《Why Didn't He Let Me Die? || COMPLETED STORY》Chapter Thirteen



Two weeks had past. and what I said to Cato was heartbreaking. That was the most painful thing I have ever done in my whole life. I'm so sorry, Cato but that was the only choice I got..

I've had several different bruises, scratches, and wounds. The worst one would be probably the big wound on my left arm, that Chanelle did using her knife last night. and it hurts so much.

Chanelle was sitting in front of me, cleaning her nails, like she was the Queen. Actually, she is.. she's the Queen of Evil b!tches. Yeah, that sounds so right.

"Are you happy now?" I spat, but tried to act calm.

She smirked, putting away the nail pile down and looked at me, "I'm more than happy, darling. but that's just the beginning of my plan."

I scoffed in disbelief, "Who the hell is involved here?"

"Me, of course. and Mr. Greg." She said, smiling evily. If only I could slap that off her face. She'll pay for all of this.

"Mr. Greg?"I asked. Who the hell is that?

Her face became surprised and she laughed, "You don't know him? Wow."

"Just tell me." I said impatiently, glaring at her.

"Cato's oh, so loving Father." She replied with a smirk.

My body went numb, my eyes went wide, and I was trying to process this whole thing in my brain. Cato's father was invovled in this? Holy macaroons.

"b-but why?" I asked in disbelief.

"Because he was pissed that Cato didn't come back home and didn't know where he was. So when I told him you lived together, he got so mad. and that's when we planned everything." She explained while shrugging.

That is the most stupid thing ever. Well, these people isn't smart as well so it's aight.

"Let me go, please.." I begged.

"I'm not letting you go easily," She said.

She walked over to me, smirking and played with the tip of my hair. Ew, germs. "You got a pretty necklace."

"I-It was a gift from my Dad before he left.." I replied, looking away.

Without any warning, she held on my necklace and snapped it off. I gasped at the sharp pain that crawled up my neck.

"Too bad it's mine now." She smirked, laughing evily.

"No! Not my necklace! That's the only thing I have left." I shouted, tears flowing down my cheeks. I tried breaking free, but it was useless. and it was pointless arguing with her. Unless I wanted a new wound or a bruise.

but the usual her completely ignored me. "Stay here. I'll go get your food." She said boringly, as she walked out the door.

Tears sprang in my eyes; I couldn't take it anymore. I hurt Cato and I'm sure as hell he's not going to come and look for me anymore because I made it clear that I don't want to see him again.

I looked around the room for anything sharp to cut the ties on my hands off. As I was searching, I saw something shine from the ray of the light; a knife.

It wasn't really far away from me. I just needed to move my chair a bit and take it using me feet. I placed me feet flat on the ground, trying to jump slowly so the chair wouldn't make a sound.

As I was near to the knife, I wiggled my feet to loosen the tie that was wrapped around my leg; The tie finally loosened and I took the knife, placing the handle in between my toe and on the count of three, I tossed the knife and caught it using my mouth. Call me crazy, but I did. but when your life is on the line, then I suppose you won't believe the things your doing are crazy because basically, you just wanna stay alive.


This time, I placed the knife on my left shoulder, pushed it slowly so it would slide down my arm, and it would land on my hands. Pretty smart, huh?

Feeling the knife already on my hands, I hurriedly cut the tie and finally, my hand was free. but before I had to do anything else, I heard footsteps getting louder and nearer, so I sat still, pretending I was in the same position as she left awhile ago. Chanelle came in, a tray with food on her hand and a..gift? and took a chair and placed the food in front of me.

"I'm going out for awhile." She said, admiring the box.

"To where?" I asked but she completely ignored me.

She opened the box, revealing a galaxy designed backpack. Huh? Who could it be for?

"Is it nice?" Chanelle asked, smiling at the bag.

"Yeah.." I replied, confused.

"I hope Cato will like it. I'm meeting him somewhere, in a few."

C-Cato? She's meeting up with my boyfriend? Ex I mean..

"Have fun." I forced to say and gulped.

"Oh, I need to go and get ready. He'll be there in 30 minutes!" She squeaked and ran out of the room, leaving the gift behind.

I hurriedly cut the rope on feet and stood up to find anything. Like a cellphone or something. An idea suddenly popped up in my mind. I ran over to a cabinet and found a paper and a pencil; I cut the paper in half and started to write.

"Cato, please help me. Chanelle and your dad has held me captive in her house. I don't really know where I am, but I'm positive it's in Chanelle or your dad's house, I'm not sure. but as soon as you read this, contact the police and DON'T tell Chanelle about this, please. I'm begging you, Cato. She can kill me anytime. Find me. They keep hurting me here. I'm sorry for the things I've said, I was forced by Chanelle because she wanted us to break up and have you. I love you, I never stopped. Please find me.

- Ari xox"

Folding the letter into a small little flat box, I kissed it and prayed to God that Cato could find and read this. I slowly tip toed my way to the chair where the gift sat and I opened the zipper and placed the letter inside where Cato would find it easily and which part of the backpack he always opens. Only he can know, not even Chanelle could find it.

I sat back down the chair while stuffed the knife on my pocket, I re-tied the rope on my legs like it hasn't just been cut and then I placed my hands on the back like a rope was still tied on it.

As on cue, Chanelle went in the room wearing a fit black dress that has a long slit on the side, her back was exposed, she was wearing a black and white stilettos and a side bag. Wow, slutty much?

