《Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage? ✔️》5. Spill The Beans.


Love your parents.

We are so busy growing up,

We often forget they are also

Growing old.


It's been past one week since that incident with Tandel's took place.

Maa is still super angry with me and trying to avoid doing any kind of conversations. But me being myself I never leave a single chance to talk to her. Sadly her replies are always in monosyllabic form but still, I didn't loose my hope.

Actually my entire family is kind off not in talking terms with me. I can't bear their ignorance. It's killing me from inside.

So, I have decided that tonight on dinner table I'll tell them the truth,

'Why I exactly rejected Raj's marriage proposal?'

Yes, I'm going to tell them the actual reason behind my denial.

I know that Raj had requested me not to do so but I don't have any other option. I will have to take this step.

Last week was very tough for me. I had tried every possible trick to pacify my parents and earn their forgiveness but not a single trick of mine did any magic to subside their anger. Now, I'll have to reveal Raj's secret.

Sorry Raj!


I've prepared myself for this. Finally, I'm going to

Right now I'm in my room laying on the bed and curiously waiting for the dinner time.

"Dinner is ready.", Maa shouted and my face lits up.

Actually her aloud information about readiness of dinner is only for me as she can't call me personally. Why? She is not talking to me.

I descend the stairs, all excited. I want to see their reaction after knowing the actual reason behind my rejection.

I notice that they all are already being seated at the dinner table and as usual I'm the last one to join them. I pull back my chair and sat down.

Meanwhile eating, I coughed dramatically to get their undivided attention and I succeeded. As per my will everyone is looking at me specially Maa and Paa.


"I want to tell something very important.", I said.

They look at me having serious expressions plastered on their faces.

"You both want to know Why did I reject Raj, Right? I think it's high time when I should reveal everything."

"I cannot bear anymore, all this cold treatment which I've been getting since that day when I very well know that my decision is not at all wrong."

Their countenance transformed from seriousness into confusion. I'm very much enjoying it. 😜

"So, I rejected Raj because..."

I paused for few seconds to ensure that their full concentration is entirely on me.

"Because Raj is gay.", Finally, I did it.

My mother's eyes became wide and some crease lines appeared over her forehead.

Paa squeezed his brows closer in total shock and gritted his teeth in anger.

Karan's eyes and mouth copied the shape of big oval. Suddenly he started laughing like a maniac.

Paa eyed him angrily and he abruptly muted the voice of his laughter and covers his mouth behind his palms.

It's clearly visible that he is still laughing but in mute mode.

I'm enjoying this moment. Last week they all had tortured me like hell they had been punishing me for such crime which I didn't do intentionally.

Maa began to observe me with her doubtful gaze.

"Oh come on Maa! You are still doubting on me?", I said feeling dejected.

She didn't say anything but from her facial expressions I can bet that she is doing some intense conversation with herself inside this devil brain of her's. I want to know what's going inside her mind.

"Say something Maa?", I begged her.

"Are you telling the truth? I mean! If Raj is Gay then why his parents want him to marry a girl?", Finally Maa revealed her thoughts.

"Society Maa society. Our government may have declared the relationship between same sex legal but the society in which we live? Still not accepted these things completely."


"But that doesn't give them the right to ruin someone else's life for the sake of their son's image in the society.", Paa said angrily.

"Actually Paa, only his mother knows about him being gay. His father and his sister have no idea about it.", I tried to calm his anger.

"We are extremely sorry beta. We should not have behaved the way we did with you since that day.", He apologized.

"Yes beta we are extremely sorry.", Maa too said following his queue.

"It's ok Maa-Paa I am forgiving you this time but please never ever do this to me again. I can tolerate everything but not your ignorance."

They nodded their heads in approval and I smile widely. Finally everything is all fine now.

"But you, Mr Karan Singhania, you are not forgiven.", I said to my little brother and cross my arms infront of my chest.

"But why?", He asked being stupefied.

"Maa and paa not talking to me are justifiable but why you were behaving strange with me?"

"I was not behaving strange. I was actually angry on you not was I'm still angry.", He said.

"May I know the reason behind your angriness?", I ask him in a mocking tone.

"Actually I have build-up some feelings for Riya.", He said shyly.

Oh my God! He is blushing like a girl.

"Awwww! I can't believe my baby brother is blushing. You are so cute.", I said while pulling his cheeks.

"Aaah Di! Leave my cheeks. It's hurting.", He shouted.

"Actually Paa I have an idea. Why don't you seek Tandel's with their marriage proposal? I had witnessed how well both the families got along with each other.", I gave my suggestions to Paa.

"But what if? Like Raj, Riya is also a homosexual! You know it is possible like brother-like sister.", Paa said it in a teasing way and we all ends up giggling instead of Karan, he's in shock.

"Come on Paa don't say this.", He whined sadly.

"At Least we can give it a try. I actually liked her aura. She is a nice girl and I think she will be perfect match for our Karan.", I said.

"Yes, Karuna is right. Even I also liked her vibe.", Maa said supporting me.

Paa nodded his head and said,

"Okay I will talk to them."

"Really Paa?", Karan asked all surprised.

"Yes, my dear son."

"I love you Dee, Maa, Paa. Thank you so much.", He squealed in joy.

We all ate our meal peacefully and retired to our respective rooms.

I sat down on the study table and began to attend the pending school work which I had been avoiding since one week because of this Tandel's mishap.

I checked all the remaining answer sheets, prepared all the necessary notes and completed almost all the pending school work.

I realise that I have been working continuously since last two hours without any break and now feeling exhausted. So, I decide to have some rest.

I lie down on the bed as usual to chill down my exhausted mind but instead of relaxing I began to think about Riya and Karan.

What type of couple they are going to be? Riya is bubbly girl, full of life and not to forget her comic timing, it's awesome and funny.

I wish! Everything goes well in their case unlike mine and Raj's.

Thinking about Raj, I realise that I still have his biodata with me. I stood up abruptly and take out his biodata from my cupboard.

I open the document, copied his mobile number on my cellphone and touched the green dial button.

After few rings someone did pick up the call but it's not Raj.

"Hello!", A girl speak from the other side.





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