《Falling In Love with a Bad Boy !》Chapter 1 - New Beginnings


***Authors Note***

Hi guys,

This is the first-ever story that I am writing and I'm super nervous. Please forgive me for all the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, I plan to complete it and then edit it.

Please follow me, like the story, and share your comments!

Don't be too harsh and break my teeny weeny heart!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


"Change is inevitable, it makes you evolve as a person, embrace the change and see the miracles that take place"

I scoff as I read the note that Ms. Shelton, my school counselor had written for me as part of my farewell. That woman was brimming with what she liked to call ''inspirational quotes'' but honestly speaking I would have rather she wrote. I'll miss you, Anna, you were lovely in her farewell note.

I finish filling in the last box that I had with all the notes, cards, gifts, and memorabilia that my friends had given me over the years.

Moving cities is definitely super hard especially when you have lived your entire life in one place, surrounded by familiarity. I was born in Iowa and I've lived here my entire life. Moving to another state and starting over was definitely not on my checklist of 100 things to do. And before anyone wonders, yes there is a checklist, and yes it contains 100 things that I wanted to do before I died. The list was something that me and my best friends Kimberlee and Sven had made together. We each had a copy of the other's list and we made a promise that we would ensure that the other person completed their wishlist.

Now that I was moving away I wonder if we would still keep our promise. Maybe we'll just forget about all this and our friendship and all the promises with it will fade away into a distant memory. But I guess, that's what life is about, embracing change as Ms. Shelton wrote on my note.

I close my eyes and focus on all the memories that stood out over the years here, things that I loved, for instance, my plushy bed, my cuddly toys, my best friends Kimberlee and Sven, all the beautiful memories we created, all the sleepovers, hangouts and crushes on popular boys for Kimberlee and me and girls for Sven. Now I was having to move out at the worst time possible, senior year at high school, I haven't even had a proper boyfriend yet, have not even had my first kiss yet and I was pretty sure it would have happened soon if I wasn't leaving. I had just been on a couple of dates with Jeremy who was one of the most popular football players in school and I was so sure he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend.


I sigh and jump up off that plushy bed that I was talking about and look at myself in the mirror. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a perfect nose, and lips thanks to my ex-model mum.

"Annabeth" I cringe when I heard my mum calling from downstairs. 'It's time to leave''. she yells again.

I quickly check my makeup to make sure it was perfect. Mum was a nightmare when it came to appearances. From when I was a little girl mum would constantly try to drum into me how important being perfect was "Annabeth, your appearance is what will take you far...remember that nothing else, no one cares what's in that pretty little head of yours, all everyone will care about is how pretty you are, the world is for the taking but only for the beautiful''.

I frown as I remember all the rants that she has been unleashing on me ever since I was old enough to hold a lipstick. These rants were usually accompanied by a long string of stories of how she was the most coveted model and how by marrying dad she has done so well for herself.

I quickly run down the stairs and fall over Sven and Kimberlee who were seated on the last step waiting patiently for me to show up.

"Aah, what the heck guys'' I wince in pain rubbing my ankle, aware of my mum's piercing glance at my back as she watched me stand up.

"What un-lady-like behavior Annabeth'' she would have said if my friends were not over. She was not very fond of my friends especially because Kimberlee was going through a punk rock phase with pink hair and dark eye makeup and Sven was not into sports or remotely athletic.

"What will your children look like'' she had shrieked when ages ago I thought it would be funny to joke about how I would marry Sven one day.

Mum had a concept of the kind of guy I was allowed to date and marry. Tall, handsome, plays some kind of athletic sport, rich and with muscles. She had approved of Jeremy and I think one of the major reasons why I even dated him was because I knew mum would be proud of me and get off my back for a while. She was always nagging me about how I needed to grab a handsome, athletic, rich boy and that if I wasn't quick enough all the good ones would be taken and that I would be too old, saggy, and wrinkly to catch one after.


Now that I was moving to a new high school I knew the drama was going to start again. Mum was not going to give me any peace of mind until I joined the cheerleading squad and started dating a rich boy.

I shook my head trying to stop thinking about the nightmare my life was going to be once we move and looked back at my friends my lower lip wavering. ''Guys.. i... I'' I stuttered.

Sven and Kimberlee came up and hugged me wrapping their arms around me. "You'll be fine Anna, we'll come to visit for our next break or you can come stay here and until then well we'll talk every single day, you know we're just a phone call away'' Kimberlee whispered.

I nodded my head trying to fight the tears. For some reason, I felt like this was our final goodbyes. I knew it would fade away, our friendship that is. That's what happened when one of our other friends Lilah transferred out. She said she would call, and to start she did, but then the calls got lesser and the days became weeks, weeks became months and now we barely spoke. I messaged her the other day telling her that I was coming to the same school but I was yet to get a response from her.

I turn around out of the hug and look at mom who looked disappointed. I'm pretty sure it was because my makeup was running because of the few tears that had escaped from my eyes and my mascara most probably was smudged giving me a raccoon-like look.

She shook her head in frustration and answered her ringing phone and started talking to dad. Dad was a businessman who worked in real estate, and I think that's the only reason why mum married him. He was always busy with work and earning more money, although I think we had enough and that meant that I only saw him once a month when he came down to spend a few days with us. He was the nicest down-to-earth man, but he would never oppose anything that my mum said.

Even the move now was because mom got a job at a fashion designing company and she really wanted it, something about status and connections, so she was uprooting us all and moving. I don't think dad was too happy about the move because we were going to be so far away from his parents, but when mum made up her mind about something she usually got her way.

I turned my head back and looked at Sven and Kimberlee one more time. We had been friends since childhood, they knew my crushes, my secrets, my nightmares, every time mum was harsh on me they were there for me. Now I would be alone...

I smile brokenly and brace myself for the future.

"Georgia here I come''

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