《The Immortal Alpha》Chapter 27
He kissed the crock of my neck and I melted even more. If that was even possible. He sucked and licked it
"Hmm..." I moaned out. I had tried my best to suppress the moans that had threatened to come out but I failed. He smiled against my skin. His grip on my arms loosened. I wanted to touch him but he very sternly told me to not love my hands. Like the obedient girl I had become in his presence,I complied.
He slowly caressed my skin till he got to my waist leaving sloppy wet kisses in the trail. I was a moaning mess. His hands moved to the sides of my thighs,were he caressed the skin. He took off the shorts I had been wearing and placed a soft kiss on my sex. I didn't know if I should cry or moan in agony. My panties were beyond soaked,my pussy throbbing and yearning for him so much it hurt. I wanted to touch myself,don't a release but he hastily me to not love my hands. "You are soo wet." He said,head between my thighs. He took off the panties-more like he wanted to rip them off. He looked at me one last time,asking for permission,which I gladly granted.
His tongue flicked from the top on my sex to my pussy hole. I was wet and ready for him. He played with my clit,rubbing,sucking and occasionally bitting. The bitting was slight,just enough to sent me over the edge. It hurt at first but then it got pleasurable as he continued doing it. My legs were shaking. The sensation building up was too much and he kept slowing down every time I came close to coming.
Please just let me come. Just once and after that you can do all you want. Take my virginity if need be but please let me come.
I mentally begged him. The words not once leaving my mouth. The only words that left my mouth were moans and begs. I felt like a whore but I didn't mind because then,I was his whore.
His movements were fast. His fingers moving faster and faster on my clit as I unraveled on his hand. He licked the whole thing up but stopped after I was clean of my own come. He moved from the place between my thighs to the wall between the two doors. The look on his face held horror and a whole lot of other emotions I couldn't place. I was too flustered to even begin to register what had just happen. All I knew was that I missed him and his touch. He walked out the room,leaving me on the bed still trying to even my breaths.
The disappointment that followed was to say the least not very good. I felt disappointed in my self for allowing myself to get that vulnerable. I to apologize to him for all the things that had happened an hour ago. I wanted to tell him I wanted more. But most importantly I wanted to apologize for what ever it was that I said that made him leave like that. I owed him that and I lot more.
I didn't get to sleep at all that night. I woke up thirty minutes after getting in bed. As I got off the bed,my foot landed of a soft piece of material on the wooden floor. I picked it up thinking it was my short but it was no shorts but his shirt. He had forgotten his shirt at my house and I was going to make it mine .
I sat on one of the chairs and looked out at the stars,contemplating on whether I should call and tell him or keep it. It was not like he would notice. He might not even notice,maybe he had many like those. I quickly changed from the one I was wearing into his. It smelt of him,his cologne. I had grown to become an addict of his scent and his touch .It felt like he was around me once again his warmth hugging me as I tried to gather my thoughts and go to sleep. The sleep didn't come but something else did. The reminder that he had devoured my sex and made me a moaning mess and also an addict.
"Morning sleepy head." I slowly opened my eyes,blinking a few times so my eyes could adjust. She was already dressed to go to work. "Morning." I said in a tired voice and tired every thing. My neck and back hurt from sleeping on the chair and it was only for a four to five hours or less. "When did you arrive? I thought you were gonna come after work." I said standing from the chair and rubbing my neck. She shrugged. I didn't exactly understand what it meant and I was not going to ask either. "I fixed you a bath and your clothes are over there at the bed. I--" The Anastasia Fernandez I knew probably chose something that...that. I had no word for it. But it was something she would wear. "Whose shirt is that?" Her voice was volumes up and her eyes were literally out of their sockets. I looked down. Oh, I had on sleep in his shirt. I took a handful of the shirt and inhaled his scent sharply. The action caused it to rise and the short showed. I didn't mind,she had seen me in them a lot of times and also naked.
"Oh,this?" I let go of the shirt,letting it fall to its full length. "It's Nick's shirt." I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and it was. I didn't own a shirt like that. It was too manly and expensive for me plus it looked better on his body while on me it was more of a sleeping shirt-well I was going to turn it into one. That way he would be next to me. He would be sleeping with me without physically being there.
She snickered to herself and sent me a mischievous grin.
Oh,no way. That did not happen.
It knew what she thinking. What she wanted to ask and the answer was a simple and transparent No. Although a tiny eady-biddy part of me was a little curious about how the experience would have felt like. But mostly good,that's what my gut told me.
"So did you two? How was It? He didn't hurt you right? Was he good?" The questions just kept piling up and I was beyond shocked. I loved the woman to death and beyond but if it did happen she was not going to get the full details on day one. That wouldn't be right. There had to be a little curiosity in the thing. "No,we didn't. " I said in a straight face. "The water will get cold. I'll be back." I said in a more happier,lively voice as I opened and closed the bath door.