"Forgot the gift. Oh, and Ari? Don't even think of escaping because Mr. Greg will be on guard. You escape, I catch you, You die. Got it?" She said sternly, pulling my hair forcefully.

As soon as she walked out, I couldn't help but break down and cry. I just wanna leave this hell hole and be back in Cato's arms. He probably hates me now.. Tears kept on flowing down my face, but I didn't bother stopping it because crying sometimes is good because it takes all the pain that you're feeling.



Cato's POV*

I was meeting up with Chanelle today. She said she wanted to give me a gift; probably a peace offering?

That name kept repeating in my head like a broken tape, but I shrugged it away. It has been two weeks ever since that last phone call of ours and I haven't communicated with her ever since. I looked for her.. but she was no where to be found but I gave up. She left and forgot me, so I'll do the same.

I settled in a blue striped shirt, black skinny jeans pants (the one for guys) and wore my dark blue vans I bought weeks ago. I looked at my wrist watch, checking the time and it was already 6:45. Chanelle and I planned to meet there by 7 o'clock.

I hurried my pace, grabbed my car keys and shut the door. I may not have mentioned about my little sister already, but she's currently living with my aunt while I go to school and look for a good job.

I checked the place.. Ari's home.. her scent was still roaming around the house and her things was inside her room. I pushed those thoughts away and left.

*At the restaurant*

I walked in, searching the place for Chanelle and she was already seated comfortably, while she was taking selfies. Usual. As I was getting nearer to the table, Chanelle stopped taking selfies and then smiled at me, while giving me a hug.

"Hey, Cato." She said happily.

"Hi. Did you just arrive?" I asked, as I took a seat.

"Yes, don't worry. I arrived like just 5 minutes ago." She said, fixing her hair.

A waiter then came over, waiting for us to take our orders.

"I'll have the grilled buttered chicken with salad and mash potatoes on the side. and I'd like iced tea too please." I ordered.

"and I'll have the grilled salmon with crispy noodles on the side and I'd also have iced tea." Chanelle ordered, putting down the menu.

Soon as we ordered, the waiter went away. Chanelle excitedly took a big birthday gift she had brought and gave it to me.

I opened the box, revealing a backpack, the color was dark blue and the design was the galaxy. It's nice to be honest.

"I saw this backpack and it reminded me of you, so I bought it. It was the last one because it was limited edition. Do you like it?" She asked hopefully

"I like it. Thank you, Chanelle." I smiled, showing her my dimple.

"Will you excuse me?" Chanelle excused herself to go the bathroom. Probably going to fix her make up or whatever, I don't care.

I looked at the brand new backpack I just got. Wow, limited edition? This must cost a fortune. I opened the zipper of the bag, checking the inside and it was nice too.

I opened the next zipper, and it revealed a folded paper. Might be a card or whatever. I stuffed it in my pocket and put the bag away.

Few minutes left and Chanelle came back looking all refreshed. She never changed. When we would always go on a date, she'd spend her time excusing herself to the bathroom to go fix her smudged eyeliner, mascara or crap like that rather than us talking.

Something caught my eye and it was the necklace Chanelle was wearing. It looked so much familiar. Like the one Ari had, from her Father. Huh?

"Where'd you get that necklace?" I asked suspiciously.

"I-I.. I-It was from a-a friend." She stuttered, looking down on the table.

A friend..? Okay...?

"So um.. do you have someone special now?" she immediately changed the subject, while taking a sip of her drink.

"I did.. but she left and I can't force her. So I'll do the same and leave." I replied bluntly.

She looked amused and happy, she wasn't exactly showing it but I can see it.

"Who's that person?"

"Ari. The girl you bullied before?" I replied bitterly.

Chanelle cleared her throat, as she moved her hair on the side of her shoulder. What is up with her? She always does that whenever she isn't comfortable or was hiding something.

"You might be forgetting that it's not an but a bullied her. You chose that dirty bitch over me." She angrily said, slamming down her hand on the table. A few heads looked over our table and I wasn't embarassed as at all.

"Because I love her and I love how clearly, she's not " I growled, enphasizing the Just making sure she got it clearly.

"That oh so, precious girl of yours? She's dead. SHE KILLED HERSELF."

My body froze, speechless and started shaking. M-My Ari's dead...? No. It can't be. No. no.

That must hit a nerve because she immediately stormed out the restaurant. Like she always does before. No surprise there.

After I paid for the food, I stayed for a while to chill and relax. I opened my phone, Ari's picture as my wallpaper showed and my heart clenched.

"I miss you, where are you?" I mumbled, running a thumb on her face.

She can't be dead. I know it. She's alive.. hopefully.

This was such a long nightI drew in a deep breath, and left the restaurant.


My body felt weak and useless.. Although I was already untied from this chair, I couldn't even stand standing up. I have no much energy is why.

My mind drifted off to daydreaming of an escape plan but it would be a risk if so. Because:

Well, let's see what happens next...


Hi tweeps! sorry for the late update as usual. Btw, I changed he title from "He saved my life, but..Why?" to "Why didn't he let me die?" so please don't get confused. :) This story's next update will be probably after two weeks because Summer is over for me actually and we already have class this Monday. #sucks. but other than that, I can't promise you when I'll update. but please be patient and don't delete this book to your library. Thank you for all the support guys. This book is nearly 4,000 reads and I'm really grateful for that! I love you all to pieces. Hope you enjoyed reading. :*

- Skyla xox

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