《Harriet Potter and the avengers》Chapter 13


He had just finished reading Harriet's letter to magical Britain, looking slightly conflicted but laughing outright at the girls gall and straightforward wording. He was surprised at the treatment she was given as he hadn't expected it. 'we are the same.' He thinks to himself, feeling bad again. He'd been feeling bad a lot since Severus had helped him get his humanity back. ' Why wasn't she in Slytherin though? She would have been protected.' He thinks to himself.

He puts the letter down, rubbing his head sadly. 'If she has truly left though hopefully I won't have to hurt her. I hope this isn't a scheme by Dumbledore.' He thinks to himself, suddenly hearing a pecking at the window. He looks over and swishes his hand as his magic opens the window letting the owl in. he takes the letter off it and watches it sit as if waiting for a response. He lays back in his seat and opens up the letter.

He puts her letter down, slightly concerned how she'd prefer to be with his crazy self than dumbledore. 'He must be even worse than he realized, what did she mean about Ronald though?' He sighs and rubs his face tiredly, not sure how to deal with all this new information. He remembers how insane he used to be, Snape didn't just fix his looks after all.

He considers everything she just told him, 'If she is really my horcrux I need to protect her, so her just leaving maybe isn't the for the best right now. But if I force her back and stop the dream, she is searching for she will hate me even more and I don't want to ruin her dream.' He knows he now can't risk her being killed and knows slightly why Dumbledore treats her like that. 'He already considers her a goner.'


He sighs looking at the owl as he grabs some parchment and some ink. Looking down at her letter to help him reply.

He tied the letter to the owls leg and watched it fly off to who knows where. He assumed it would fly straight to Harriet, obviously not aware of some precautions she has made. He got up and headed to the floo aware they would want to speak to him about what to do now. Deciding he would call a death eater meeting that night. 

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