down to my own uneasiness, suddenly growing self-conscious but simply covering it up with my own Stark expertise. Eyes land on Wanda who I catch skirting over my figure with her gaze. Unlike with the guys, I only feel more empowered by that look she's giving me. When our eyes meet I spot her cheeks change to a rosey red before she snaps her head down to look at her fiddling fingers.

I let my legs carry me over to the bar where Natasha's standing, making drinks behind the counter.

"How did a nice girl like you wind up working in a dump like this?" I jokingly say while letting my eyes scan the room, seeing the amount of people flooding the area with laughter, dancing, kissing and booze.

"Fella done me wrong."

With a quirk of my eyebrow, nodding at the beer that she retrieves for me, I sip on it and shrug,

"You got a lousy taste in men, kid."

Nat flickers her eyes up to me, an unknown glint glistening in them before she mixes up a drink, sipping on it herself before eyeing me over. I notice her eyes resting on my chest area, to my own pride and ego I lean in closer, allowing her to get a better look for herself. She wants to stare, I can play the game.

"Who said the fella was a man?" She says lowly as she shoots me a pointed look that sends chills throughout my body but in the most positively electrifying way. I can feel a heat building up below my stomach but I ignore it to keep up the conversation.

"Well then, you got a lousy taste in women."

A corner of her mouth turns up in amusement as her eyes shimmer, green looking up at me through her lashes.

"She's not so bad. She's still adjusting, kind of has a head bigger than Texas, tries to act like this big tough person but...deep down she's just a softy. She's actually kind of interesting...best part is that she's not like anyone I've ever known."

Tossing back a swig of beer I clear my throat, glancing around the party to see if anyone's noticing this conversation. Swinging back around to focus on the former spy, my smile spreads out, thinking about how she said I'm not like anyone she's ever known.

"She sounds pretty great."

Nat nods before raising one eyebrow simply at me, flirty glimmer in her eye, "she's also a mystery novel."

A buzzing lands in my head as I flush red, starting to feel the need to apologize for being so protected by my walls, hiding behind my sarcasm to everyone. But she beats me to it.

"It's a good thing I love reading, right? And I never put a novel down until I read it cover to cover."

She looks down at my lips, then back up to my eyes. My body starts to heat up even more but I push it all down to keep Nat's ego at bay. I know what game she's getting at. She's a great flirt, I'll hand it to her, but so am I.

"So what do you think? Should I put the book down or turn the page?"


I finish my beer and smirk mischievously at her while grabbing for her drink. She watches patiently, not breaking eye contact until I speak.

"I think that you should at least get to the climax."

Her eyes slightly widen in surprise at my response but I don't give her a chance to respond. I toss her martini back in my mouth until the entire glass is empty, then place the glass in front of her. She swallows a lump down in her throat, placing her fingers on the glass gently, turning to fill it again for herself. Before she can, I grab her arm and pull her towards me, my lips resting just beside her ear.

"...every story needs a climax, right?"

She sucks in a sharp breath, turning her head slightly for her eyes to eye me down lustfully before I let my fingers drag down her arm, releasing her as someone comes over.

"Stark, Romanoff. Either of you up for a game?" A man that I was told about to be Sam Wilson looks between us with a bright grin, clearly excited for whatever game everyone's playing. Nat and I share one more look before we nod, both saying "sure" at the same time. We follow Sam to the rest of the ground on the couches. I sit between Tony and Wanda. She smiles gently at me,

"Hey. You look nice."

Her voice comes off quiet, not wanting everyone else to listen in on our conversation as her eyes wander around the rest of the group, until they land on my own eyes. I feel a fluttery feeling in my chest, like a cage releasing a dozen butterflies inside of my, messing with everything in its path. I push the feeling down and take the moment to observe her green dress that is hugging her in all the right places, hair straight and eyes accented with a subtle yet still breathtaking smokey shade.

"You don't look too bad yourself Maximoff."

A smile dances at her lips until Thor speaks up.

"The game is Truth or Dare, on Asgard we all played it and I will now teach it to you small Earthlings" "Thor we all know what Truth or Dare is," I cut in, making everyone chuckle at the Asgardian who just huffs in defeat, leaning back in his seat.

"Alright then Lady Stark, you're up first then."

I slap my hands to my knees and scan the room, then land on Clint.

"Clint, truth or dare." He fiddles with drumsticks in his hands before he nods, "dare."

Damn, I didn't think this through, now I gotta think of one...

"Alright um..." My brain ponders for a moment until my gaze lands on Thor's hammer. With a toothy grin, I turn back to the archer.

