《Falling In Love with a Bad Boy !》Chapter 19 - He's a Fighter


I had spent the whole day eager for my fight tonight, I needed to vent out the frustration that I was going through especially after that kiss with Annabeth, it was everything and more than I had imagined and hands down it was the best kiss I had ever had. It was like her lips were crafted for me ... only me. I knew it was wrong to take her first kiss but the thought of her giving it to anyone else turned me into a possessive jealous monster and I couldn't control myself. I literally felt my heart rip into two when I pulled away and walked away from her. All I wanted was her but I knew I couldn't have her. She should be with someone normal who could give her stability and love and I could not drag her into my psychotic world no matter how selfish I was about sharing her.

Right now I was sitting in my changing room waiting for my name to be called out. I was the youngest underground illegal fighter and after 25 matches I was yet to lose a fight. But the guy I was up against was pretty good as well so there was a lot of money to earn from this fight. I crack my knuckles and look up to see Colton walk-in "Huge crowd out there bro" he gave me a fist bump "Go break his face". I smirk at him and look behind him at my coach Johnny who had just walked in. Johnny or Jon as I affectionately called him was in his late 40's and was a pro-fighting champion in his younger days. He was the closest thing to a father figure for me and I guess if there was anyone that I respected and looked up to in this entire fucked up world, it was him. He had found me and trained me since I was ten years old. As a kid, I was always getting into trouble. "Use this as your outlet to deal with your aggression and pain" was the one lesson he taught me although lately, he had been telling me that I was using it as an outlet too often.

Right now he was sitting across from me with a concerned look on his face " Ryder, I want your head in the game, I'm pissed about the fact that you fucking went out and fought on the streets, that too right before a match and now your body is tired. So you need to keep your head in and finish this quick, remember what I told you, his left side is weak so that's what you need to focus on, your body needs to heal ..so finish it quick " he looks at me sternly


"What's the fun in that Jon" I smile at him while I put my mouth guard on. Jon shakes his head in anger "Just finish it quick Ryder, one day your body will stop taking all the shit you're putting it through" he slaps me on the back and we all walk out. I look at the crowd screaming my name as I walk to the ring, they were going crazy for me. This moment, this walk that I do to the ring before a match is what I love the most, I love it more than the walk down after I win, I don't know why but I feel invincible at this point and I am addicted to the adrenaline rush, the feeling of not knowing if this would be my last walk.

Underground fighting had no rules and it was all in, there have been many who have died on this very ring that I was going to climb into and there was a lot of money to be earned from it.

I climb into the ring and crack my knuckles and smirk at my opponent. What I was known for apart from being an undefeated champion was that I loved to provoke my opponents and also to give them hope that they might win, and then when they were unsuspecting I would beat them up to a pulp. The crowd loved my sadistic streak and the fact that I liked taking a few punches and that's why the most money was bet on my matches.

Half an hour into the match and I could end it but I didn't, for some fucked up reason I like the pain, it made me feel things, the only other thing that made me feel was her lips. I charge and punch the guy in the face trying to rid myself of thoughts about her. We start circling each other and I smirk and look at the crowd briefly and that's when I see her

"What the fuck" and the next thing I saw was the floor of the ring my face bleeding. Motherfucker had punched me. I jumped up and looked in the same direction I saw her in as I stood up, I wanted to make sure it was her and that I was not hallucinating. I saw her in jeans and a hoodie - my hoodie, and her beautiful flawless face filled with worry. All I could see was red now, I needed to get out there and get her out of here, it wasn't safe, What the fuck was she thinking? Who the fuck even brought her here? I don't even think but channel all my anger and worry towards knocking my opponent down, I keep punching him while continually looking up at her, making sure she's still there. I see the look of horror on her face but I can't stop.


Even when the referee pulls me off the guy and lifts my hand to declare my victory all I could do was glare at her, worried that if I took my eyes off her even for a second something would happen to her. My instinct to protect her was second to my anger and I was wanting to spank her ass until it was red so that she would fucking never dare to come here ever again in her life.

Anyone who looked at her could tell that she didn't belong here and that's what made it more dangerous. She was too innocent and pure to be even standing here, and all the guys here were ex-convicts, druggies, gang members fuck some of them could be rapists as well. All I could see was her, it was almost like tunnel vision nothing else existed in the world, and at that moment I realized that I would kill for her and die for her, there was some primitive beast in me that had staked its claim on her as mine and mine only.

I yank my hand out from the referee and make my way towards her glaring at her the entire time, all I could see were her beautiful eyes now. She looks behind her and back at me and I see Bryan's ashen face and Amelie with him so I figured it was him who brought them here. He was going to die once I was done with her. I jump out of the ring and make my way to her ignoring all the people patting me on the shoulder, all the shouts and screams, my coach Jon who was saying something, and the women throwing themselves at me.

My sole focus was her and only her. I see her looking around a petrified look on her face. "Yes little princess you better feel petrified, I'm going to give you a piece of hell," I think to myself grimly. Her eyes widen in fear as I get closer and she does what I definitely did not expect, like always she throws me a curveball. She fucking runs, she runs, away from me and that too around the ring. My mouth drops open and I see Bryan and Amelie have the same shocked expression while Colton just looks on. I swear someday this guy will react to something but today was definitely not the day.

I pull the mouth guard out of my mouth and throw it on the ground, " Fuck this" and I chase after her. I can only imagine what we looked like to the crowd, here was the undefeated champion Ryder, chasing after a sexy girl in a hoodie around the boxing ring. I get to her quicker than she expects and I grab her by my hoodie that she was still wearing and pull her into me, I flip her around and pick her up hoisting her on my shoulder so that I had a nice view of other plump ass while she was hanging upside down. "Put me down Ryder'' I ignore her angry scream and I walk off carrying her to my changing room. I see the women in the crowd staring at her angrily and with jealousy and I see all the men still cheering and collecting their bets but all the while looking at me trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.

Once we get to the changing room I kick the door shut and drop her unceremoniously onto the couch . She sits up and pushes her blonde hair out of her face her hoodie off now, her beautiful face staring at mine angrily "What the fuck Ryder". I lean over seething both my hands caging her into the couch " I push my forehead against her

"What the fuck are you doing here princess.?" I spit the words out " Ill give you ten seconds to explain yourself before I flip you over and spank you so bad that you'll think twice before acting like such an idiot ever again''

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