《Red Whispers || Wanda Maximoff X Reader》Chapter 3 || That's My Kid Sister



"Witchy! What'd you find for me on the enhanced? Her name maybe?"

"Uh-right. Her name is Y/N...didn't get a last name but I looked inside her head-" "And found?"

He walks over to a screen, barely listening to me. As per usual. I see Bruce in the corner of the lab briefly looking over at us, observing research on Lascombe, Hydra's new leader since Strucker.

"Her memories, where she comes from."

"Anything interesting telling us how the hell she has these abilities? What were they again Banner?"

Bruce looks at a different screen and reads it off, "uhh...by the DNA read I can tell she has enhanced speed, strength, agility, power of flight, psionic energy manipulation and...telekinesis."

"Beautiful. We got an interesting one."

"Tony, I looked at her memories...her parents died years ago."

"So she was emotionally vulnerable and volunteered at Hydra thinking she could make a change, sound familiar Maximoff?"

I choose to ignore his slight at me and sigh in annoyance, using my powers to burst the mug in his hand, watching it shatter. Him and Bruce freeze, then turn to me.

Tony shrugs, "Alright Little Witch, you have my attention."

"Thank you. Her parents died in a car crash it looks like, she was a teenager. Then what looked to be a guy with a metal arm pulled her out and took her back to Strucker. Hydra is where she remained for the past few years getting experimented on which provided her with her abilities. Strucker had her mind wiped so she never knew of her past or where she came from."

Now I have his attention. He folds his arms over his chest.

"You said her name was Y/N?"



He turns around and puts his fist up to his mouth, clearly thinking hard. I know that he knows what I am thinking. But he's in denial.

"Tony, she could be-" "Yeah yeah I know what she may be. But it's not for sure."

"Tony-" "I said it isn't certain!"

He slams his fist down on a table, causing Bruce and I to jump. I glance over at the security footage, seeing Y/N in her cell, pacing. Her hands are over her head as she walks around, she looks in distress. I can't help but feel guilty. She had no recollection of her life before Hydra. She was raised to be a weapon, just like Pietro and me. And all those memories of her family, her being taken, being tortured, experimented on, tested, I just brought all of that right up to the surface. No doubt it's overwhelming.

"Friday, pull up the security footage from the night of my parents' death. The crash."

"Of course sir."

He enlarges the screen and we watch the crash. The Winter Soldier, who we now know was Bucky Barnes walks over and pulls Howard Stark out, then punches him until his body goes limp. He then proceeds to killing his mother. When Bucky turns around to point the gun at the camera, Tony freezes it and stands still.

"Friday zoom into the backseat."

When it zooms in there's an outline of a younger female, she's moving. She's alive. That has to be Y/N. Bucky turns his head to the side, seeing her as she starts to move out of the car. He turns again, back to the camera and the footage ends.

Tony sits down, eyes wide with horror as he leans back in his chair.

"How the crap did I not see this before? Friday was this video tampered with?"


"No sir."

"Shit," he says in bewilderment and looks back down at the security tapes of Y/N in the cell. In the crash footage, Tony zooms in more and clears up the image as best as he can. The face matches Y/N's, it just looks younger, less matured.

"Oh my god."

Tony wipes his face with his hands and chuckles, "My sister's been alive this entire time? How in the-that's my kid sister. Holy crap." He goes to walk down there but I grab him and hold him back,

"Just be careful. When she saw those memories she got...confused and angry. I felt her fear. She isn't sure what's real and what isn't. She's fragile."

He sighs and looks back at the footage of her in the cell and smiles ever so slightly.

"She's alive Witchy. Y/N's alive."

When he looks back at me I can see tears slightly forming in his eyes. I'm tempted to mock him but I know that if I found out Pietro was somehow still alive I wouldn't be as composed as Stark is right now. I'll make a joke later on.

"She's alive."

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