《Red Whispers || Wanda Maximoff X Reader》Chapter 12 || Mission


"Alright Avengers, suit up. We have intel on a Hydra base in New Mexico. SHIELD spotted Rumlow around there just last night. Nat, Tony, Wanda and Clint, be on the jet in 10."

Everyone nods and starts to get ready. When I stand up, Steve looks at me worriedly.

"Y/N you can't come."

"What? Why not?"

Tony quirks his eyebrow up with his arms crossed, "Oh I don't know, maybe because it's too dangerous and having you come would be like serving you up on a silver platter. And not to mention you nearly choked out Witchy last night."

I widen my eyes and look at Steve, knowing it was him that told. He hangs his head shamefully while Tony scoffs, "Of course Rogers told me, you're my sister. And you're not coming. You could get hurt."

"You're the one who told me I'm a part of this team, remember?"

"Y/N, Tony's right. You should stay here where it's safe and get some rest." Wanda speaks cautiously, not wanting to piss me off. It does anyways.

"Okay, no. I don't need to rest, I need to do this. Please. Nat? You're the one who said we're in this together. Last night you guys had my back, now let me have yours. Please."

I stare at Nat, knowing that my words would hit somewhere in her if she meant them at all. When she looks away and sighs, rubbing her forehead, she groans.

"She's right. She's also strong. Y/N can help us."

"What? No it's too dangerous! She could get hurt," Wanda grunts but Clint interjects, "Wanda, she's right. Y/N has every right to want to be a part of this fight. She hates Hydra more than anyone, she can channel that."

Wanda starts arguing with Nat and Clint, their voices battling back and forth until Tony shouts, "Alright! Settle down children."

They quiet down and Tony looks at me, "You really think you're up for this?"

I smirk and cross my arms, "I think you underestimate me old man."

He breaks out into a proud grin and nods, "Alright then. Suit up, let's get to the jet."

Tony walks away with Steve and I look at Wanda, Clint and Nat who look like they're having some sort of staring contest.

"I'll be fine," I say and Wanda looks at me, then sighs, closing her eyes.

When she opens them again she nods, "fine. But listen to me right now." Her eyes go red as she steps closer to Clint and Natasha.


"If anything happens to her? It's on you two."

She huffs as she brushes past me, walking outside. Clint clears his throat and looks at me, "you better not get killed. I don't feel like being blown to smithereens today by your little girlfriend."

I let out a nervous chuckle as he walked away from us.

"She's not my girlfriend!" I shout after but he only flips me off.

Nat grabs my arm before I follow Clint and I turn to her.

Her face is somewhat a mixture of pissed off, concerned, and protective.

"Promise me you're ready to do this."

"I need my closure, Nat. Help me get it."

We stare at each other and this unspoken trust is suddenly formed. She's going to help me get what I want.

She nods and we go to suit up, then head to the jet.

It's dead silent. Wanda won't speak to me, she will barely even look at me. After a while Steve stands up to give us the plan. We all have comms ready and I feel around my new suit that Tony made for me, noticing all the gadgets it has inside of it.

"Wanda and Tony we need you in the air scoping out the premise, I'll tackle the first floor with Clint, Nat and Y/N, think you guys can handle the downstairs?"

Nat smirks at me now, "Think you can keep up rookie?"

I show my hand and let a ball of energy form, "You sure you not asking yourself that?"

Tony turns around in the seat, letting Friday take over and walks over to us.

"If you see anyone, let us know. Keep an eye out for Rumlow. He's playing a big part in all of this."

Steve warns that we're close and Natasha gets ready with Clint. When we land we all get ready to move out but Wanda holds me back.

I look at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Please be careful."

It was 3 words but they felt stronger. I felt her words intensely, showing me how scared she is for me. I walk towards her with a reassuring smile.

"You don't need to worry. I can handle myself. Just focus on the mission, okay?"

