《A Silent Lover》31. Epilogue: TaekWoon
It had been four months since the trial ended and all the media attention has thankfully finally died down. There are still issues that we face though; Imani continues to encourage JaeHyun to speak to his mother and get to know her, but he's been resistant to our talks of visitation.
I can't say that I blame him, but Imani worries that he'll never accept the other woman and her place in his life. But I reminded her often that Jae was still a kid; there would be plenty of time for them to become comfortable with each other. Giving him the space he needed was key; if we forced him then the gift she had given Kang would become the worst kind of punishment for them both.
With our sudden exposure to the world while we had to maneuver through this difficult situation, a definite positive was that Imani's business has flourished in the months after our relationship had been made public. Now not only was she teaching students English, she also had several classes for foreigners looking to learn Korean.
Vixx as a whole had reached a new level of stardom that we just hadn't been able to get in the wider market before; people were curious who we were and inevitably the news brought them to our music.
While this was good for our pockets, the catalyst that was our adoption of Jae had hit the headlines hard and people were naturally curious about my wife and son as well.
The fact that Imani was so easily accessible through her work had fans and antis alike lining up outside her hagwon to catch a glimpse of her and myself as well. To combat this, I had done a stream on VLive and casually let it slip that I spent very little time at Imani's workplace.
Soon after that, foot traffic had decreased a considerable amount but public interest in us didn't wane as easily. Like Vixx's publicist had predicted, our popularity skyrocketed, and I was in particular demand for many months after our story had been told.
Despite all the chaos and in the face of the many changes that had become a part of daily life, the one constant had been Imani's presence by my side. Inexplicably she wasn't fazed by her newfound fame, nor did it stop her from living as she had done before. If anything, she was more determined to be normal and for our home to remain the one place I could truly be myself.
I was continuously amazed by her spirit and indomitable will. When it came to our happiness, Imani put all of us first. I was more confident than ever that I had picked the right woman to be with. But the hasty details of our marriage still lingered at the back of my mind. And with our first anniversary approaching all too quickly, I knew what I wanted to do.
It was dark outside but twinkling lights lit up the outdoor eating space of one most popular restaurant in Seoul, the brand-new place specializing in Chinese dishes. I'd brought Imani here because I knew she was a fan of soup dumplings and today of all days, I wanted her in a good mood. The fare here was luxurious, but the atmosphere was semi-formal at best. In keeping with the feel, Imani was dressed casually but beautifully in a body-hugging plum dress, her hair curled into an effortless afro. I matched her in a deep burgundy dress shirt and slacks, both of which my wife had purchased in her attempt to see me in more colors.
My palms were sweaty and I wiped them on my pants covertly, the motion reminding me of a long-ago coffee date where the same anxiety had kept me from having a decent conversation. I would probably always be shy offstage, but the woman sitting across from me embraced who I was in all forms, even back then when she'd agreed to be my girlfriend.
Almost a year later and she was my wife but thinking about the circumstances leading to our marriage had made me disappointed. I would never regret marrying Imani or adopting Jae when we did. But lately a small voice had been becoming louder in my head; I wanted a better affirmation of our love, one that was based purely on our feelings. And so here we were, and I was ready to propose to Imani again, this time with all the meaning we'd forgone before.
I can feel the weight of the jewelry box in my pants, a constant reminder of what's to come. I've practiced for this moment countless times in my head, but even still I can't help but squirm in my seat, my stomach a wriggling mass of nerves. Dinner has long been served and it's been partly eaten, the candles all around us are still burning brightly. I know that I can't last much longer and with shaking fingers I remove the velvet box from its hiding place.
I stand up and walk around the side of the table, running my fingers through my hair as I try to regain some composure, coming to a stop in front of Imani's chair. I take her hands in mine and at her startled expression, I somehow feel my heart start to settle. I know this woman, love her. I can feel it in my bones that we were made for each other. And I want the rest of the world to know it too.
I turn her towards me gently and she moves unresistingly; as I slowly move down to one knee, her eyes widen in sudden understanding.