"I dare you, actually all of you to try and lift Thor's hammer."

Thor bellows a hearty laugh, nodding at me with approval of my dare while Clint chuckles, standing up, "sounds good to me."

He tries to pull the hammer but can't, then everyone else starts. Tony stands, "It's just physics. I'm gonna reinstate prima nochta." He grabs the handle and tugs, but nothing happens.

Rhodey helps him when they have their Iron Man and War Machine hands build on them.

"Are you even pulling?" Rhodey says as they grunt.

No one can lift it.

Bruce's is the most embarrassing. I hide my face in second hand embarrassment for the doctor while Nat just shakes her head with a chuckle, sipping her beer.


Steve is up next. He tugs at it, still no win.

"Alright then. Widow?" Tony looks at Nat who just laughs with a head shake, "oh no. That is not a question I need answered."

Thor smirks and eyes at me.

"Lady Stark?"

I quirk up an eyebrow at him, "hey, I dared you guys. Not myself."

He doesn't let up though, neither does everyone else. Natasha smirks at me, "Oh come on Stark. I thought Stark's were competitive, no? Or do you want to just accept that you lost?"

"I didn't see you trying Romanoff." She shrugs and smirks as she sips on her beer once again.

Still feeling everyone's gazes on me, I sigh in playful frustration and stand up, "fine. Here's to embarrassment."

I place my hand on the handle and pull. I can feel it wobble in my grip and instantly freeze in my place. My head snaps to Thor who just stares in bewilderment, clearly noticing the slight budge. However, no one else does and I try to laugh it off, grabbing my drink from the table, "see? Nothing."

Everyone laughs at the poor attempts to lift Thor's hammer, making jokes and comments but I look at the god who is just staring right back at me. There's an unspoken communication between us in the moment as he begins to smirk, raising a finger to his lips to show me that I shouldn't tell anyone. I feel some sort of pride in the fact that I almost lifted that hammer.

While everyone bickers, Thor steps in, "that is a very interesting theory, however I have a simpler one. You're not worthy."

They all groan, dismissing him with chuckles but I catch his eye again and he winks at me. I look at everyone laughing and go to ask Wanda why she didn't try but when I turn to her, she's lost in a conversation with Vision. I can hear her bright giggle at whatever he is telling her, only making me roll my eyes, returning my attention to the group.

"Alright! My turn," Sam says and looks around.

"Lovely Miss Natasha. Truth or dare."

She sighs, "how did I know? Fine Wilson. Dare."

He racks his brain for a moment before I see the lightbulb go off in his head.

"I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in this room."

Everyone "oohs" at that. Stark laughs, "oh come on! We all know who she's going for."

Natasha smirks as she stands up, making her way over to Steve.

"Told you," Tony says but as Natasha leans closer to Steve, she uses her fingers to grab my chin, turning my head to her. Before anyone could process, she has her lips pressed against mine. All the guys instantly lose their shit as our kiss continues, feeling her tongue brush over my bottom lip. She pulls away with a devilish smile.

"I like Earth better than Asgard," Thor says with a wondrous flash of teeth. I gulp, my cheeks hopefully not as noticeably hot as they feel. Natasha doesn't break eye contact with me until her lip is next to my ear.

"I turned the page."

I breathe shakily while she walks away, back to her seat, sitting so calmly as if what she did wasn't eyebrow-raising. Everyone's jaws are on the floor in shock. I notice Wanda staring at Natasha, eyes glossing over to scarlet briefly before she looks over at me, eyeing my current state before her eyes change back to their normal green, looking down at her hands before I can get a word in. What am I supposed to say? And why did she get so pissed?

She's not jealous is she? I mean yeah Wanda and I obviously have a connection but she seems more interested in Vision than anyone else tonight.

"Well thank you Nat for that...interesting display with my sister."

My attention is tugged back at the game and I let out a slightly nervous laugh while everyone just smirks.

"It was hot, don't apologize, your welcome everyone for that dare, by the way." Steve rolls his eyes, as do the rest of us. I look back up at Nat who's already looking at me, subtly biting her lip with a wickedly proud smile.

The boys go back and forth with truth or dares until Thor is up.

"Lady Maximoff, truth or dare?"

Wanda hums as she thinks of her options before responding with "truth". I watch her completely avoiding my gaze while she sips on her wine.

"Well then. Have you developed feelings for anyone here? Romantic, of course."

She flushes as she looks away from everyone, back down to her fiddling fingers before she nods, "yes, I have."