She sighs and nods quickly. I gesture for her to walk off with me and she does. We all take off to our prospective locations and once Nat and I are inside, we scope out the entire downstairs, finding absolutely nothing.


"We're clear down here." Nat says through comms and Steve responds with the same for upstairs. Wanda comes in, "There's no one here. It's empty."

I look at Nat, confused as hell until I freeze, hearing a ticking.

"Do you hear that?"

"What? Y/N, hear what?" Wanda says into the comms.

"Shh," I say and listen closer. Nat seems to hear it now and I widen my eyes the second I realize, "Nat get down!" I scream as I grab her and speed us away while a bomb goes off, the explosion on our tails. I feel the force of it push me but I hold Nat tighter, grunting when we hit the ground.

"Y/N! Romanoff! Talk to me, what's going on?"

I breathe heavily and look down at Natasha who's staring me straight in the eyes. I gulp and whisper, "are you okay?"

She nods shakily, "y-yeah. Thanks."

I stand up, helping her to her feet and we observe where the explosion came from. Still no one.

"Just a bomb. They must've planted them before we got here. They knew we were coming."

"Alright, just get to the jet. This mission was a dud." Steve says over comms. We start making our way out until I hear the familiar voice of Wanda screaming.

"Wanda? WANDA!" I shout and run towards her voice.

"Tony! What the hell is going on?!" Natasha shouts and Tony comes over in comms, I can hear his blasts from here as he says, "litttleeee speed bump. I got her. We're not alone here. Rogers, Barton, how we looking?"

I see Wanda in the distance fighting off Hydra goons. There's gunfire and explosions everywhere.

"We got it! Just meet in the jet. Rumlow isn't here, just some minions."

Natasha grabs me and we make our way to the jet until I feel someone tackle me. I roll us over and punch him. We stand up and I see Natasha fighting off her own. He raises a gun but I grab it, crush it and throw it.

"You shouldn't have done that." I hiss and grab him by his neck, throwing him at one of his teammates, them both collapsing.

"Behind you," Natasha says and when I turn around I see a Hydra agent charging me but Nat jumps on him, bringing him down in a swift motion before using her electro-shock wands against two others. Within less than a minute we take down 10 men together.

"We make a good team," I say as we make our way to the jet.

She smirks and looks over at me, "You did alright for a rookie."

She pats my shoulder and gets onto the jet, Clint soon joining.

"Where's Wanda, Tony and Steve?" I ask and Nat looks behind me, eyes full of concern as she stands, "Clint, call Bruce and tell him to prep medbay. And to get Helen Cho to the compound immediately."

I turn around and see Tony and Steve approaching with Wanda's arms slung over either of their shoulders. She's breathing heavily, a gash on her head, blood dripping from it. I rush over and grab her from them. She stumbles but steadies herself, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"No you're not, you're bleeding."

"It's just a scrape."

I sit her down in the back of the jet and observe the damage. It's not too deep, but it's enough to do damage. I grab her hand and place it on my head, "tell me what you feel."

I watch as she tries to read me but when her eyes turn red they flicker and she cries out in pain, holding her head tightly. I grab hold of her hands and pull her into me immediately.

"You're alright. We'll fix you up."

She nods as she grips onto my suit, like she doesn't want to let go. I rub her arm and comfort her. I close my eyes and focus as hard as I can. Maybe I can see what's going on in her head if I really try to. If we are both connected to the Mind stone, then that has to stand for something, right? I start to see something, but can't see it clearly enough. Wanda grabs my hand and looks up at me. Her head tilts with curiosity, she felt that I was in her head, or at least trying to get in.

"You can-" "Clearly not," I chuckle but she shakes her head, groaning as she does so.

"No, you can. You just don't know how yet." She reveals a small smile, and I start to feel proud of that, despite the failure to do it in full.

She leans back into me and starts to fall asleep. I notice Nat watching us and when she notices me catch her, she stands up and walks over to Steve, starting up a conversation with him instead.

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