《Virtue and Vice》Chapter Sixteen
A/N: And now we've hit 90 votes. Sorry, I wasn't really trying to get to the 90 but I needed a reason to post another chapter like the day after I just posted the last one. I was close enough to the number to make it easy. Thank you again for all the support. It's going definitely going to be a rollercoaster for these two lovers in the coming chapters.
Please vote and comment as always if you liked this chapter. You might like this chapter, I think. =)
“Congratulations, Cassie!”
I looked up from my phone and saw Lynn coming down the hallway, grinning at me.
I grinned back and stopped to look at the paper she handed to me.
“I knew you would be pretty damn awesome,” she said as I scanned the second page where the small column headlined Movers & Shakers listed moves and promotions of different employees.
I was third on the list, labeled as the newest senior business analyst.
I felt a surge of pride.
“Thanks, Lynn,” I told her, handing her back the newsletter. “I guess I have to go now if I don’t want to show up late on my first day at the new role.”
“Alright, I’ll see you later. We should totally celebrate. We can go out for lunch!”
I laughed. “Plan it and message everyone who wants to go. I’m up for it.”
As I continued my way to the office, I got a few more smiles and congratulations from other people—even those I didn’t know very well.
I’d almost forgotten about the newsletter when I came in today.
Last week had been topped with a more complicated weekend and I was still reeling from that.
Despite my misery after Sebastian’s departure on Saturday, dinner with Marcus had been great. We went to a comedy bar and enjoyed the dinner and show. For some reason, we were natural friends. He still flirted but there wasn’t anything more to our time really. We were just two people who liked each other’s company.
It got awkward when a woman he’d dated came up to us and practically threw herself at him while giving me a murderous glare, much to my amusement. I rescued him by sweetening up my smile and snuggling up to him to pretend that we were besotted with each other. The woman had steam coming out of her nose and ears and we found that more entertaining than the stand up comedy show.
He drove me home and I had this silly idea that when I walked into my apartment, Sebastian would be there waiting, demanding to know if I enjoyed my evening with Marcus. The apartment had been empty and instead of relief, I was deeply disappointed.
On Sunday, I went for a very long walk and found myself in front of Sainthill, the old and grandiose Victorian mansion built in the 1920’s by a wealthy British immigrant family and was purchased four years ago by Sebastian as a gift to me to convert into my dream bookstore.
Memories of our disastrous dinner and Sebastian’s proposal flashed in my mind as I stared at the weathered facade. I’d always wondered how things would’ve turned out had I not hesitated and said yes to him that night.
At eighteen, I had been half-thrilled, half-terrified of a life with Sebastian.
I loved the man but I hadn’t been sure I could live the life I knew I would have by his side.
I would that think after four years, the decision would come more easily but I was just as scared and confused as I was at eighteen.
I found the old-fashioned metal key Sebastian had given me on my birthday on my key ring.
I had returned it to him along with everything he’d given me when I left Cobalt Bay that summer but he’d returned it all to me in my dorm at UPenn. It was about twice the size of a regular key but I couldn’t stop myself from carrying it.
I glanced at the shoulder-high wrought iron gate and saw that it was padlocked.
Looking around to make sure no one was coming my way, I climbed up the gate and jumped to the other side of it.
The grounds looked maintained but it didn’t look like any real renovations or updating had been done on it.
I went to the door and tried the key, certain it wasn’t going to do anything.
The new owner probably had everything changed out but I couldn’t resist.
I inserted the key and turned it and at the click of the lock, I gasped in disbelief.
I spent the rest of my Sunday afternoon in the mansion, walking around and noting every interesting detail. It was clean and tidy but still bare of any real furniture or any signs of habitation.
I found myself strolling along the apple orchard just as the sun was setting. There was plenty of fruit on the trees but almost none on the grounds that I suspected someone came in and harvested them. I snacking on one ripe apple before finally sitting down by the fountain in the middle of the garden, letting my gaze wander around the property and the possibilities it held.
I left Sainthill more confused than when I came in.
A part of me believed in the wisdom of living my life apart from Sebastian but another part of me regretted what we’d lost with a few hurtful words. A second chance had come beckoning four years later and suddenly I wanted to just seize it and never look back.
