《God Forge: Forge of the Mind (book 1) [draft 2]》Component 26 - Break Out
Outside of the Moonbearer Mountains, a storm raged. Thunder shook the Lich's overlook, and lighting flashed, tearing apart the sky. Standing, watching the magnificent display, was the Lich Brotherhood. All four members had wanted to bear witness to the Walking God's great power.
The floor of the cave shuddered as the might orc came just outside the chamber door that needed a magic pass code to enter. Lord Reischerr moved quickly towards the door, but all at once the magically sealed barrier blasted it, taking the surrounding stone with it.
Wind blew the dust of the explosion away, and a nine-foot tall figure stood in the doorway. Covered in shadow at first, the monstrosity stood, as if waiting for something.
Reischerr looked back to his three companions, Bennihok, Keliko, and Legac. Their features were mostly hidden under their hoods, but each had the fiery pinpricks of light as eyes. Each seemed calm, and relaxed while he was nervous and on edge.
Lord Legac lifted his hand and motioned to Resicherr. The lowest level Lich Lord hated this plan. But he couldn't argue it any longer, it was too late; the Walking God stood on their doorstep.
"I'm waiting." Came the calm, yet immensely powerful voice of the orc giant.
"Invite him in." Bennihok hissed.
Swallowing hard, despite not having had saliva for hundreds and hundreds of years, Reischerr turned to the orc and gave a slight bow.
"Greetings, Lord Gus." Reischerr said. "Would you like to come in?"
The lich looked up at Gus who was clenching his hands, as if ready to grab the axe on his back; and that axe was nearly as tall as he himself was.
"That... I would." The orc demi-god said at length.
Gus walked across the Lich's threshold and immediately power ran through the ground and up into the four lich's feet. Reischerr, being the closest to the monster felt the power lift him up and nearly through him across the cavern.
As Gus stepped past Reischerr, he whispered. "Do not call me Lord. I do not like it."
"O-of course, sir." The lich stammered, but once Gus turned his head and gave a death glare, one that almost killed the undead once again, Reischerr rephrased his words. "I mean, of course, Gus."
The tall man gave a mighty nod of approval and walked right up before the other three liches. Reischerr scurried up beside them.
"You have summoned me." Gus spoke first.
Even Lord Legac was stunned somewhat. He expected the creature to be violent, and full of rage, yet he seemed serene. The storm outside seemed to do all the raging for him.
"We have." Keliko nodded. "We humbly welcome you to our temporary home."
"It's ugly." Gus said, looking around. "I don't like it."
"Apologies..." Bennihok spoke. "But it is temporary."
"It reminds me of my youth." Gus grumbled. "Very bad memories have returned."
"Shall we move to a different location?" Bennihok asked, starting to turn.
"No." Gus said. "Just get on with it, so I can be going. I hate cramped spaces."
Lord Legac decided to speak, "Gus, the Walking God, we have summoned you to make a deal."
"I don't care for deals." Gus muttered. "I have no need of money, magic, or friendship."
"Oh but what you don't have is your wife." Legac said, his eyes flaring more violently than before.
Gus raised an eyebrow. "She is dead. Has been for long time. Do not play with my feelings, undead filth, I do not find it intriguing."
"I am not meaning to play." Legac said, waving his hand, and opening a portal next to him.
The green mass of energy swirled about, and through it, a beautiful orc woman appeared. Her face was contorted in terror as demons prodded her with pitchforks, and spears.
Gus have a mighty roar so loud that the cave began to fall apart. Stalactites fell from the ceiling, and the liches were nearly blasted off their feet.
"My Maria." Gus glared at the portal. "What kind of trickery is this?"
"It is no trick." Legac replied. "Your precious Maria has been trapped in the Great Abyss of the Hells, for two decades."
"That is not possible!" Gus growled. "She worshipped Torchwood."
"And Torchwood could care less about his worshippers." Legac said. "He merely draws power from them."
Gus took one step towards Legac and stood over him, glaring down right into his eyes. The other three liches brandished their staves and were about to blast a spell at the orc when Legac lifted his hand to stop them.
"Gus." Legac said. "What I offer you is a deal. One to where I will bargain for her freedom, and return her to you."
The heaving orc stepped back, still glaring, and said, "Today, I like deals."
Weiggs had watched as the godly orcish man walked up and utterly destroyed the doorway that he had been trying so hard to figure out the passcode to.
The heavset orc took no time at all making a break for the nearly formed entryway. Walking as carefully as he could, he stepped behind Gus, and then slipped into the shadows of the stalagmites of the overlook.
A heated conversation gave Weiggs reason to be on constant alarm as he rushed for the holding cell. The orc came up to the cell door, and heard Budge cry out from inside.
"Oh no!" Weiggs whimpered. "They killing Budge!"
The orc tried the cell door, and it didn't move. It was locked from the inside, and someone was inside with Budge.
Weiggs stepped back, and tried to think; which only sent a sharp pain through his brain. He looked around the small cave, and there was a bench on the outside, and just the cell door.
"How I get in?" Weiggs whispered, pacing to and fro. Finally he stopped. "I need sit down to think."
The orc sat down on the bench, which creaked under his weight. Then with a long groan and a sudden snap, the seat broke in two. Budge's screams from inside the cell fell quiet, and the clicking of the lock could be heard.
Weiggs bounced to his feet, drawing an obsidian dagger from his belt. He waited for the door to slowly open, but instead it flew wide and smashed him right in the nose. Blood spurted down his face, and he fell back into the cave wall shadows.
