《Possession》Chapter Twenty-Seven
Lunar's POV
Bubbles from my breath tickled my nose as my body soaked and caked withing gooey slime that surrounded my flesh and bone, my head weak and dizzy as it bobbed. My hands clasped around my throat as I choked from the lack of oxygen, my eyes opening frantically as I searched for an escape.
Through the blurriness of the egg sack, I could see movements of lights through the square yards from me. I tried to scream but my lungs filled and I gagged. My hands reached for my pocket and pulled off my bag, pulling out things frantically before pulling out a pocket knife. I wasn't one for weapons, they scared me, but I was grateful to have this.
Thank you Jax and Parker for buying me a pocket knife, I'll never hate these fucking things again!
Flipping it open, I stabbed the sack repeatedly until I could tear through it. I coughed and hacked into the dirty tile floor as the saliva and mucus gushed out and pooled all over the ground, vomit retching up my throat, "Th-The only time I will e-ever be thankful to see a-a disgusting floor."
"Meal, meal, meal!" The spider lady screeched as I rolled onto my back and stared up at her, trying to catch my breath. My lungs were heavy, my body feverish as I panted and ache. My temper was boiling, every fiber of my being growing ever so pissed. I was all about peace and harmony, but tonight crossed a line and I wasn't about to let shit slide.
"He's in here!!" Jax hollered from outside, starting to open the door as he stepped into the building and aimed for her.
"Listen here, You Little Pompous Bitch. I. Am. Not. A. Meal!" I glared up at Ms. Bitch, my knuckles turning white from holding the blade so harshly, rage swimming through my veins as the knife made contact with her throat. Her body collapsed onto me with a shrill and a gurgle, Mr. Lincoln rushing over and pushing her off. I was so mad, I got up on my own, balancing on my good leg and throwing my blade into the skull of Mr. Dickface-Spider-Dude when he came screeching his annoying line, growling, "NOW, YOU'RE THE TOY, FUCKER!"
Adrenaline vacated as quickly as it came, my body growing shaky and exhausted as I fell back and hacked into the floor. I didn't fight when Mr. Lincoln caught and held me in his lap, his voice trembling, "I'm sorry we took so long. This place is larger than expected."
"Never ever going to underestimate this place, again," I shivered into his coat as he lifted and carried me, bringing me outside where Jax and Mr. Hayes stood. They were all packed and ready like it was The Walking Dead or some shit, I can't deny it was amusing to see. They weren't human and were wearing gear and holding guns, really showed this place was fucked.
Mr. Hayes looked around, checking around places while Jax took another path and did the same. I saw a few other people doing the same, none of them I recognized as Mr. Lincoln explained hushedly, "We found a few more of those things, every other building has one. We've taken care of the ones we found but we aren't going back the same way just in case the body trail is spotted by them."
"This side is clear," Jax whispered to us, resting his gun against his back as he questioned, "Tyler, where's the rest of the group? I know where Parker and Anthien are."
"You called Anthien?" I perked up. I wasn't expecting any of them to trust him, especially with such a rescue mission.
"I also called his buddy Castian," Jax chuckled with a roll of his eyes. He probably thought my question was stupid. I could understand why, to be honest. Anthien was known for his obsession with me, if anybody was willing to kill themselves to get to me it was him. Reformed or not, you could count on him to go through hoops and hills to get me. I wasn't sure who Castian was but he had a nice name, I heard that name meant "God" and a few other things. I wonder if he knew that.
Anthien rounded the corner and approached us with a male I didn't recognize. He looked pissed off, the pure definition of resting-bitch face. His eyes screamed of an easy temper, showing that his serious expression was an instant fuck-off and end-your-existence.
Looking him over, I sized him up. He had to be about 6'2 with blood-colored irises, an inch shorter than Mr. Hayes and Mr. Lincoln. He had an E-Boy hairstyle and a black bandana around his forehead. His outfit fit nicely with black cargo jeans with lots of pockets and a white tank top to show off his muscles, scars, and satanic tattoos. The outfit was tight yet loose to show off he was packed to kick your ass if needed or desired but loose enough to be comfortable.
