《God Forge: Forge of the Mind (book 1) [draft 2]》Component 22 - Decisions, Decisions


After the meeting of the Wise ones of the Woods, Angon realized he had taken in a single word. They were afraid of the Blood Tomb. So? Who wasn't? He didn't care, for according to Buster, the passive elves offered little to no advice as per usual, and that was why dwarves rarely spoke to elves on topics of politics.

"Sorry that didn't go so well..." Gavin apologized after leaving the meeting chamber in the center of Windale.

"Aye, all our time here has been a waste!" Buster grumbled. "Ye apologize for yer sorry kind, but they don't feel it, elf! They won't even be feeling it till the Blood Tomb come knocking on your door again!"

Angon trudged ahead, with his shoulders slumped. All he wanted to do was see Lavina again, but she had left after speaking of her engagement. The stunned forge hadn't been able to speak a word to her after he realized what she meant. And inside he felt a turmoil of feelings; anger, sadness, fear, loneliness, and even hatred, where in fact no hatred should be do. Lavina had chosen Daneel, after all, and not the other way around.

Gavin and Buster continued gabbing behind him, and he could care less what they had to say, for Angon felt the worst he possible could. Finally, unable to take another step, he collapsed, crossing his legs beneath him.

"Angon?" Buster asked, rushing over. "Be ye okay, forge? I think we be needin' ye to walk on yer own if we're to be making it north to Angel's Outpost."

"I can't go on!" He wailed, and began to sob. Liquid metal tears fell from his eyes and evaporated as they splashed onto the wooden boards.

Gavin and Buster looked at each other knowingly; the forge wasn't going to move until they could get Lavina to come and speak with him, for she was the only one that could make Angon understand the pressing issue of time; time they did not have.


With her pack emptied on her bed before her, Lavina put her hands on her hips, and gave a great nod or approval. She had everything she would need for her journey. She had a compass stone, magic scrolls for emergencies when her own spell power ran out, healing and mana potions, and she even had managed to snatch the magic shawl that would allow her to confuse any of a weak mind into thinking she was not there.

"I don't think I need anything else." The half-elf girl murmured. "Oh! But I do!"

Lavina cracked open her bedroom door, and peaked out into the hall. Her father, En-Marcuso, was nowhere to be seen. Pulling the shawl over her head, she tiptoed to the dining room and right up to the table.

Sitting in one of the chairs was a gnome she knew very well. This gnome, with scraggily red hair, and tanned skin, was the housemaid, and had done a great deal in taking care of Lavina as she grew up. The half-elf wrapped the shawl around her head even tighter, and reached up across to grab the bowl of juca berries.


"Little girl, don't you dare." Pina-Loo-Too snapped.

Lavina froze. How had Pina seen her?

The gnome housemaid turned her head to Lavina and wagged a finger.

"You think such a trick would work on me?" Pina said. "For I was the one who crafted that shawl you wear around you!"

"Sorry, Loo-Too." Lavina sighed, and pulled back the magic shawl. "But I need to leave."

"I know you do." Pina said as she reached to the middle of the table and plucked a handful of juca berries. "But you do not need this entire bowl for your journey."

"I wasn't going to take the entire bowl..." Lavina said sweetly.

"I know you, girl." Pina chuckled, sliding the bowl to her. "You may have the rest."

With wide eyes, the half-elf snatched the bowl off the table and turned to leave.

"Give your Loo-Too a hug at least!" Pina said, pushing back the chair.

With a grin, Lavina and Pina Loo-Too embraced. They let go and Lavina shook her head. "You aren't going to tell daddy are you?"

"No, of course not. I didn't see a thing." Pina said. "Just make sure you come back safe and sound from this journey. The last thing I want is to be at the wrath of En-Marcuso."

Lavina giggled, and pulled the shawl back over her head.

"Get goin' girl." Pina whispered, as footsteps came from the opposite hall.

Lavina darted back towards her room as quietly as she could.

Pina quickly pushed in her chair and grabbed a feather duster from the sofa beside her just as En-Macruso, the tall, fierce-eyed sol elf entered the room.

"Were you speaking to yourself again?" Marcuso asked, scrutinizing the gnome, who stood at only half his height.

"Yes, sir." She said. "I was looking for my feather duster and it wasn't answering my calls."

With a sigh, the elf returned from whence he came, shaking his head. "What do I pay you for Loo-Too? Sometimes I really do wonder."


"I'm sorry, Angon." Buster said, pulling on the forge's arm, forcing him onto the platform lift that would take them down to ground level.

"Yes, forge, did you truly expect the guards to allow Lavina out to see you?" Gavin asked.

"Of course." Angon sighed. "And if not, I would have gone inside to see her!"

"Busting into the leader of Windale's chamber would not be the bets diplomatic act." Gavin sighed. "But look at it this way... at least Lavina will be happy."

Angon sobbed and fell to a sitting position again. The elf lift-guard grabbed the vines, and cried out as the platform rocked.

After catching his balance, Buster grabbed Angon by the shoulders and said, "What Gavin so kindly meant to say, was that Lavina is likely to be doing us a favor, eh?"

"What do you mean?" Angon looked up, sad.

