《Who are you: school 2015 ( A Chance) {On-going}》⭐Chapter 16⭐


Part 1 (*^▽^*)

Currently aunty and I were going to the mall.

Eunbi was going out for lunch with Song joo and Shijin.

About the thing that happened between Taekwang and me in the nurses office.

HA! I had completely forgotten about it.

Or maybe not.

Who am I kidding?

It was kind of my first kiss.

Like if there was just a little more pressure on the lips.


My first kiss! But this, wasn't it!

It was my second almost kiss with Taekwang.

I planned on acting like I didn't know a thing but Taekwang, just made it difficult for me.

He ignored me the whole day!

He ran away at the sight of me. Literally ran!

When I reached home, I closed myself in my room after changing,

I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling. Spacing out.

Aunty had to force me out.

Which she eventually succeeded in.

She dragged me out of my room and actually managed to drag me into her car.

She didn't tell me where we were going.

All she had to say was that,

"It's a surprise. It will cheer you up."

While driving, I looked out of the window.

The trees, the sky, the birds.

I was pretty much spacing out!

"Stop spacing out!" Aunty nagged as she looked ahead while driving the car.

I chuckled as she really seemed to amuse me at times.


When we reached the mall, aunty took me to the clothing department first.

We were looking at different clothes.

These clothes were old fashioned.

I remember when I used to wear such clothes back in 2015.

A smiled made its way on my face.

After looking at a few different clothes, aunty walked up to me and showed me a few clothes.

"Isn't this totally your style?

She said as she showed me a cream colored shirt paired with a brown knee length dress along with a light brown barrette.

I nodded.

"Go on, try it!" She said as she pushed me inside the trial room.

When I finished wearing the dress, aunty suddenly fawned over it.

After a while she threw me, I mean pushed me into the trail room and said from outside.

"Here take this."

She said as she handed me a phone.

"Take some selfies as I get more dresses for you and Eunbyeol."

She scurried away while saying that,

Time skip~

When aunty and I had finished shopping.

I decided to go to the library nearby.

Aunty decided to go back home as Eunbi was going to come home soon and aunty had to make dinner for us.

I reassured aunty that I will come back home safely.


Once I reached the library, I looked around.

While looking, a book caught my attention.

"Multiverse?" I read the name of the book aloud.

I opened it and read the first line.

'Multiverse is a tricky subject to tackle. No one knows the full capabilities of multiverse, even us.'

I looked at the index.


~Sacred Reality.

~Protection barrier

~A chance

~Souls without a body


~Alternate Universe

"Souls without a body?" I read the title.

'What does that mean?' I thought.

I was about to open the particular page when,


Someone jumped from behind me and shouted near my ear.


Who could have been this? I wonder

(Note the sarcasm)

Oh well, if it isn't the clingy male lead.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with dissatisfaction.

"Eunbyeol and my grade school is just across the street. They used to take classes here as well. So I know this place pretty well. I was leaving when I saw you entering." He said with a smile.

I nodded

After looking around for a bit, we both left.

As for the book, it was termed as a fictional book by Han Yi An.

But I still opened it and found half the pages missing or torn apart.

After telling the librarian about the book, we left.

We started walking outside-

We were enjoying the view in silence.

A comfortable silence.

"Do you....?" Han Yi An said while walking.

"Ever feel as if Eunbyeol isn't Eunbyeol." He continued.

I tilted my head.

"Like I know, you don't know her from the start but what I mean is as if you felt she was somebody else?" He asked me

I stopped walking.

When Han Yi An noticed I stopped walking, he stopped and turned around facing me.

"Why are you asking me such a question?"

He chuckled and said,

"Just like that."

I saw his face become gloomy.

I smiled and said,

"Would you treat her differently, if she could never revive her memories?"

He looked up.

I saw his eyebrows lean into each other (frowning) as if he was thinking about what I said.

"No." He said after a few seconds.

"Good! Don't treat her different."

He smiled and nodded.

'Why did he look like he knew something he shouldn't have?'

"Eunha," He suddenly called out.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you....?" He said.


I looked at him

He looked as if wanting to saw something but couldn't

I stopped walking and turned to him properly.

"What is it?"

"Ever felt that the world you are living in isn't yours?"


My eyebrows furrowed

"I mean, like you are living two lives in two different places."