His head-turning and making eye contact with me briefly had me finding out his ears were pierced and only the left one had a dangling bat to match the tattoos. I thought the earring was kind of cute, it was a sleeping black bat looking like it was resting on his ear. It made it hint that even though he looked like a hardass he was still approachable in some way.
Our making eye contact had him looking me over, a roll of his eyes as he shook his head at my attire, looking around the area as if he heard something in the distance. I watched his pupils dilate repeatedly, his nose wiggling slightly. It was then that I noticed he was the only one who didn't have any gear. He had no bulletproof vest or shoulder pad. No knee or elbow pads. He had a gun but it was on his back like he didn't want it. His muscles seemed tense just from having it on him.
The number of scars and his actions made it appear he wasn't like Anthien or Jax. His nose and irises acted like Anthien's. He wasn't a vampire but a wolf. From his body and posture, he didn't have a pack. He wasn't a Canine. That left me with the option that he was a Rogue. I wondered if that was another reason for him being so tense, he had to be around a bunch of vampires and wolves and act like he was part of a pack.
"We dealt with all the egg sacks. We better get out of here. They're far more active at the night. Castian and I will come back in the morning, the sunlight burns their flesh, we can break the windows and doors when we come back," Anthien assured, bringing my attention away from his friend as Mr. Haye's buddies came over to us. His focus drew towards me as he asked, "You alright, Lune?"
"I'm ready for a bath," I shivered with a shrug, "and to get my ankle looked at."
My response had him shaking his head with a chuckle, his pupils looking over to Mr. Lincoln and giving him and Mr. Hayes an awkward and sheepish nod. He froze when Mr. Lincoln grabbed him and replied thankfully, "You did well."
I could see a small smile form on Anthien's lips. Those three little words were a sign of respect, a sign to say the Fangs were on good terms with the Canines. They were back to being neutral...for now.
I watched as Anthien and Castian took their leave, Mr. Lincoln carrying me to the Cadillac as Jax and Mr. Haye's group got into a big armored truck. Jax grew frantic as looking around, "Where's Parker? He was with the group a moment ago."
My eyebrows furrowed, I hadn't seen Parker. If Jax hadn't said something I would have assumed Parker wasn't with them. Mr. Hayes didn't look thrilled, stepping out of the vehicle. In the distance, Parker came rushing over with somebody in his arms, his leg limping and bleeding as Mr. Hayes called, "Parker!"
Without any hesitation, Jax hopped out of the car, running over to the two and helping immediately, Mr. Lincoln tsked him, looking at Parker as he limped into the vehicle, "Next time don't run off."
"Nobody gets left behind," Parker was looking at the person he was carrying, his voice delicate as he fixed their hair out of their face and watched them rest. His irises were filled with fear and worry, petrified that they'd vanish from his sight at any moment. It had me realizing that he had a look on his face that said he recognized this person.
"Nobody gets left behind," Jax agreed with a nod, patting Parker's back as Mr. Hayes shut the armored car's door and then got into the Cadillac, both vehicles driving away from the Spooks.
Lunar's POV
All cleaned and patched up, I headed over to where Parker was. He was bandaging his leg, watching over the person he had rescued. Limping in, I came over to get a better look at them. It was a girl, maybe around the age of nineteen or even my age.
She had violet-colored hair with a strip of silver in her bangs, her body all cut up and covered in bandages. Parker had bathed her and tucked her into his shirt, the blankets covering her as she slept. I glanced over at him, whispering, "Has she said anything?"
"I found her while clearing out an area. I left her cause I thought she was dead, I was cutting open the eggs so they wouldn't mutate. She had no pulse, but I heard her when I started heading back. Her voice was almost inaudible when she started calling for help," He replied quietly, his voice pained with regret, dabbing her head with a cold washcloth. He froze when she whimpered in her sleep, swabbing again when she settled down, "I'm guessing she had been screaming for help before they caught her and nobody came, Tyler says her vocals are ruptured and she'll need to take it easy with talking if she wants to speak again. He and Ryker are allowing me to stay until she gets better, they don't think it'd be very polite for her to see unfamiliar faces since she saw mine when I rescued her."
"Do you know her, Parker...?" I hesitated, taking a seat on the bed, "You just look like you recognize her."
