《Falling In Love with a Bad Boy !》Chapter 21 - A's to her Q's


"Now tell me what you wanted to talk about princess and this better be good" I fold my arms and lift an eyebrow at her "I am also curious to know why you've been going around telling everyone around here that you're my missus "

I look at her squirming on my bike a light blush tinting her cheeks as I continue staring at her waiting for a response. To be honest, although I had carried her into the changing room to yell at her earlier, once I put her on the couch I couldn't bring myself to do it. She looked so innocent and beautiful and I was so tired of staying away from her that I gave into my impulsiveness and lay on her lap. Seeing her made me weak, made me want to do all these things that only poofy boys did. I knew I was giving her mixed signals, which wasn't fair to her but every time I was around her I couldn't stop myself from being close to her, touching her, and just being with her. But I knew that I had to clear this out once and for all. She was too pure and innocent and my world would destroy her. She came from a sheltered family and if something happened to her I don't think I would be able to live with myself. I need to stay away from her because every time I was around her I start behaving like a lovestruck puppy and I couldnt stop myself.

Honestly speaking I love the fact that everyone thinks she is my missus, I feel pride and a strange feeling like there was someone who was solely mine, and all I wanted to do was to parade her around and show her off as my girl. But I knew she was too good to be my girl and I needed to keep her away because the last thing I wanted was for her to get involved in all the shady business I got up to. The guys I dealt with day in day out had no morals and scruples and would go to any extent to get back at me, and if they knew who she was they would definitely use her to hurt me.

Now staring at her balancing herself on the bike while trying to figure what to say to me was really making me want to pick her up and take her right now and make her mine. I knew she liked me back but I also knew I couldn't let it get too far between us to the point where it would be too late for us to stay away from each other. It was still early days and she would get over this, she should. She was too good and pure for me and that was the truth.

She bites her lower lip and then looks up at the stars as she starts talking " Look first of all I didn't tell anyone that I was your missus" She looks down and huffs at me "I mean we kinda made Bryan think I was your missus so that he would bring me here, it was no fault of his and then I was here and too late to come clean so I continued with the story" She rolls her eyes " I don't know why you make it out to be such a big deal. I mean the only reason I knew you were at a match tonight is because of your other missus" She makes air quotes while I furrow my brows as she continues " You know, your other missus Claire" she rolls her eyes and continues "she told me she was going to come here because you get umm..ummm... horny after matches and she needs to be here to help you out, so yea " she huffed out slightly annoyed which made her look even more adorable.


I lean forward, hold her chin and tilt her face down until she's looking into my eyes "Princess, I don't know how we keep coming back to Claire. Look let me clarify once and for all, I slept with her yes, once, just once, she wasn't even that great and so I never went back. she never comes to my fights and I don't even know how the fuck she even knows about my fighting but she wasn't here tonight and she hasn't been here before as well" I look at her face as she looks at me expectantly and I couldn't resist but tease her " So was that the emergency? you wanted to be here first to help me with my post-match horny-ness " I smile at the way her eyes widen in shock and she slaps her hand onto her mouth "What ! " she shrieks " No, no. that's not why I came.."

I move closer to her " I mean that definitely qualifies a real emergency, and if you want you can still help me" I smirk at her tomato red face. She pushes at my chest playfully and then furrows her eyebrows when I won't budge " What in heaven's name are you made of, metal"? she looks at me

I lean forward and whisper "I can show you mine if you show me yours"

I pull back and smile at how she was flustered. She clears her throat " Right, look I came here today because I just wanted to know why you took off the way you did after you kissed me. I mean was it bad...? you didn't even turn up to school so I dunno, and it was my first time so I dont know if I did it right or... I dunno " she mumbles the last part looking everywhere but at me

I move my head with hers until I catch her eyes "Princess that was the most delicious, yummiest kiss that I have had....period" I smile at her and see relief flood over her face for a second, and then her face fell again "So what..why did you go away?''

I brace myself for a second and then harden my heart "Look Annabeth" I see her cringe when i use her full name but i continue " You and I cannot happen" I cross my arms on my chest and look at her " We come from different worlds, that first kiss should not have happened, I'm sorry it happened and it wont happen again. I don't do girlfriends and my world is full of violence" I see her open her mouth and i continue " And no, before you ask I will not stop fighting, I will not change myself for anyone, not even you" I see her face fall slightly her lower lip slightly quivering and I harden my heart again and let out a breath of frustration.