"Jung TaekWoon, get up! There are too many people here. Now I'm the one who's getting shy," she whispers to me as the other guests look our way and I feel a laugh bubble out of my chest.
"Other people's eyes don't mean anything; I only see you, see us in this moment. No matter how embarrassing this is or who might find out, I need to tell you something Imani. I've always wanted to have a family, to be a good father and husband. It may be strange to some but I've always thought that having those things would make me happier than anything else and I was right. You gave me all those things and more."
Imani's face crumples at my words and her eyes take on a slight sheen as they become wet. Encouraged, I continue on and I no longer feel the stares of the people around us.
"Imani, because of you I've changed. I want to be a better person for you and JaeHyun. I want to be someone you can depend on and talk to when things aren't going how you planned them to. I want to love you with everything I am and everything I'm not; those pieces that I'm missing you make whole. When I proposed to you the first time, it was because I couldn't stand to see you in pain. Now that you've shown me more happiness than I've ever imagined, I can't stand to think of an existence without you in it. You and Jae are my everything. This time can you say yes to me being your husband for real?"
My wife's hand covers her mouth, and the tears she held back slip one by one down her face it tiny streams. I wipe them away with light brushes of my thumb and in my other hand I hold out the ring I bought for her.
"Pabo, there was never any doubt that I'd love you. I was fine on my own, but you made things complete in a way that I couldn't have imagined. Of course I'll marry you again," Imani said in a voice thick with emotion. Her own fingers shook as I placed the princess-cut diamond on her finger in response to her words of assent and elation rushed through me in an unceasing tide. I pulled Imani in to my arms finally, the sounds of applause from the other patrons in the restaurant fading into the background as I swung my fiancé in the air.
5 years later
"Sshh quiet, you'll wake up the kids," I muttered into Imani's ear, laying my hand lightly across her mouth in an effort to lessen the volume of her moans. While they drove me insane and let me know I was doing a good job, having a morning to ourselves was rare and I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. Slowly I worked my hands down her body, the exposed flesh laid completely bare for me to see underneath our comforter.
Imani started to speak but I placed my finger over her lips. "Hush, just let me love you in peace for a little longer." I lightly bit at Imani's earlobe and at her shudder, she relaxed further into my embrace. Feeling satisfied by her acquiescence, my hands left her arms as traveled lower.
Smooth skin met my questing fingertips, the honeyed brown tone unblemished except for a small birthmark on her hip. From head to toe, I traced the contours of the woman I loved, feeling the way she shook under my touch, loving the fresh sighs I coaxed into being. Still as responsive and open as ever, Imani gave as good as she got when our first round was done, her knowing mouth delicious against my own in just the way I liked. We tumbled under the blankets like kids, alternating between giggles and deep pants of satisfaction. Time seemed to slow down to a crawl and we reveled in it until a loud knock came at the door, almost immediately followed by the head of our preteen son.
"Mom...Dad- oops!" He exclaimed before shutting the door just as quickly, his curved eyes widened in shock. With Jae gone as soon as he'd come, Imani and I looked at each other, both of our heads the only thing visible since we'd covered ourselves in the comforter. Letting loose one more giggle, Imani rolled out from our king-sized bed and threw her long curls into a high ponytail, grabbing her formerly discard nightgown and robe from off the bedroom floor.
My wife blew me a kiss as she left and I huffed out a sigh as I got up as well, putting on my own underwear, white tee and shorts at a much more leisurely pace. Walking out into the living room of our three-bedroom condo in Sangdo, I found my son waiting and still seemingly anxious, his lean form holding up the wall instead of sitting.
Seeing me, his face lights up and I feel that same rush of warmth hit me deep in the chest, the emotion not having lessened over the years.
"Appa, I wanted to talk to you and mom about my hagwon, I didn't mean to just burst earlier. Sorry." My boy's voice has deepened over the years and in it lies the echoes of what it will someday be. Suddenly the years seem to have gone by too soon.