"We use to live together as teens, we were Foster kids," He murmured, combing her hair with his fingers, "We were adopted apart and it was told to me that she moved out of state. I-I didn't think I'd see her again, I hate this is how I'm meeting her. She was cool, ya know? I think you all would love her, honestly. She's where I got my sense of humor and shit."
I watched her sleep, glancing over at his saddened face. He looked like he was hurting as I felt her head, changing the topic so he wouldn't start crying, "She's got a fever. My mother will throw a fit if we don't take care of her properly."
Parker chuckled quietly as he wiped the stray tears from his cheeks, "Don't mess with Mama Floid."
"Never mess with Mama Floid," I teased, getting up, "I'll have Mr. Hayes bring some stuff up for her fever, alright?"
He nodded with a grin, bobbing to my ankle, "And get off that ankle before your mother wrings your neck."
Heading downstairs, I jumped at Mr. Lincoln exiting the bathroom, blushing at seeing him only in a towel. I was so used to him in suits or sweatpants that this was foreign to me, a smirk crossing his lips as he winked, "Just realized you've technically never seen me nude. Don't be getting any ideas, Pet."
I scrunched my face, walking passed him casually and without a care, I wasn't going to let him have his ways tonight, "I won't be, Living Strap-On."
He laughed as he headed to his bedroom, calling, "Cockwarmer."
"Oversized Dildo," I retorted, lifting my middle finger as I hopped onto the stair railing and held onto it, "Te Quiero. Te Amo."
I smirked at catching him off guard, making him look at me with furrowed eyebrows and a tilted head, "I don't speak Spanish, Kitten. I know many languages but Spanish I haven't learned quite yet."
"That's too bad," I grinned, sliding down with a cocky grin and a wink, "'cause I'm not translating it for you."
"I'll be down in a bit," He shook his head at me, rolling his eyes with a chuckle, "Brat."
Once on the lower floor, I limped over to Mr. Hayes, "The girl Parker rescued has a fever, would it be alright for somebody to bring him supplies to take care of her? I'd do it myself but my mother will rip all of us a new one if she catches me on this leg."
"I'll bring them up, Little One," He chortled, kissing the top of my head and raising my chin to look at him better, "and since when do you know Spanish?"
"I learned it a few years ago in middle school because we had a transfer student and nobody could communicate with him. My mother has Spanish in her blood and keeps books in her bedroom," I smiled, shrugging, "Every New Year we make it a tradition to practice our Spanish."
"I understand all languages, Ryker struggles. He has too much on his mind. I'm still confused about how he can learn and understand some of the most difficult languages but he gets confused by Spanish. His mind is confusing," He nodded in approval, patting my head as he bowed, "Rest, I'll go help Mr. Fawxe with our Guest."
I watched him head upstairs, waiting until I could no longer see him before proceeding into the living room and sitting on the couch, putting my ankle onto the pillow Jax set down for me, "Thanks, Jax."
Mathis and Clarissa came barging into the room, Mathis instantly smacking the back of my head and glaring at me, "You have explaining to do! What the fuck happened? You were supposed to keep going through the path, not go into the buildings!"
"I was doing so, b-but I heard sirens a few times. The first time it was just sirens but no lights. The second time I heard sirens and it sounded like people had come into the Spooks, I didn't want to get busted so I hid in the buildings. One building was fine, but the second...," I rubbed the back of my head, growing sheepish as my face whitened. My face buried into my hands, my mind trying to not think about the Spooks, "The first one was abandoned and because of hearing people, I didn't want to go back out of the second building so I went to find another door. I-I didn't know it was a hospital...it was horrid."
"How?" Clarissa tried to tease me, a giggle leaving her lips as if I said the silliest things, "It's just haunted."
I knew it was because she didn't know about any of the information we did but to be invalidated hurt. It felt like a shot to the heart, like the trauma and fear I'd gone through tonight was meaningless. I could have died tonight and she was just mocking it. I tried to keep my composure, knowing it was the lack of info but a dry laugh left my throat as I pointed at Jax and Mathis, "I've been to a shit ton of haunted places because of these two fuckers, Clarissa. That shit wasn't paranormal. It was fucking real people experimented and mutated into some sick twisted shit! They were living corpses, not like fucking zombies, but a fresh corpse that looks like the human version of a spider."