I undressed and felt the water. " Still warm,this gives me time to brush my teeth." I said running to the vanity and putting toothpaste on my brush. I took a cup and filled it with water then dipped the brush in and took it to my mouth. I looked in the mirror,my reflection staring back at me with longing eyes. I wondered what it was that I was longing for and the only thing that crossed my mind then was the fact that I had not been to work for a while. I looked tired and beat,probably because of the lack of sleep and the dark circle under my eyes confirmed it. I fished brushing my teeth and used the mouth wash that was in the cabinet under the mirror and rinsed. I looked at my reflection in it's naked glory,one last time and went to take a bath.
I walked out covered in only a towel. I had chose to not wash my hair. It was a seriously tiring job doing it,more especial the drying part. I applied lotion to prevent drying and cracking. It smelt heavenly,lavender. But I was considering changing it,the next time I went shopping or maybe I would just bring one from Africa.
She had picked out a pair of jeans and a simply but presentable long sleeved shirt and and I picked out the shoes. A pair on white slip-On's. My hair was tied back into a lose bun and I let the rest to flow down the rest of its length.
"So this is like your last day before you go?" She said in a sad voice. "No,correction. This is my last day before I go on suspension. I will e back in only three week. Nothing big." I said with relaxed shoulders and tone. Inside was the total difference of what I was feeling and what happens the day before with Nick made me more on edge. I didn't want to go or be suspended from work but I had to go. It was part of my punishment and to pass the time I was going to see my family. Damn I missed them.
"I totally knew that." She teased laughing and I followed. We were to take Anastasia's car that day but I chose to go in mine. It was a thing we had agreed to do every Saturday but this time I wanted to go in mine and she had did the same to me multiple times. "See you there." She shouted as I started the car engine. "Sure."
"Are you seriously going because you saved a little bundle of joy life. That is unfare." Whined Juliet as we sat in the hospital cafeteria and ate lunch. I had ordered salad with no onions and Ana was eating hers that contained meat and Juliet the same. I was not a devoted vegetarian,not in anyway. I just didn't eat meat as much and as often as they did.
So I was sentenced to a suspension for two months and all because while in general surgery last week,two weeks before I almost got raped by my Ex, I made a life altering decision for a patient,to save her baby at the cost of her life. It was not axactly the best pne I had made in my life but it saved a life and I tried my best to save the mother. She had stayed in ICU for two days before passing away. She had a little cute baby girl that she wanted to name Naomi. From what I knew,her husband hated my guts and me. He threatened to sue the hospital if I wasn't pushed for doing what I did. Hence why I was suspended for three weeks but it could have gotten worse,I could have lost my gob or license.
I was upset and angry at myself. I could have saved them both if I operated sooner or if I had dug a little deeper in the patients' medical history. And I only knew after her passing that she suffered from depression. Her baby was born premature and the hospital,a long with the two months suspension,I was not allowed to treat the baby.
"Not all things in life are fare." I said with a faint smile. "So when are you leaving? I still can't believe we'll see you next year." Asked Juliet with a frown. "On Tuesday before twelve." I said looking at them with a smile. I missed my mom,dad,and that little angle,I called my litte sister. "That means you've already bought a plane ticket? When? I tought you spend most of your time with...him." Said Ana in shock. It was quite amusing seeing her that shocked. I couldn't believe she thought I had every second and minute of the time with him. The guy had work and a company to take care of. If that was even true that he owned one the most biggest companies in Seattle. I scoffed at the thought.
What if he lied? But it wouldn't actually make any sense. Why would he? He had the looks,clothes, the houses and cars to prove it. He had RICH written all over him.
I could even hear him in my head.
You know the ocean eyes. Sharp jaw line,straight nose,mouth watering body. I wish he could just take me. Anyway like I was saying the 'Looks'. Wait,how can I even hear you in my head,am I going crazy or something?
Yes your eyes. The most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. They captivate and drown me everytime I look into them but still I can't get enough...
I didn't hear him from that point on. Probably because I had began to babble incoherent things. Well the fact that I thought I could hear him. Either way it was in my head,So me having to worry about that was ZERO.
"Hello! Earth to Scarlett,open for landing?" Said Ana waving her hands in me face and also breaking my chain of thought. I could hear him so clearly,it was amazing. For me to imagine him and hear his voice so clearly. "Right,sorry about that. There is a thong called the I.N.T.E.R.N.E.T, I bought it online on Thursday. " I said putting a mouthful of lettuce in my mouth. Ana rolled her eyes while Juliet chuckled. "I was just shocked that's all. I thought you two were inseparable. "She said taking white off her steak. "Seems not. And it ain't like I would want us...I mean him and I to be and he had left for some important business or so he told me." I said shrugging at the last part. They both gave me the look.
"It's a working in progress." I said making them grin from eye to eye. I had unknowingly planted something in they heads.
