《Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage? ✔️》22. Wifey & Hubby


After reading Raj's message I started pacing back and forth nervously. What to do now? Should I go down? or Ignore his message? but what if he really come here through the balcony? and What if while climbing he falls down? No no I can't take that risk. I think I should go.

I opened the door of my room silently without making any noise. I took out my slippers from my foot so that I make minimum noise while going down.

I peeked outside and noticed the lights were already off which means that everyone went to their respective rooms which is actually a good news for me. Now I can go out without getting anyone's attention. Bingo!

Because of the darkness I am unable to see anything with my bare eyes. So, I decided to use my cellphone's flashlight for navigating my way. I don't want to fall or make any noise.

Successfully, I reached to the main gate. I opened it carefully and slowly without making any noises.

As I came out I saw Raj standing while leaning on his car and rotating his cellphone between his thumb and forefinger like it's a toy not his mobile.

He smiled after watching me and I glared at him angrily.

"Are you mad? What are you doing here at this time?", I said angrily.

"What can I do? Because of my foolishness you were not picking up my call. I got so worried and I had also mentioned in my text that if you won't receive my call I will come to meet you. Still you didn't picked up my call. So, I thought you really want me to come.", He said.

"Dumbo! I didn't listen any of your calls that's why I didn't picked it up. After talking to you I went downstairs and forgot to take my mobile with me.", I explained him.

He thought for few seconds and then reacted.

"Ooohh! I thought you are angry and that's why you are not answering my calls.", He said.

"I am not angry Raj. I was just upset with you.", I said irritatedly.


"I am sorry Una I never wanted to hurt your feelings.", He apologized.

"It's okay Raj. Now you should go back. I don't want anyone to see us.", I said while looking here and there to assure that no one is watching us.

"Why?", He enquired and raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"What why? If anyone will see you here then what they will think? What are you doing here at this time of the day?", I said.

"I have come to meet my future wife.", Raj said casually while shrugging his shoulders and started minimising the distance between us.

I blushed after listening his statement and my heart skipped a beat.

When he was only one arm distance away from me he encircled his hand around my waist and pulled me towards him. To protect myself from falling I kept my one hand on his shoulder and my other hand on his chest.

Because of this sudden closeness my heart started beating very fast I am having goosebumps on all those areas wherever he is touching me. All these feelings are alien for me I have never been so close to any other man. I lowered my head to hide my emotions.

By using his free hand he lifted my chin up and said,

"Look at me Una."

I lifted my eyes to look at him and the moment I saw him my lips curled up and I started blushing shyly. Once again I averted my gaze and started looking everywhere except him.

Raj rested his palm under my cheeks and wishpered,

"You look cute when you blush like this."

After listening his complement I started blushing even harder.

"I promise Una I will never ever hurt you again and in return I want you to promise me something.", He said.

"Promise?", I enquired confusedly.

"In future I don't care how much bigger will be the fight between us you will never stop talking to me. If you want You can scold me, you can abuse me, you can do whatever you want but please never ever ignore me. If you will ignore me then for sure I will die.."


I kept my hand over his mouth and didn't let him complete his sentence.

"Never ever use that word again.", I warned him worriedly while looking straight into his eyes.

I can feel his lips curled up behind my palm which means he is smiling.

I removed my hand from his mouth but when I was going to keep my hands down he didn't let me and hold it mid way by entangling my hand with his.

"I am so stupid that I didn't realize your worth before.", He confessed.

Our faces were only few inches away, both of our eyes were locked with each other. His eyes moved towards my lips and he started leaning down to minimise the remaining distance.

I remained stunned and unable to process what is happening? Is he going to kiss me? Oh God! The intensity of my heart rate increased.

When his lips were only few inches away from mine I instantly turn my head and his lips landed on my left cheek.

I know we are going to get married soon but that doesn't mean he got the license to do such things. For this he will have to wait until we get married. Don't forget I belonged to an orthodox family. I know it's a lame excuse well the actual reason is I am not ready for this step.

"Shit! That was close.", Raj said disappointedly.

I didn't say anything just trying to control myself from blushing more.

"Ahem ahem!",

We heard someone's voice and instantly moved away from each other.

Oh God! Paa is standing on the main gate. Embarrassingly I lowered my head.

'Shit!' I cursed on my mind.

"Mr Raj May I know what are you doing here at this time?", Paa asked strictly while looking at his watch and then folded his arms Infront of his chest.

"I..I was just passing from here uncle s..so, I..I thought to meet her.", Raj said hesitantly.

After few seconds Paa started laughing loudly.


I lifted my head to have a look on him. I didn't understand! Few seconds before he was behaving so strictly and now he is laughing like he is watching a comedy show.

"Oh God! Look at your faces.", Paa said while crunching his stomach.

"Don't worry Raj you can come to meet her whenever you want. I don't have any problem but instead of meeting outside like this I prefer you both to meet inside.", Paa said while easing the tension.

"Next tym I will remember that.", Raj said.

I am still feeling embarrassed. I don't know since how long he was standing there? and What did he saw? Oh my God! What if he had watched Raj kissing me? It's so embarrassing.

"Okay now let's get inside.", Paa said.

"Umm! Uncle, Next time I will definitely come inside but now please give me permission to leave.", Raj said hesitantly.

"Okay I will permit you only in one condition.", Paa said.

Me and Raj both looked at him confusedly.

"You will not call me uncle anymore. I prefer calling Paa or dad or papa whatever you want but not uncle.", Paa said and it's time for me to blush once again.

"Okay Dad as you wish and one more thing I want to inform you tomorrow my parents will be coming here to discuss everything related to our marriage.", Raj informed.

Paa nodded his head in approval and said teasingly,

"Okay now you are approved to leave son in law."

"Bye .", Raj said to me and move towards his car.

I also went with him and when he sat down on the driver seat. I leaned down and said teasingly,

"Bye "

He watched me shockingly and then smirked.

After he left I went inside the house without making any eye contact with Paa.







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