A red cloaked figure gave a great harrumph, when he didn't see anyone and started to shut the door. Weiggs rushed the portal and grabbed the outside handle.
The cloaked figure, confused, pulled harder to shut the door, but Weiggs held firm. A tug of war began between the two creatures, and finally Weiggs pulled so hard the door fell right on top of him.
"Ow." Weiggs whispered.
"Wonderful." The demon said. "The wind has destroyed the cell door. Reischerr will blame me for this for sure. I had better return to the Abyss and hide."
In a puff of flames and smoke, the demon had vanished.
Weiggs shoved the fallen door to the side and sat up.
"Budge..." He whimpered, standing and making his way along the wall an into his brother's cell.
With wide eyes, Weiggs held back a cry of horror. Budge, suspended from the ceiling, was covered in blood, and his eyes were rolled back into his head. A bucket of dark water sat on the ground next to him.
"Budge!" Weiggs whispered. "You dead?"
"No but wish so." Budge whispered back, slowly coming to. He looked at Weiggs with his eyes back to normal, and shook his head. "You dream! You go away! Bad Weiggs! Bad!"
"It me, big brother!" Weiggs whimpered. "I here to save you!"
"But who gonna save us?" Budge asked.
"We save ourselves." Weiggs nodded, and took the obsidian dagger to the leather wrist cuffs. He sliced through one, letting his brother down a bit, and catching him on his shoulder. Then he cut the other and supported Budge entirely.
"We go." Weiggs said. Walking forward, but Budge was too weak, and his feet only dragged on the floor.
"Budge, walk!" Weiggs grumbled.
The orc tried his best, but he could barely feel his legs.
"Leave me!" Budge said. "Go back to mistress."
"She released Weiggs." Weiggs said. "No more her servant."
Budge cocked his head. "Mistress no care about us?"
Weiggs shook his head. "I no know. But we escape. Have to."
The pair struggled there way through the cave, and back to the stalagmites in the overlook cavern. The liches were all facing Gus with their staves drawn.
Weiggs grinned and with his brother at his side hobbled down the path and into the cave.
When they finally made it behind the safety of the waterfall, Weiggs set Budge down.
"What we do now?" Weiggs asked.
"Me no know..." Budge murmured. "This your plan."
"Plan ended here." Weiggs sighed.
For several minutes the orcs sat in silenc. Finally Weiggs lifted his head. "We should go as mistress what to do."
"Good idea." Budge nodded slowly. "Me just snooze first, okay?"
And with that, the beaten up orc collapsed onto his side, leaving his dimwitted brother to stand guard—But a dimwitted brother who had just saved his life.
Ramona exploded out of the narrow alley, hoping that the giant steel man couldn't follow. She rushed into the crowds of the bazaar and ran as fast as she could.
But from behind her she heard shouts, and screams, and the thundering footfalls of the golem. She clenched her teeth and put her legs into overdrive. She spun around a corner and into another alley, then stopped to wait for the might creature to run past.
Crashed came in the wake of the screams, as the merchant's stalls were destroyed. The creature rampaged after Ramona, and it caused her heart to pound akin to a scared rodent.
"Please keep going. Please keep going." Ramona whispered, holding the bag to her chest. She kept her eyes closed and prayed to whatever god would hear her.
The steel man barreled past, as did the pieces of tarp, and various goods that were being sold by the merchant's.
"Oh thank the thief god of stealth!" Ramona breathed her sigh of relief. She had evaded the man for a moment, but she knew she needed to get moving fast.
Ramona Monkeytoes stepped from the alley and turned to her left. She bumped into a tall man. When she jumped back and looked up, her eyes quivered with fear. It was the golem's elf companion!
"Fetter!" Ramona cried, and spun around, taking off again.
She hit the corner and skidded to a stop. The road was a dead end, and at the far wall, the steel man stood, turning around. He spotted Ramona and brought his foot back behind him. In a flash, the creature ran at her like a raging bull.
She squeaked and ran the opposite direction. Bursting onto a narrow residential street, she prayed again that he couldn't follow her. But then he came. The metal man didn't care what was in his way, or if his shoulders didn't fit the road. He still ran like nothing held him back. The front door steps, and walls came down as he rampaged.
"Doesn't this guy know when to quit?" Ramona cried.
She ran back onto the next crowded street and burst right into the center of town circle. She looked around and there was nowhere to hide. So, all she could do was climb the fountain and try to hide behind one of the gargoyles spewing water.
The metal man shoved people aside as he came down the street. He no longer hid, for he seemed to care about not hurting anyone. Ramona could use this to her advantage she knew, but she had to play it smart.
"If I take one of them hostage..." Ramona whispered.
But before she could finish her thought, the fountain exploded into pieces, and a geyser of water burst into the sky, soaking Ramona and the steel man.
"Eeep!" Ramona cried as the metal man held her before him.
"I. Want. My. Stuff." He said through gritted, silvery teeth.
She held up the bag and smiled feebly. "You win."
Then shouting came from every part of the circle, and guards appeared, each holding long spears and in shiny bronzed armor.
A fat guard with a handlebar mustache stepped forward, and pointed at the pair in the remains of the fountain.
"You are both under arrest!" He shouted.
"Arrest?" The metal man asked, regarding Ramona. "What does that mean?"
Ramona closed her eyes and sighed. "It means we're going with them."
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Infested (Crossover of The Forest and Goblin Slayer)
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The Life Between Worlds - VOL I
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An Id of Primal Chaos
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I am not the Hero
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