"Tell me something,when you guys...did you feel like you two had in a way become one?" Asked Juliet out of the blue as we walked to were the cars were parked. I shocked on my spit. The thought was tempting. "We have not had sex,yet. So No." She smirked. "You said "yet", so that means it's gonna happen soon?" I looked to Ana to rescue me from Juliet's expecting eyes. She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." I said practically running to my car,to get away from the many more questions she was going to ask me. "You guys did say there is no movie night today,Right?" She shouted,four cars from mine and five from Anastasia's. "No,but it is a little late this time." I shouted back. "At nine." Ana pitched in from the car next to mine.
A call from Nick and I answered it on the third ring. "Scarlett speaking. " He stayed quiet for a while. "Hello,Nick Are you still there?" He cleared his throat. "Are you free tonight?" He asked in a monotone. I scoffed at his voice but at the same time it brought me joy to hear it. "No,why?" I said my eye focused on the road,as I drove from the cafè to my house. "Where are you right now?" He returned with a question. "On my way home." It went quiet again. "Hello?" I called out,adjusting the ear piece in my left ear. "Are you in your car? If so take a U turn at the nearest stop and come to my house. The one I brought you to the last time." I pictured him talking. He was probably standing with one hand in the pocket of his pants and the other holding the phone as he ordered me around. His face straight as it always was.
"No I can't make it. I have to take care of something. " I lied. "Like what?" He sounded unconvinced. His brows were probably knitted together by now. "Business. The answer is no." I said and hung up on him. Like the control freak he was,he was not going to let this go and leave me be.
"So,whose movie choice is it today?" Asked Ruina as we all sat down to watch,with bowls of pop-corn on our laps and bottles of water in the cup holders on the arms of the chairs. "I believe it's-" The door bell rang. She kept quiet to listen,we all did. It came again. Ana stood up and offered to go and check on it leaving the rest of us to do what ever we wanted while waiting on her and it was her choice plus we weren't allowed to start the movie without her. It was a rule we made. "Scar,You have a guest." She said walking through the door. She looked frightened to say the least. Who ever it was scared the hell out of her. I waited for her to get through before I got out. The supposed guest was seating in the lounge. I walked in wearing the usual movie night attire,underwear and an oversized shirt. It was black and my feet were bear. The floor was warm due to the floor heating system that was installed and the house it's self was warm due to the heater being turned on.
I went in waltzing,getting ready to scold the person to death of possible but all of that was thrown out the window as my eyes landed on who had come to see me. It was Nick and he was leaning quite comfortably on the wall looking at something at the floor. He raised his face slowly,skimming and scrutinizing my being with an intense gaze. He looked at my face then the shirt that reached my mid-thigh,his eyes had turned from their beautiful shade of blue to an intense black. I could have imagined it.
I blinked and cleared my throat to rid myself of the heat in the house that had suddenly become unbearable. "Nick? what are you-? I stopped mid-sentence as he took a menacing step closer. I tried to move but I couldn't bring my body to move. I was stuck. I watched his take steps to me as I just stared into eyes. They were so full of lust and something I couldn't quiet place. He was only about a foot away when my body could move. I took a step back and he took one forward. He was much taller and had longer legs. If he wanted to,he would have got to me within five to ten steps,but instead he took short and slow one's. My heart was hammering in my chest as he got closer. He's presence overpowered mine,his scent overpowered my senses. My body wanted to stop,stop walking away but I didn't allow that. I kept taking steps back but that was until my back hit a wall. He took the last step and was finally close to me,like seriously close. He caged me between his arms.
What now?
"Now,I fuck you."
The voice was so clear in my head and it sounded dead serious.
I swallowed hard as our eyes locked. His right armed fell from the wall but I was still trapped. Trapped his body and scent that made my thinking slow. I couldn't think straight with him that close to me. I felt finger slowly go up my thigh and I stook on my tippy-toes. Fuck,fuck,fuck he was making me wet. I closed my eyes to marvel in his touch and excitement that was ran up my body the moment his hand landed on my skin. I wanted him to stop but at the same time I wanted him to never stop. He stopped just as his hand reached my sex. I was soaked. His hand stood there for a while. My inside were playing. I didn't know weather this was real or not. I just wanted him to touch me and do all kinds of things to me.
I opened my eyes to only stare in His,as he focused on mine with the same intensity and lust as before I closed them. "You are going to ruin me." He husked out. I looked at him in confusion. What the hell did he mean by that,he was the one that was going to kill me. Not the other way around. He took a step back,releasing me while also leaving me frustrated. "You are coming with me." He said,finalization in the way he said it. His eyes kept reaching for something on my face and they found something alright. Defiance. I moved from where he had locked me and moved to my left. "I am not." I said in the same time he had used used. He tilted his head to the sight. The girls came in the moment I thought I was going to cave in due to his intense gaze that made me yearn for him even more. They all slightly bowed,maybe acknowledging him. I wept it under the carpet.
"Ladies." He said in a bored tone,his eyes back to normal. I looked to the girls,who all had their heads and eyes down and then to him. His hands went around my waist and before I knew it,I was on his shoulder with my ads in the air. The girls looked with horror but said nothing.
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