《The Immortal Alpha》Chapter 13:part one
So it was obvious that we weren't going to the cafè and I don't think I was about to find out were we where headed any time soon.
I was angry. I wanted to give him piece of my mind but I couldn't because rationally speaking he had done nothing wrong. I was the one that allowed my mind to over think things and in doing that I only hurt myself.
The drive had began to look more of a road trip. We had been in the car for so long and no one between us had said a word.
"At least he still remembered the time I got off." I thought to myself.
It was pretty pathetic. I was beginning to lean on a man again after a year. For someone that had promised herself to never make a man her priority and center of her life, I was forgetting that pretty fast.
For the past thirty minutes no one had said a word. The silence was killing me slowly but surely.
Wait till I get back, Ana you are so dead!
I decided to end the eerie silence that was drowning the car. Even he wanted to end It,I think. He kept looked at me in the passenger seat ever so often. "You should really focus on the road." I said as he had been looking at me for more than two minutes straight. "Oh. Sorry about that." He said as he cleared his throat. "So tell me something? Where are we going exactly or were you maybe planing on killing me somewhere?" I asked curiously and joked at the last part.
"I have a little surprise for you. We wouldn't want yo ruin the surprise now do we?" He said smicking. I couldn't help but as more his face as he focused on the road ahead. "An d don't worry I am not gonna kill you...well not yet." He had on a menacing smile that turned into a grin. A big toothy grin. One that killers in horror movies gave to their victims. In that moment I stopped admiring his face . The fear kicked in. My heard started pounding in my chest. I became pale. The adrenaline kicked in.
A lot of things went through my mind as his words 'not yet' kept repeating themselves in my heard. My breathing became unsteady. His words held truth to them. He was serious. But then again if he had actually planned on killing me,why get me from work and expose being seen? Why arrive on time like that? I was not the the only one living. I'm sure a lot of people saw him anyway why go through all the trouble to kill someone like me.
All this questions I had no answers to and they were also way too much for me at that moment. They made my head hurt.
I got scared by just a few words.
What if he went after my family.
"Stop worrying so much about your family. Their time is coming soon." He said calmly like what he had just said was nothing.
Oh, Sofia. My little cousin/sister was way too young to die. She hadsuch a bright future ahead of her. Mom and dad dieing before they met their future grandchildren.
I could never see my life without them,not to forget Ana. My best friend.
I heard him laugh. It was low and short. It was neither wicked nor spiteful but sweet and full of amusement.
It was the most amaizing sound ever and I hated myself that I loved the way he laughed.
If I was going to die I had to reserve my energy. I was not going down without a fight.
I scowled at him horrified then looked away. I said nothing to him but then we entered the woods.
The whole town was surrounded by woods. And I was big even I had not to all the places but seing this site of it was a new experience. Even after noticing the change I didn't say a thing but I wanted to.
"We are almost there." He said flatly with no emotion what so ever on his face. It was blank while I was certain mine was filled with horror and fear and all the while my body had began shaking. I tried my best to hide the shaking but failed miserably at it.
He flashed me a sympathetic smile but I saw right through it. He was laughing at about it mentally. How weak I was.
Even though I was shit scared there was still a little bit of doubt about this whole ordeal.
If I disappeared for more than a day, my friend would start looking for me and he would go to jail. In the case that this was actually gonna happen.
"We have arrived." He bellowed through the silence that had adorned the car.
If I die I might as well see the place I take my last breath.
I looked ahead and gaped at what stood before my eyes. I believe I had started to hallucinate. The fear and all that other shit I was feeling was starting to play with my head. There was no way this was real.
I blinked a few times and pinched my thigh just to make sure I wasn't starting to see things.
It was a house near a lake and that made it a lake house. A damn beautiful lake house.
Do all murderous own such houses?
I couldn't stop the thought from poping in my head.
It was no traditional lake house with wood and shingles on the outside and a front covered patio. It was a morden house. It looked like it belonged in the city or one of those neighborhoods were rich people lived. It had tall Windows,very tall Windows. It looked too big to have only one floor. The lighting was dim,providing a romantic feel. It was simply breath talking but nothing was romantic about what was about to happen.
If he wasn't planning on killing me then maybe I would have thought he had planed it as a date or something.
Now I was definitely sure that the expression on my face was priceless. To make things even more uncomfortable than they already were for someone that was going to die(AKA me),he took a photo and laughed. It sounded like something from the heart.
The snapping sound made by the phone brought me back to reality.
"I hope he chokes on it." I said spitefully under my breath as I frowned. I was mostly saying it to myself but he heard and just looked at me and did nothing.
Was he not like supposed to slap me or something?