"I'm sure I said what I meant." Gavin muttered, drawing a punch to the kidney from Buster; Gavin gasped and fell to one knee, cursing.


"Lavina'd be in danger if she came with us, big guy." Buster said. "The Blood Tomb aren't anyone to shake a stick at!"

"I know!" Angon cried. "But I've never been without her!"

"You sound pathetic." Gavin sighed.

"Gotta admit, he kinda does." Buster grumbled.

The pair's lack of faith in Angon, had him crying even harder. He didn't want to journey without Lavina—And he knew when and if he ever saw her again, she'd be married to Daneel, and Angon did not like that one bit.

When the platform finally set down on the grassy ground below, it took both Gavin and Buster to pull the forge to his feet and off, so that the lift elf could go back up to Windale.

"Angon, please!" Gavin sighed. "If I promise to keep calling you by your name, will you at least be cooperative? This will be a very long journey if you cry the entire time."

The forge sniffled, and gave a small nod. "I will try."

"Good, forge now—"

Before Gavin could realize the error of his few words, Angon had burst into tears and sobs yet again.

"Aye, this is going to be a very long journey indeed." Buster grumbled.


Ramona was hanging out at the eastern gate of Skeanda, and had been all morning. She was perplexed that the orcess Gonzeelda and her hag companion had not arrived yet, and the sun was already at its highest point.

"Where are yoooou?" The Halfling girl sang, kicking her legs back and forth.

Ramona looked down at the townsfolk on the streets as they went upon their business. More than once did she see an opportunity to steal a precious gemstone, or a pouch of gold—But she didn't need that on this day, she was sustained for quite some time with food and drink. However, the few times she spotted a magical trinket, even a pair of seeing glasses, she wanted to leap down, steal the item and run for the hills. Somehow though, she managed to resist, which was quite unlike her.

"You intrigue me Gonzeelda." Ramona sang. "And I don't know why!"

Ever since hearing about the Walking God targeting the orcess, and seeing the way she acted with a hag child, Ramona had been dead set on meeting this woman.

"I'll give you one more hour." Ramona finally huffed. "If you don't show up by then, I will leave and go about my day. Hmph!"

But Gonzeelda did not need one more hour, for she needed only one more minute. The orcess and her hag minion had been forced to travel to the south and around the swamp's deepest parts. Tricia had told her new 'mother' that a swamp hydra nested in the worst part of the swamp, and Gonzeelda was not keen on testing her skill at fighting such a creature; especially not with a child at her side.

Gonzeelda, and her child companion arrived on the road leading from the swamps, and the city of Skeanda came into view.

"Finally!" Gonzeelda groaned. "My feet are pruned from all that water."

The hag child Tricia giggled. "Your feet look funny."

Not used to being criticized on any of her looks was tempted to smack the child, but quickly decided against it.

"Well you're blue." Gonzeelda quipped.

"And you're green." Tricia giggled back.

"Fair enough." Gonzeelda conceded.

Ramona finally spotted the pair approaching from the east and squealed with excitement. The only question was, how to approach such a duo? If Gonzeelda had truly taken to the hag child then she may strike out at any who came too close.

The Halfling girl skipped down the road, seeming as friendly and child-like as she could.

Right away, Gonzeelda saw the pint-sized woman and drew her dagger.

"No, mommy, she's friendly." Tricia begged, grabbing the orc's arm and lowering it.

With a sigh, she sheathed her dagger and let the girl approach.

"Who are you?" Gonzeelda asked, grumpily.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Ramona skidded to a stop. "You're the stranger entering my city."

"It's your city then?" Gonzeelda asked, narrowing her eyes. "Are you the queen? Or perhaps president?"

Ramona giggled at the thought. "I'm a queen of sorts, you could say." Queen of info and thieves, she thought to herself.

"Then take us to your palace." Gonzeelda muttered. "Because we have not rested in many hours."

"I don't have a palace per say." Ramona said.

"Then be gone with you, Halfling." Gonzeelda spit out, and started to walk around the girl.

"W-w-wait!" Ramona stammered. "My name is Ramona Monkeytoes!"

"Odd name." Gonzeelda said and kept walking.

"Well its because I can use my feet almost as well as my hands, but that's besides the pointe!" Ramona cried, chasing after the orcess.

"Then what do you want?" Gonzeelda grumbled, turning back.

"I have information!" Ramona quickly said.

This caused Gonzeelda to halt in her tracks. "What kind of information?"

"The kind that will keep you and your blue daughter safe from harm." Ramona smiled.

"Tell me, now!" The orcess lunged for Ramona who was far too quick for such a grab. The Halfling back-cartwheeled, and then flipped, landing on her toes.

"Information isn't free, you know." Ramona sang, and wagged a finger from each hand.

That was when Ramona noticed the bag at Gonzeelda's hip. She didn't even have to put her goggles on to tell, but a strong magic was emanating from the purse; pulsing even.

"Fine." Gonzeelda said. "I will pay you, a minimal amount, just tell me what you know. If you toy with us any longer, we will take our chances."

"Oh!" Ramona sang. "I agree! Now let's go somewhere private so that listening ears do not hear."

Tricia giggled. "We have a new friend, mommy!"

At the same moment a thought crossed both the halfing and the orc's mind; they both wondered how long this new 'friendship' would last.

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