But life wasn’t a fairytale romance and our story was more complicated than that.
I came in early to work with the purpose of seeing Sebastian first thing in the morning.
As to why, I have no idea.
“Hi, Vanessa,” I chirpily greeted the assistant secretary who was by the pantry making a cup of coffee before turning to Dean with a bright smile as I stopped by his desk space. “How are you this morning?”
He smiled shyly. “I’m very well, Ms. Collins. I saw the promotion. Congratulations.”
“Thanks.” I beamed at him and glanced at Sebastian’s closed office door. “Is Sebastian in? I was hoping to have a quick word with him.”
“I don’t believe he’d be in until later in the afternoon,” Dean said with a shake of his head. “He’d moved and canceled all his morning appointments. He attended the Cobalt Bay Chamber of Commerce’s recognition dinner on Saturday night. He was awarded Industry Maker of the year, you know, and he said he’d be off the weekend celebrating.”
“Oh.” My mind spun with the information a little bit. “That would explain his meeting with the mayor and his interview with Cobalt Bay Daily.”
Dean smiled and nodded. “Yes. They did a nice, big piece on him which is out today.”
He reached under his desk and pulled out a fresh copy of the paper and handed it to me. “Here you go, Ms. Collins. You can keep the copy, I have lots here.”
I tucked the newspaper under my arm and smiled warmly at the secretary. “Thank you, Dean.”
He nodded. “They did a spread on the recognition dinner too. It was quite swanky—all of Cobalt Bay’s important business leaders. I say Mr. Vice’s award is well-deserved. He’s a fearless and innovative leader.”
“I’m with you on that,” I said with a chuckle. “Alright, I’ll probably see him tomorrow then. Thank you.”
“Anytime, Ms. Collins.”
I headed down the hall to the elevator, spreading out the newspaper to look for the featured article.
I was intensely curious all of a sudden, considering he’d asked me to dinner on Saturday night when he was supposed to be receiving his award.
There was an article on Sebastian, detailing his and the company’s accomplishments in the past year with a profile photo of him that didn’t fail to highlight his dark, sinister beauty. It was followed by snapshots of him with the mayor, the governor and even the secretary of commerce. There was one group picture of him with three men with whom he was clearly sharing a good laugh, the sight of them all tall, handsome and sharply dressed very impressive.
The Cobalt Bay Billionaires, of course, as the media dubbed them.
Spread out on the next two full pages was a feature for the dinner and an array of photos of several important attendees. Some were familiar but no one caught my eye quite like the raven-haired woman standing next to Sebastian in one of the photos.
Tall, graceful and elegant in a beautiful aquamarine evening gown, Natalie Henderson was photographed smiling brilliantly at Sebastian who held a champagne glass with one hand and rested another behind Natalie’s waist.
Something heavy and critical that felt very much like my heart plummeted into my stomach and my skin broke out in cold sweat.
Despite the sudden trembling of my hands, I managed to read the caption underneath the photo: Many claim that Sebastian Vice’s new ideas and direction are inspired. Could the lovely Dr. Natalie Henderson be that inspiration?
The newspaper wrinkled in my hand as I folded it and stashed it into my purse.
So much for my reconsiderations this weekend.
Dinner with him? On the same night he’s taking out fuck-buddy number one? What a laugh.
I was so angry that I barely acknowledged people’s congratulations with a smile as I entered the office.
When Dana made a snide remark at me, I nearly murdered her right then and there.
Instead, I grabbed her by the elbow and yanked her towards one of the empty meeting rooms.
“I’m fully aware of the stunt you pulled last Friday, Dana,” I started without preliminaries. “You are already in deep enough trouble that I don’t need to dig your grave for you. But if you continue your childish antics, I will have no choice but to throw you under the bus. Do not cross me again, Dana. Make sure to remember that.”
I walked out the door and left her there with her mouth hanging open.
The only sunshine in my day was the group lunch we went to with Lynn, Gabe, Bradley and several other people from our combined teams. I bought dessert for everyone.