I can see Vision almost crack a smile, to which for some reason makes my blood boil. I just don't like him. But if Wanda does then so be it. I would've hoped she would say me since that kiss the other night...but a kiss is just that: a kiss. They don't mean much. Wanda's just a close friend, someone I care for. Why is the idea of her and Vision piss me off so much?

Thor punches the air in victory, "I knew it!"

We all continue to play and drink. Nat gets dared to make out with Steve, which she does, winking at me afterwards. Oh, she wants to play it like that, huh? Fine by me.

I catch myself watching Vision and Wanda every now and then until Natasha clears her throat.

"Y/N. You gonna answer or what?"

Snapping out of my little daze, I remember Natasha asking me truth or dare so without thinking I say "dare". I drink on my vodka-cranberry until I see the smirk playing on the former sky's face.

Oh god.

"I dare you to...make out with someone here for 10 seconds."

Everyone whistles, thinking it'll be Nat. And I know it would too given our previous kiss. But since the look on her face tells me she knows it's her, I decide that letting her win just wasn't an option. So I stand up, making my way over to her. She looks up at me through her eyelashes, smiling that same devilish smile, thinking that she has won.

I flick my wrist behind me, using my powers to pull Wanda's chair until it's right behind me. She shrieks, clearly not expecting it and Natasha raises a curious brow at me until I smirk.

"Two can play Romanoff."

I turn around and grab the sides of Wanda's face, pulling her into my lips. She's surprised at first, not knowing what to do but she eventually gives in, kissing back. I drag my tongue along her bottom lip until she opens her lips, clashing our tongues together. Everyone behind us is drunkenly cheering us on. When Sam yells "time" I pull away and look at her face. Her chest is rising and falling rapidly as she stares at me in surprise, gulping down a breath in her throat.

I use my powers to force her chair back to its original place, seeing Vision staring me down with his stupid robotic body in a fucking sweater. Still think that's weird.

When I turn around, Natasha is staring at me with her arms crossed over her chest, eyebrows up in shock at my actions. Winking, I go back to my seat, feeling both Wanda and Natasha staring.

Okay, that may have been a bad idea. Almost forgot how irresponsible alcohol can make a person. Wanda just looks confused and Nat looks...well she looks like she's going to kill me. I can't tell if it's in a good or bad way, though.

She stands up,

"Excuse me boys, I'm gonna head to the lady's room."

She leaves and I watch her. Something in me is telling me to go follow her. I finish the rest of my drink and stand, "I'll be back."

Sam whistles after me, I toss a middle finger behind me as I grab a beer from the fridge before making my way to the door. I can feel a pair of eyes staring at me but I keep walking, the drive of alcohol forcing me to the door. I open it and see Nat standing over the sink. I can't see her face in the mirror since her head is hanging.

"Nat? You alright?"

She huffs as I close the door behind me. I walk over slowly, not wanting to get stabbed in the throat. We're both drunk so maybe our little game got too intense. Maybe I took it too far?

"Look I'm sorry if I took it too far. You made out with Steve so I just thought it was fair to" "shut up."

Her voice is low, almost like a growl. I frown, "Look nat-" "I said..." She turns to me and grabs me by the neck, throwing me against the door. I grunt as my back hits, staring at her wild eyes. I can't read her but I don't have much time to for she charges at me, our lips instantly connecting with a heat I can't even describe. She forces her tongue into my mouth and explores it aggressively. I feel a fire brewing beneath my stomach while she fiercely touches me, grabbing my hands and pinning them above my head.

"...Shut up." She finishes her sentence from before when she pulls away briefly, her chest heaving as we both attempt to catch our breath. I search her eyes rapidly, not even trusting my lungs to keep me standing at this point.

She's not mad or wanting to kill me.

I would say it's quite the opposite at that.

My eyes go from hers then down to her lips, alternating quickly before I swiftly use my fingers from my pinned hands to grab hers and spin us, slamming her against the door. She grunts and smiles impressively at me, hands grabbing at my top to pull me back into her lips. We keep going like this, our skin burning, bodies dripping with sweat and hunger. I feel like my brain is on cloud 9, everything starts happening so fast. Before I know it, Nat pulls away and smiles breathlessly.


I nod furiously as she grabs my hand and we leave the bathroom, ignoring everyone as we make our way to my bedroom for the rest of the night's festivities.

"Thought you said I couldn't get you into bed?" I tease, referring back to when Clint mocked us and Nat denied it. She only shakes her head with a slight laugh, "shut up before I change my mind."



Happy Easter!

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