'What the?'

I shrugged.

"Why did you ask me that suddenly?"

"No reason."

We continued walking until we reached my home.

We said our goodbyes.

'That was weird."

Part 2 (☆▽☆)

Shijin and I were returning from the canteen after eating.

We had bought a few packets of sweet buns for Eunbi and Song joo.

"Eunha, I think we have bought too much." Shijin said

"Really?" I said looking at the packets.

She nodded and said,

"Let's give some to Soyeong too."

I nodded, rather reluctantly.

I still wasn't able to adapt to the fact that, 'that girl' could be nice.

I know it's cruel of me to think such but still.

Even Eunbi was having a hard time adapting to Soyeong being nice.

"Oh!" Shijin gasped and pointed in a certain direction where a certain someone was standing with Gi tae and the others.

When I looked at the direction she was pointing to, that certain someone also thought to look in our direction.

Our eyes met.

I saw him become stiff.

I saw Gi tae scoff and continue to say things to Taekwang while he just looked at me stiffly.

Suddenly he laughed out loud.

Then he turned around and ran the opposite direction. I saw Gi tae running after him as well.

"Weird." Shijin said as she shook her head.

"He must have had a feud with Gi Tae again." Shijin said.

I nodded lightly.

"Let's go, I am hungry." Shijin said as she dragged me to the classroom.

It was the gym period.

The girls were playing handball/volleyball (anything you want)

While the boys were playing football.

I sat on the side as I didn't have gym clothes so the teacher said no to me playing.

"Pass, pass it to me."

The boys shouted as they passed the ball to each other.

One of the players passed the ball to Taekwang, who took it and was about to kick it into the goal when our eyes met.

His eyes widened.

He kicked the ball in the wrong direction and ran away.

"Yah! Where are you going?" The other players shouted before running after him.

I shook my head.

~Case 3~ Hiding

I was walking in the hallway after the period ended while looking down.

When I looked up, I saw Taekwang coming in my direction.

I stopped walking.

When he saw me, he opened the book that he was carrying and covered his face.

He walked straight up to me, then turned sideways avoiding me and continued walking while hiding behind a book.

I sighed.

(Note that the female and male washroom are side by side with a table in between them)

I was going to the washroom when Taekwang exited the male washroom.

He looked up and met my eyes.

He stiffened and ran back inside.

Suddenly I heard girls shouting.

He had entered the wrong washroom.

He came out running while trying to save himself from the things being thrown at him by the girls.

He then ran into the male washroom upon seeing me still standing there.

I scoffed.

I was walking up the stairs when I saw Taekwang, Gi Tae and another classmate coming down.

Taekwang was trying to be cheeky with Gi tae till he sensed my presence. He looked down and saw me.

He stumbled down a little, pushing Gi tae a little on the way.

"Well...." I started.

He punched Gi tae on the shoulder lightly and said,

"Sorry, my hand slipped."

And took off running again!

"Yah! Do you want to die?" Gi tae yelled as he ran after Taekwang.

'When will he stop avoiding me!'

Taekwang was washing his hands and face after playing football.

While I sat behind a bush waiting for him to be busy so that I could pounce on him, I mean try to talk to him without running away.

He threw the water on his face.

I ran up to him and closed the tap.

When he heard no noise and saw no water flowing down the tap.

He looked at his side.

His eyes widened as he stepped back to run away.

But before he could I held his shirt and pulled him and pinned him so that he was between the water fountain and me with my hands on both his sides.

(You know that typical wall scene where the ML traps the FL between him and the wall, well that was our position.)

"Gong Taekwang," I said

"Why are you running away from me?"

"Oh! I..I." He stuttered.

'Omo! He looks so cute stuttering.'

'No Eunha! Concentrate. You can't fan girl over him right now.'

"Why?" I said

"I...I am not." He said looking at me with wide eyes.

He tried walking away but I tightened my hands so that he was not able to push past them.

"Yes! You are even hiding from me."

"Nooooooo!" He said while stretching the 'O'.

I sighed.

"I am just scared." He said as he looked down.

"Scared? Scared of what?" I said while leaning a little forward.

He suddenly looked up.

My eyes widened at our close proximity.

Our noses were touching, and my heart beat was accelerating every second.

He suddenly looked at my lips.

"I am scared you will hate me."

Yours sincerely,


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