It was during lunch that I got wind of the company barbecue in three weeks. It was apparently a yearly event, an informal gathering of employees at the end of the fiscal year and a sign off on the last of warm weather before winter began, no matter how little of it we actually got on this side of the country. Employees were encouraged to bring a date or a plus one and before I could even think about it, Gabe declared that he was going with me. He just winked at me and I agreed.
If Sebastian was taking up with his oldest bedmate, I could surely go out on a work event with Gabe.
With that idea brightening up the rest of my day, I went about my work until Tamara arrived and told me to move into my new office. It was cozy and simply furnished with a glass wall that overlooked some of the lower parts of the downtown skyline that surrounded the building.
I was sitting down with Bradley and two other junior analysts who are now under my team, Brittany and Pamela, going over some numbers when my office phone rang.
“You came to see me?” Sebastian asked. “I called your cellphone but you weren’t answering.”
“I don’t take it out of my purse when I’m working,” I answered with suppressed annoyance, catching the curious glances of the others. “Like I am right now. I can’t talk.”
“Congratulations on your promotion and new office,” he said as if he didn’t hear me. I could hear his smile on the other line.
My grip on the receiver tightened. “Congratulations on your award. I’m sure you had a grand time at the recognition dinner.”
I nearly groaned when the other analysts’ faces registered my meaning. Of course they would know about Sebastian’s award. Not only was it in the local papers, it was apparently also on the morning news and the company newsletter. I have an unfortunate tendency to blurt out things when riled up.
Silence answered me on the other line and before I could say anything worse, I dropped the phone back into its cradle.
Bradley was the first to break the quiet tension in the room by abruptly returning to our previous topic.
A little over five minutes later, the door to my office swung open and we all looked up to find Sebastian standing by the doorway, his expression hard and unreadable.
He glanced at my desk and found the folded newspaper sitting on top of a pile of folders and he quickly walked in and snatched it up.
“Three-thirty, my office,” he said stiffly, rolling up the newspaper and gripping it so tight his arm slightly shook. “I’ll be waiting, Cassandra.”
“I can’t,” I said shortly. “I have a conference call and a few other meetings for the rest of the day. Isn’t that right, Bradley?”
Caught off guard, the poor guy blinked up at Sebastian nervously before glancing down at his clipboard. “Uh, yes. The rest of your afternoon is full.”
Sebastian didn’t say anything but the way his nostrils flared slightly gave me a pretty good idea of his frustration.
“Let me know when you’re free,” he said before striding out of the room.
“Whew,” Pamela said after the door closed. She let out a nervous laugh as we all glanced at her.
“Sorry but he’s just so intimidating,” she said with an apologetic smile, her cheeks pinkening. “And he seemed kind of mad.”
The look Bradley gave me was meaningful and I sighed loudly. “He’s not mad at any of you, don’t worry.”
“I hope he’s not mad at you,” Brittany said with a concerned frown. “He looked like he was going to bark at all of us to get out of your office.”
I couldn’t resist a smile. “Relax, his bark is worse than his bite.”
“So it’s true then that you’re dating him?” Pamela asked with wide eyes. “Are you having a tiff?”
Bradley choked on the coffee he was sipping and he glared at Pamela. “For heaven’s sake, girl, what’s with the ambush interview?”
Pamela shrugged and gave me an apologetic smile. “I was just curious. People have mentioned it. He’s never dated anyone in the company so everyone’s interested.”
I groaned softly and shook my head. “No, Pam, I’m not dating him. We’re just old friends. That’s all.”
And with that, I forced our conversation back to our meeting.
After work, I hurried home and changed into my running clothes and spent half an hour orbiting around the streets with music playing from my clip-on mp3 player.
Sweaty and slightly more relaxed, I filled the tub and sank in for a nice, long bath, taking in the soft lavender smell of the bathroom, listening to the Phantom of the Opera sound track and sipping a glass of red wine.
At the sound of a strained voice, my eyes flew open and set directly on Sebastian who stood in the doorway, still in his three-piece suit, looking very hungry.
I flushed all the way down to my toes at the realization that I was quite naked under the water save the emerald necklace but I made no attempt at modesty.