I could tell she wanted to argue but Jax shook his head in agreement with me, daring to give small information, finally starting to understand why we didn't like her not knowing things, "He was lucky to get out alive, Clare-Baby. He had two of them on his ass. Eggs were everywhere, the place isn't paranormal."
Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion, not understanding. Her shrugging meant she wasn't going to ask questions because she knew she'd crossed a line somehow, she was trusting that Jax would tell her more later.
"I-I-I love you, too," Mr. Lincoln came up behind me, bending down and kissing my lips as he stammered. My heart fluttered as he hid in the crook of my neck, his face was heated against my skin. He was blushing, trying to hide it by pretending like he was giving me love bites. I smirked as I played with my jacket, looking over at Mathis and Jax, earning a light smack to my cheek as Mr. Lincoln kissed my jawline, "Don't get too pretentious on me, I'll have that ego dropped by the end of tonight."
"In the words of Jax and Panic! At the Disco," I smooched into his lips with a grin, his nails tickling up from my collarbone and to the tip of my chin and back again as I teased, "Don't threaten me with a good time."
He bit down on my lip, earning me to slap him right back, distracting him long enough that I could bite back but harder. He jerked at the strength I'd put into it, holding his lip and dabbing at it with a smirk, "Somebody's brash tonight."
"Te Quiero. Te Amo," I smiled, showing off the pearly whites of my teeth slightly stained with his blood.
"I'll be back, Kitten," He scrunched his face at me, rolling his eyes at my defiance, "Mr. Hayes and I have to get supplies."
He looked to Jax, flickering his eyes to Clarissa and then to me as I nodded, smirking as I taunted, "Don't be too long or I'll lock you out...again."
I watched his bottom jaw wiggle as he grinned at me, still dabbing his lip with his palm. He wasn't about to quick-heal in front of Clare since she wasn't acknowledged about his species yet, "We both know how that went, Darling Little Pet, don't make me remind you."
"I'm not the one blushy tonight," I snickered into my Pepsi, avoiding eye contact on purpose. I casually took a sip from my can, a hum in my throat.
"Goddess Elysium, your cockiness is intriguing," His tone was enticing, purring out a hidden threat.
"Whoever said I was being pompous?" I side-eyed him, "Did you ever consider you might be a Switch and I'm just making you trip over tonight's desires?"
I smiled at how quick he was to cross the room and grab my throat with a rough kiss, his nails tickling my flesh as he growled, "You only dream of such, Pretty Thing."
Jax and Mathis watched in amusement as I refused to kiss back, mocking him, only smiling into his lips and denying him access, "A dream, hm?"
"Don't tease me, Pet," He bit the side of my jawline, Mr. Hayes watching from the doorway, as entertained as Jax and Mathis. Nibbling the other side of my jawline he very lowly snarled from my rejection of letting him have access to my mouth, grabbing my hair and pulling it back aggressively, "Stop teasing me."
"Me, teasing? Why, I'd never," I gibed, caressing his cheek before smacking him hard enough that he stared down with a tightened jaw, "Whatever do you mean, Darling?"
"You are pushing limits, Young Man," I smirked at the lick of his teeth, doing a quick flash of his fangs at me so Clarissa wouldn't notice as he cocked a brow and sneered. Motioning in for a kiss, he lowered, grinning completely as I smacked him again, "Alright, alright, alright. That's how we're doing things tonight? I'll be back in an hour, Kitten. Your ass better be in the Pet Room by the time I get back."
Nodding with a big grin, I watched him straighten his shirt and his jacket, flicking my forehead as he began to stroll away. My throat cleared as I lazily bobbed my head and yawned, "Kiss my ass, Old Man."
His footsteps came to an abrupt halt, Jax and Mathis starting to laugh while Clarissa seemed innocently confused, the threatened tone pouring from his veins, "The fuck was that, Cock Whore?"
I took another drink of my Pepsi, holding my finger and letting out a big sigh, "Grandpa."
"You've got thirty minutes," He lifted his watch, starting a timer as he glanced at me with a side-eye, "Your friends may see themselves out. Your time starts now."
"Good luck, Kiddo," Jax ruffled my hair as he took Clarissa out, Mathis following behind as they waved goodbye. Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Hayes followed behind them, Mr. Hayes shaking his head with a chuckle, a wave as the door shut and I was left in silence.
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