《Falling In Love with a Bad Boy !》Chapter 16 - First Kiss


I keep hitting the punching bag over and over again, although my wrists feel like they are on fire. I have been restless the whole day and although I couldn't pinpoint the exact reason I knew it was because of her.

When I woke up in the morning with her in my arms, I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay in bed with her forever, but I knew I had to leave and I literally forced myself to leave her. I had too much shit going on in my life to have a girlfriend and especially one like her, gorgeous, sheltered, and naive. She would not fit into my lifestyle or with my friends, and more than anything I would probably get her into trouble that I didn't want her involved in.

Usually, I would sleep with a girl and just get her out of my system but I knew that Annabeth was different and I was scared that if I did something with her I might want more and more. The best thing to do would be to leave and never look back and ignore her. That was the plan at least. But the urge to make her mine was slowly crumbling my resolve. I look at her one last time and bend over her sleeping form "Sorry princess, some things are not meant to be'' I whispered in her ear, kiss her on the head, and leave.

I have been in the gym all day venting out my frustrations on a punching bag, although it did little to calm me down. I was looking forward to tomorrow considering how I had a fight coming up tomorrow night where I was sure I could vent out more of my pent-up anger. I didn't even go to meet James or Giselle despite them texting me and calling multiple times, I didn't respond. Right now I just needed to get her out of my head. I went around to see Colton and Bryan before I came here, but I couldn't stand Bryan especially in his new lovestruck avatar. He couldn't stop talking about Amelie, and that kept pissing me off because every time he spoke about Amelie it triggered little memories I had about Annabeth from the previous night.


By evening I lost my resolve. I just wanted to see her once, I convince myself that it was only to check up on her, although I know my reasons for going over to her house was more for my benefit than hers. I took a shower at the gym and changed into a fresh pair of black joggers and a grey sweater that I had carried with me in my gym bag.

I ride my motorcycle all the way to her house still thinking about an appropriate excuse for one - leaving in the morning without telling her and two - turning up at her house without a reason. I pull up a little away from her house and walk the remaining distance when I see her standing outside her gates. She looked absolutely gorgeous even from far with her blonde hair blowing in the air. The closer I get to her I see Dylan and my hands immediately clench by my sides, especially when he draws her into a hug and then he leaves. I watch his car drive off and I reach behind her before she goes into the gate to her house. Right now I was seething with rage, I knew I had no right over this girl but it felt like I did.

I spit out the first words that come to my mouth"Didn't take you long enough to run into his fucking arms, makes me wonder if you're really an angel like you pretend to be or a cold-hearted bitch "

I watch her turn around in shock and face me with her mouth wide open.

I sneer at her in disgust "What, you have nothing to say to me? You spend one night in my arms, the next night cuddling up to him, are you trying to see how many guys you can get within a week because there is a name that I can call you for that.."

I stop in shock because she had just slapped me right across my face, not a soft one but with so much force that it was almost like a full-blown punch. My fighter instincts kick in and I grab her by the arms and pull her in close, her face inches away from me and although I'm mad I can't stop myself from admiring her, studying her perfect features and her beautiful eyes which were looking at me warily.


That fact that she was wary of me pisses me off again and I put her away from me and smirk at her "Oh stop acting coy princess, you can drop the act now. I know how you are now, it's just an act isn't it to get guys to come drooling around you and then you act like a stuck up prude, or is it that you select the lucky few to sleep with''

I could hear the venom spewing out of my mouth and I couldn't control it, I had no idea why I was saying what I was saying when all I wanted to do was to go down on my knees and beg her to never see him again and to be mine and mine alone. I also wanted to punch the living daylights out of Dylan but that was a different story. Right now though all I felt was hurt and anger after seeing her hug him that I was spewing hate.

Her eyes fill with tears and she yells at me her mouth trembling

"Is that what you think of me your asshole, that I am sleeping with multiple guys, well news flash I have not slept let alone kissed a guy yet, and the only guy I wanted to do that with was you yesterday but you are the one who has a chick hidden in every corner who comes around threatening me to stay away from you..you.. " she pauses and continues in a softer tone

''You just left today morning without saying anything, without even leaving a note." She pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs "Look, Ryder, Dylan is my friend and I was feeling low today so we went out with a bunch of other friends bowling and he just dropped me home, and that hug was a friendly one...." she pauses again and wipes her tears, her blue eyes blazing with anger "although it's none of your fucking business who I hang out with, and... and... you know what fuck you Ryder, Claire told me about you and her and how you were about to have sex when you saw me last night at the party, honestly I don't have time in my life for a guy like you who treats girls like paper cups"

She turns around to leave when I grab her by the hand. She pulls her hand out of my grasp and turns around to glare at me. "Look you may think it's ok to come around and yell at a girl after everything you've done but I am done with your bull shit ...stay away from me''

I run my hand through my hair in frustration "I dont understand why the fuck you're going on about Claire, I told you I don't do relationships'' We looked at each other in silence, and then she expels a deep breath"and I am not going to be another notch on your bedpost, I don't care if you think it's lame or that I am a prude, but I'm saving myself for someone who will respect and care for me and ..."

I interrupt her "Who, Dylan the douche, your going to give him your first kiss and your virginity, is that what your trying to say"

Annabeth cringes when she hears the virginity word but she glares at me again "Yes, maybe.... I don't know, anyway its none of your fucking business"

And that ladies and gentlemen is what made me lose control and do something that I had sworn to myself I wouldn't "Fuck if I let him have your first kiss'' i growled

I pull her to me before she processes what I just said and I kiss her.

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