《Falling In Love with a Bad Boy !》Chapter 11 - Taking him home!


"Ryder.. what the fuck are you doing with her "

I turn around and see Giselle standing there her hands on her hips looking pissed. Before I can say anything Annabeth sticks her head out of the open door and squeals " Oh my god, it's that bitchy girl that I saw with you today morning. She's mean, she threatened me to stay away from you at lunch today'' she starts hiccuping and seeing the stern look on my face she goes back into the car and settles down on her seat.

I look back at Giselle who looks a bit guilty but then her face morphs into anger "Damn right I told her to, you don't think I would be quiet after the way she talked back to you today morning, you don't need no prissy blonde bimbo creating drama in your life so I told her to fuck off''

I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes in frustration "Giselle, how many times have I told you to stop interfering in my shit, but you still make it a point to fucking be annoying, look I don't have time to deal with this shit right now, Bryan and I gotta go, and we need to drop these girls home first before we can head off''

Giselle open her mouth to argue but she shuts it and crosses her arms across her chest when I lifted my hand silencing her

'Look, I'll call you when I get home, my face is fucking broken, and I think it's your brother's doing. If James had anything to do with this" I pointed at my face " he's got the worst pain coming his way, tell him I said that" I slide into the car and shut the door.

Giselle leans in through the open window of the car" What the fuck is that supposed to mean, what did my brother do to your face. He would never Ryder, you know that. "

I look up at her through the window " Yea, that's what I used to think as well, and as long as I believe that, his ass is safe, tell him I have a few questions for him when I see him tomorrow, he better be prepared"


Giselle runs her hand through her brunette hair ''Listen, Ryder, I'll come with you let's talk this through"

I shake my head at her"Na, not right now G, I just need to get home, get my head cleared, and then ill either call you tonight or well talk tomorrow".

I kick the driver's seat with my foot signaling Bryan to drive and he pulls out leaving Giselle looking pissed as she stands there staring at us to leave.

"Fuck'' I swear under my breath. Giselle was James's step-sister and we went way back. We grew up together and I've always looked out for her, she was like family. One of the biggest mistakes I've made was hooking up with her in the past. It was a mistake, I was drunk off my face and she came onto me. I told her it was a one-off thing but she insisted that she didn't want anything serious and was only looking for fun. We hooked up a few times after that but I felt like she was getting attached and the last thing I wanted was to hurt her, so I ended it with her a few months ago and we've continued being friends. But lately, she's been up in my business interfering with things I do and always tagging along with me all clingy which I absolutely cannot stand. I honestly was getting tired of her behavior, and tonight off all nights I didn't want to deal with her drama.

I look to my right at Annabeth who was sitting there quietly staring at me and playing with the end of my hoodie that she was still wearing.

" Are you ok?" I lean over with concern and pick her chin up with my fingers inspecting her face. She shakes her head '' Umm you know it's ok if you have to go to your girlfriend. I'm sure Bryan can drop us off....you don't have to...."

She stops seeing my glare and I stare at her getting more annoyed "If you want to fucking ask me if she's my girlfriend just ask me straight up, why go in circles princess?" I lean back closing my eyes and resting. After a little while of silence, I feel her nudging my side


"I'm sorry if I pissed you off, I just thought she was your girlfriend, she told me to stay away from you so yea... "

I look back at her and respond gruffly " I don't do the girlfriend thing princess, so no she's not my girlfriend".

"Umm ok," she looks at me again. "Does it still hurt?"

"No princess it just feels amazing right now" I grunted.

I smile with my eyes closed hearing her mutter "Serves you right asshole"

The next ten to fifteen minutes was just awkward silence in the back seat and romance blooming in the front seat with Bryan and Amelie flirting up a storm. I started regretting this decision. I should have just made her go with them and not put myself through this. I was literally clenching my hands into fists to stop myself from dragging her onto my lap and making out with her. The car slowly pulls up outside a mansion-like house similar to Claire's.

'Is this your place Amelie?" I lean forward. She looks back slightly confused at both me and Annabeth. "No, it's Anna's I thought you guys were getting off here" I was about to tell Bryan to just drop the girls off at Amelie's so that we can take off, but I can see the pleading look on his face, and I figure that he wants to spend more time with Amelie. So much for bros over hoes. I turn to look at Annabeth who was looking at me nervously biting her lower lip. "Are you sure it's ok for me to come in?' I ask her in a softer tone and she nods her head "Yes"

"Come on then princess you can fulfill whatever nursing fantasy it is that you have in your head, Bryan say goodbye to my handsome face as you knew it, I'm not sure what it's going to look like after she butchers it" I step out of the car hearing her snort as she steps out behind me. Amelie pops her head out of the window " Good night Anna, don't be naughty and do anything I wouldn't"

I see Annabeth roll her eyes but she was blushing. Bryan yells out as well" Call me when you need a ride bro, Ill come pick you"

I flip the finger at Bryan "Fuck you man, use protection, I don't want no junior Bryan's running around" Bryan's face reddens at my comment and he quickly drives off before I can say anything more. I laugh and turn to look at Annabeth and she smiles awkwardly at me " Come on this way" I follow her to her door and she unlocks it and we step in. The house was definitely a rich person's house exactly like I expected it to be. You can tell from the way Anna dresses that she comes from a very rich household.

She shuts the front door reactivates the alarm and starts up the stairs. I walk up behind her and she reaches a room but doesn't open it. Instead, she turns around leaning against it. "Umm, we should probably go to the guest room"

I look at her leaning against the door, her hair a mess, literally swimming in the hoodie and I couldn't imagine her any more beautiful than at this moment. I move closer and cage her in with both my hands on either side of her head. I lean into her neck and whisper "I wanna see your room princess, let me in or I'll have to pick you up and carry you in and I won't be held responsible for what happens after"

She sighs, turns around, opens the room and I followed her in shutting the door behind me.

She flicks the lights on and my eyes widen in horror "What the fuck"

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