If she cries I probably will screw everything and just make her mine. God knows I was barely hanging on by a thread of my self resolve. But I couldn't bring her into my world and taint her innocence so I continue ignoring the ache in my chest " Oh cmon dont cry Annabeth, this is not a big deal, so what I kissed you, I took your first kiss, its not the end of the world. You are beautiful and amazing and you will find a nice guy to date and go with .... "


I stare at him my heart broken into a hundred pieces as he went into what I call an speech. He was going on about how I was amazing and how I would find someone else and it annoyed me to no end. My initial sadness was slowly getting replaced with anger and rage which was fuelled by his assumption that I was going to ask him to change himself plus the condescending speech and the bipolar nature, one minute he likes me, the next minute he's being an asshole.

For the first time in my life, I had felt a crazy connection with someone, that I could not explain, I felt I could draw strength from him, I thought he would be the one... But now I realized that I was stupid to misinterpret his actions for genuine care. If he could just throw me away because of an excuse of his lifestyle without even asking me what I thought then he definitely was not the one for me. Although my heart was disagreeing with me I could not let him see me break down so I put my hand up effectively ending his speech.

"Look Ryder, you don't have to give me the speech of how I am beautiful and amazing and that I'll find someone else. It's ok... I will find someone else and I will move on. I just thought that there was something here" I gesture between him and me ' Obviously you don't feel the same way so that's ok, you don't have to go on and on, I get it. " I slowly pull off the hoodie and hand it to him. "This is yours, take it''

I watch his face fall all sullen and I feel the anger boiling in me again. If he was going to do that bipolar thing I swear I was going to kick him in the balls. He shoves his hands into his pockets "I don't wanna take it back, you keep it.. it looked better on you than on me anyway" He looks at me with sad eyes.

I just stare at him emotionless still holding out the hoodie" Look Ryder take it or I'll throw it away like you said I don't belong in your world, similarly nothing of yours belongs in mine. I don't want to have anything that will remind me of you, it will help me move on faster"

He opens his mouth as if to say something and then he closes it almost as if he thought better than to say anything and he reaches out and takes the hoodie from me.

We stay there just staring at each other for another ten seconds or more and then I clear my throat "I need to get going ..." I jump off his bike. He nods his head " Yea yea, just one thing "

I turn to look at him questioningly

He looks down as he mumbles "You know that thing you said about moving on faster, you don't need to move on faster, you know...a lot of these guys are assholes, so just take your time... I mean being single has its perks ...."

I honestly wanted to laugh, he didn't want me but he didn't want me to go with other guys. I wanted to scream and shake him and kick his butt while yelling at him for not wanting to be with me in the first place but I smile at him " Thats not for you to worry about Ryder, I will be fine". I pick up my phone thinking about who to call when he gets on his bike " Get on, I'll drop you" I look at him "Na it's all good, ill get someone else to come pick me"

Ryder swallowed and closed his eyes " Princess please don't be difficult, ill drop you home. Plus it's not safe to be here alone"

I just smile at him brightly " Ryder I will be fine just go" I knew I was being petty but I had a reason

He groans and punches his bike "I will fucking walk there and pick you up and put you on this bike" He stops and cradles his head in his hands " Please Anna, just let me drop you, I won't be in peace otherwise. Please "

I walk towards him "On one condition" he lifts his head and looks at me "Anything"

I look deeply into his eyes " Considering how we go our separate ways from tomorrow I need you to promise me that you won't be fighting for two weeks and you'll only do what Coach told you to do which is practice or whatever it is that you guys do..."

He looks taken aback"Where did that come from ?"

I smile softly at him "That peace you talked about being in if you dropped me home, it's the same thing. I'll be at peace knowing that you won't do that, plus anything after that I won't knows. So what I don't know won't kill me"

He just stares at me like he was committing each of my features to his memory. He reaches out and tucks a hair behind my ear and softly caresses my earlobe before letting it go. "I promise" he whispered. I smile at him brokenly "I hope you keep your promises" He smiles crookedly at me"I have never promised anyone anything in my life yet, but don't worry I plan on keeping this one promise" I just walk towards the back of his bike and climb up on it, watching him twist his upper body as he puts the helmet on my head. I move my head away from his fingers when he tries to clip it on and see his face twitch with anger when I clip it on myself. He starts the bike and screams out "Hold on to me tightly"

He starts the bike and takes off and I hold on to him tightly knowing this was the last time I would be this close to him.

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