Let him suffer.
“I know you own this place and all but I think I’ll need to have the locks changed out,” I said in a mildly exasperated voice. “You can’t just waltz in here unannounced and uninvited.”
“Don’t doubt that I can break down doors, Cassandra,” he answered silkily, his eyes dark green and narrowed as I shifted in the tub and caused the top swell of my breasts to surface over the water. “This would’ve been long over had you not kicked me out of your office or answered at least one of the thirty-seven calls I made to your cellphone.”
I snorted. “You’re not very subtle.”
Downing the rest of my wine, I set down the glass and reached for the remote control to lower the music volume. “Alright, what is it that you’re so keen to talk to me about you just had to barge in on my very relaxing bath?”
“Why were you looking for me this morning?”
I smiled wryly. “I don’t actually remember anymore.”
His jaw clenched tightly. “Dean gave you a copy of the Daily. He wasn’t thinking clearly. Was that what made you angry?”
“Angry?” I raised a brow and laughed. “You got a prestigious award, The Vice Group is well-admired, you rubbed elbows with very powerful people. What’s there to be angry about?”
“Damn it, Cassandra,” he snapped. “Don’t play games with me. If you’re angry about the picture with Natalie, don’t be. I’ve already called the Daily and gave the editor an earful about their careless speculation.”
He looked so furious I almost believed him.
“I don’t really care one way or another,” I said as I reached for a towel and rose from the tub.
Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath as his gaze trailed down my dripping, naked body.
He’d seen me naked many, many times before that there was no point in modesty. Besides, I felt like torturing him a little bit.
I wrapped the towel around me, pulled the drain and stepped out of the tub, walking to the shower to turn it on.
“Natalie and I didn’t come to the party together,” he explained in a raspy voice as if he was having difficulty speaking. “I came alone.”
I dropped the towel on the floor and stepped into the shower stall, soaking up the warm water and closing my eyes briefly at the relief. I knew Sebastian was still watching me through the opaque glass door but I didn’t take long to rinse.
He had a towel waiting when I stepped out.
“You’re so lovely,” he whispered as he wrapped the towel around me, his arms gently pulling me against him. It was hard to miss his rampant erection. “The memory of your body doesn’t justify reality.”
I smirked and pulled away from him. “I stopped eating butterscotch cookies and I lost a bit of baby fat. I’d be surprised if all that wasn’t on your report about me.”
I turned away to pat myself dry before slipping on my ultra-soft, powder blue terry cloth robe.
“I asked you to dinner on Saturday but you declined,” he said as he leaned against a wall behind me, watching me through the mirror as I ran a comb through my damp hair.
I lifted a brow. “You said dinner. You didn’t say what kind of dinner.”
“Would it have made a difference if I’d given you the details? You were already dead-set on going out with Aldridge,” he said bitterly.
I turned around to face him, my arms crossing over my chest. “And did you purposefully plan not to tell me the details so that when we showed up together, I wouldn’t be able to do anything but be your date because everyone is watching? Did you plan to force me into the role that way after I’ve made it explicitly clear that we’re not going to date each other for six months?”
His expression darkened. “I wish I could take credit for such cunning but I’m afraid my only excuse was that it was a special night and I wanted to share it with you.”
“Oh, please. You didn’t look like you were sorely missing me while you were flirting Natalie out of her dress,” I spat out, marching past him and striding into my softly-lit bedroom to find some clothes.
He followed right behind me, grabbing my elbow and turning me around to face him.
“Natalie’s a friend, that’s all,” he insisted. “What happened four years ago was not her fault. I’m to blame for that.”
“You?” I scoffed. “I thought I was to be blamed for that—refusing your proposal and all. I sent you straight to her, didn’t I?”
“Goddamn it, Cassandra! It was one, awful, horrible mistake. Will you hold it over my head forever?”
“I will if you keep throwing it in my face!” I shot back, trembling in anger. I shoved him off but his grip tightened and he yanked me close to him.
I pulled back my other free arm and pounded on his shoulder with my fist but he barely noticed as he crushed me against him and captured my mouth with his.
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