For a splitting second I had forgot all about the fear. About my possible ending and my family's.
An hour and a half had passed since I last got in his car and left my peaceful live only to be killed my a guy that I had began to...
No you are not. You've got to keep your guard up. You can't possibly admit that you were developing a thing for a guy you met once.
My conscious yelled at me.
Actually it was twice. The first time at my house.
I reasoned.
He led me out of the car. I turned to look back at the direction we had come from. The front yard was big with a fountain at the center. "C'mon." He said offering his hand to lead me in. I didn't take it.
We walked up the small number of stairs to a big wooded door. It was big enough for him not to have to crouch. Slowly turning the knob it opened to the inside.
The fear that I had was now gone,again.
If I thought the outside was beautiful then the inside was gorgeous. And that was an understatement of the year. The door led to an open floor plan house with white marble floors through out the entire first floor. Looking ahead were stairs. There stood not too far from the center of ther house and behind then were the Windows. Really tall Windows.
On my left was the living room. It was furnished with a big black leather couch with a two single sofas of the same colour. A fire place on the far corner surrounded by a three chairs. Before the couch and sofa was a TV stand and a big flat screen TV on the wall.
On my right was a big morden clean kitchen with an island. They were lots of cabinets and counter space for cooking. A dream come true a chef's and possibly wife's. I noticed the walls which I didn't even know I had not looked at. They were a dark shade of grey.
"Wow!" I found myself saying before thinking. The house was beautiful to be honest. "Beautiful right!?" He said walking behind me and I jumped from the sound of his voice and how close he was to me. His breath hit my skin the moment he talked. Before then I was too enclosed in my own little bubble that I had totally forgotten about him.
I just slightly nodded to his comment as I turned my whole body to face him.
Is this the part were he knocks me out and drags me through the woods and cut me to pieces?
I asked myself and like all the other questions, I had no answer to it.
"Well you see--thing is..." He stuttered and I cut his off. "No I don't see!"
But what he said next seemingly unfazed by my outburst left me dumbstruck to the core.
"I brought you here to spend time with you"
I gaped at him in utter shock.
"You what?"
"Sorry for earlier.I was just pulling your leg and I didn't know it would get you so worked up. I do apologize for that." He easily avoided my question. "Worked up, you say? What were you thinking to say that to me and you dare say I got 'Worked up'?" I yelled pushing him and I was pretty sure I even landed a slap. "How ironic." I said sarcastically. He did seem sincere and was telling me that he was telling the truth.
And the something was unfortunately my conscious and also his face told me that.
Not that I could actually read faces.
I knew this was way too off to be true but still he managed to scare the living hell out of me. "You must be the world's worst pretent killer of all time. Like your acting was horrible." I lied through my teeth as I walked away from him to go to the kitchen. He laughed at my words. They were not meant to be funny but to offend him in any way possible.
"If I remember correctly you didn't tell me your name and I am Nick by the way. " He said as we reached the kitchen island with marble counters. All the counters were marble. He extended his hand. "And I am Scarlett." I shook it as I told him my name but keeping out the second one.(AKA surname)
"Scarlett. " He practiced it. It was sweet to hear my name like that,being said like that. As it rolled off his tough.
"And now he remembered the formalities." I said inwardly to myself.
The last thing I had planed was for him to know my name but my lips had suddenly grown a brain for their own.
I looked at his hand as it held mine the tingle like things had returned. They were like the ones from that night at the cafè but stronger. He held it firmily but still shaking it. I kept my eyes on the hands avoiding making eye contact with him. My arm began to get tired so I pulled it away from his.
Mine was at the shorter end of the swamp and his the opposite. It engulfed mine but still they looked good together,they fitted.
I had two reasons for avoiding looking him in the eyes. One,I would drown myself in them because they were so captivating. Two, because of something my grandma used to say and I quote,'Never make eye contact with strangers mu dear. The eyes are Windows to the soul. And I'm sure you never like it they knew your secrets would you?' The last was mostly to scare me and I swallowed hard every time while vigorously shaking my head. I was still a kid then.
A lot that knew nothing of secrets. Actually come to think of of it. I had no secrets,Well except for one. Which was about a crush I once had on a boy that sat next to me in geography class. I was in fifth grade for God sake. And that one time I had stolen some sugar. Told mom I knew nothing about it yet the crumbs were on my shirt. I was just three or four years old.
Then I preferred that to be my mist deepest darkest secrets.
I took it in mine(his hand) and shaking it but kept it short. "Nice to meet you,Scarlett." He said with a smile plastered on his face,showing a dimple on one cheek.
Yeah,definitely thinks he's a big shot. A big one at that.
"Nice to meet you too...Nick." I said,testing his name as it came out of my mouth but slacking off at the end. I pulled my hand away and looked around one last time.
"What would you like to eat?"He asked. He was already going for the fridge door and meters away from opening it.
"Nothing much other than... A steak,some salad would be great and make it a vegetable salad. No onions. Some macaroni and meat balls would be super and for desert I would like some vanilla ice cream with a cherry on top and after that a cup of strong black coffee. Is that okay?" I finished with a smile after my runt.
I did not really want all of those. I would have settled for just a strong cup of hot coffee. I did it to just piss him off and it did but he was also dumbstruck and his face filled with fear. But all those disappeared as soon as they came.
Was he really scared by how much I could eat. He should see Anastasia. That girl could eat but she never gir fat.
His face kind of made me want to laugh but I coughed it instead.
"I was serious when I asked you what it was you wanted to eat. Now for the last time. What would you like to eat." He asked with a stern voice,straight face and a low growl at the end. It sounded like a growl and that meant that an animal was close by. A bear possibly. I scanned the room to make sure and saw nothing.
I returned to the task at hand. "I was also serious or did you think I was playing? Well let me tell you something buddy. I don't play with serious matters like this." I said walking around the island to poke him with a finger in the chest.
Wow. He has very hard muscles.
I said to myself.
Did I say poke him in the chest? Well it was more like the stomach since he was so tall. "I did actually fancy some steak but seing your state I believe pizza will be fine." I said as I moved as far away as possible and laughed like a lunatic.
I actually wanted to do more that just poke him. I wanted to beat him till I got tired but there was only soo much damage my small hands could do compared to his. Even so, I would be a total waste of time and energy. The guy wouldn't even feel a thing anyway.
"It will be here in a few minutes." He said as he got out two apple from the fridge. He turned to the faucets and washed them. He offered me one and I took it. We ate them peacefully but that was until he decided to go to the stairs. "That was quick." I said in a low voice.
The way he ate that Apple was beyond me. He ate it so quickly and I on the other hand was just halfway through mine. He must have heard me because he turned his head to look at me. I gave him a questioning look.
He was not supposed to hear that.
"And where do you think your going? Leaving me behind.?" I asked following him as he continued walking the stairs. "In no way bro am I staying down here alone." I rambled to myself. "I'm not your 'bro' and never call me that. EVER." He snapped.
I was shocked by how easily offended he got. Like seriously 'bro' had no gender. You could basically call anyone 'bro' and it wouldn't be such a big deal.
"I'm your mate,your Al-" He did it again,cutting his words. He turned to look at me for a breath moment and continued up the stairs with me closely behind. I did not say a thing after that.
We were in no way close to being friends.
We got to the top floor and walked down a small hallway. We passed a number of doors and the last one stood at the far end of the hall. "I'm going to take a shower,unless you wanna join me." He said as a wicked smile appeared on his face. "Oh. How nice of you. I would love to." I said with a smile and a little bit of sarcasm but he didn't get it.
I was not really going to join him. The idea was tempting,seing his body under the shower. With warm water running on it. And then we would kiss with his cock buried deep inside me pleasure me,going at it like it's going out of fashion. With me moaning his name inbetween thrusts.
Like I said the thought was tempting.
Stop it Scarlett . Stop getting ahead of yourself. I mentally scolded myself.
He had turned the lock but not pushed the door open yet. He looked at me studying me ,scrutinizing me. His eyes were intense and the fact that we had locked eyes didn't make the situation any easier for me. If it were not for the door bell that rang I was dead. I swallowed hard still looking in his eyes that kept changing colour.
"Thank you door bell." I mentally said.
"Must be the pizza." I said taking one step back. He tilted his head to the side. He looked at me as if I had grown two heads all of a sudden. "I-I go get it." I stuttered and turned on my heel to run to the door before the man got irritated and start to attack the door bell. I had not even taken a step when a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a hard chest with my back was facing him.
"I was looking forward to sharing a shower with you. What a shame." He whispered seductively in my ear. His warm breath hitting my skin warming my blood and making me wet. I never know until then that a person's voice could awaken that feeling.
The feeling that wanted made my body want to be touched,felt and pleasured.
"Yeah!A real shame." I said in a low voice as I pulled my body away from his. He reluctantly let my wrist go.
"Be down in 5!" I yelled out hoping the person at the door could hear. He opened the door and went in, leaving me staring at the door for a couple of seconds. The place were he had touched was till warm. The feeling of the tingles still lingering. At first it felt like electricity was running through my body when he was still touching me but now it reduced to just lingering tingles and not long after the disappeared.
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