"Anieyo," I reply while laughing at Jae's slightly pink cheeks and I sit him down next to me on the couch, the grey cushion depressing as he sank into it.
"What's up, are the monthly fees due?" I asked him, curious as to why he looked so serious.
"Not exactly. Appa, I know how excited eomma was when I and got into the youth mathematics and science competition. And I had a lot of fun, don't get me wrong..." he trails off.
"Uh huh," I pushed when he remained quiet, wondering just what he was getting at.
"It's just that... soccer tryouts are coming up. And they're on the same day as the tournament," Jae finished lamely. His head was lowered just slightly, and his eyes held a pleading that I couldn't and hadn't ever fully learned to resist.
"So, you want to try soccer instead and you want our permission," I summed up for him and Jae gave a nod.
I looked at my son who was close to twelve years old, near to the age when I had first begun to take sports seriously. An injury and one pushy music teacher a few years later and my whole life had changed. I wondered what sort of things would be in his future.
JaeHyun had always been overly cautious in asking Imani and I for things, as if he was unsure of how we'd take it. To some degree it almost felt as if he was afraid, we'd stop loving him if he didn't follow our wishes. It hurt my heart a little, that he didn't yet know we'd do anything to make him happy. But the only way to change it was taking action.
"Jae-yah, you know your eomma encouraged you because she thought it was what you wanted. If you want to experience other things, if you ever want to ask us something, don't hesitate. We love you no matter what, and your happiness is more important to us than you trying to meet our expectations. I hope you know that, believe it," I said emphatically, needing him to understand.
The furrowed brows and tension left Jae's face then, his shoulders rose and he looked directly at me, his eyes scrunched in happiness.
"Thanks Appa, I'm serious," he replied.
Rolling my eyes at his grave tone, I pulled him in close and swallowed his smaller body into a bone crushing hug, squeezing harder and harder until he whined for me to let him go.
Enjoying myself, I kept on while he struggled and didn't intend on stopping but Imani peeked out from the kitchen, an apron covering the kimono-style wrap underneath.
"Jae can you wake up the twins? Breakfast is almost ready," Imani called from the other room and I finally let my son go. Laughing he raced up the stairs and I got up to go meet my wife.
"Our child has decided to become a soccer player," I began slowly and watched as the hand imani was using to scoop rice into a bowl stuttered to a stop.
"What-" she began but I cut her off before she could truly begin. "So basically at this point I've won," I pointed out and Imani wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction, her attention sufficiently diverted.
"That bet was years ago, Jung TaekWoon, it hardly counts," she refuted but it was already too late. I made my way closer and took the bowl and spoon from her hands.
"Do you remember the wager we made Mrs. Jung," I whispered into her ear and gratification filled me when she shivered.
"No I'm not sure that I do," she muttered breathlessly and as she licked her lips, I felt a grin spread across my face.
"Don't worry, it's still crystal clear in my memory. And I believe you owe me a kiss." Leaning down before she can protest again, I capture her lips with my own. Pressing her flush against the counter top, who knows how long we're there until a loud cough resonates through the space.
"Ugh you guys, get a room," Jae complained as he and two giggling toddler girls walked into the kitchen. Releasing their mother, I swept up first one pig-tailed child and then the other, the sounds of their laughter filling the room. Shaking his head Jae sits down at the table and Imani starts bringing breakfast over, her cheeks a dull red.
The twins bounced in excitedly their high chairs as I tickled them, their squeals of delight sending their matching light brown pigtails askew. They were identical from their lightly tanned complexions to their chubby faces, the puffy cheeks they inherited from me on constant display. Somehow, we managed to tell them apart but it was made a lot easier after we'd gotten them custom bracelets, each gold chain spelling out their name. Jae made silly faces at the girls and I remembered the day we'd brought them home from the hospital, the way his eyes had lit up as we'd told him he'd have to be a good big brother. He'd never once complained about any task we'd given him when it'd come to the two small beings he fondly called Thing One and Thing Two.
"Alright, enough fooling around, it's time to eat," Imani reminded us and I reluctantly cut short the game.
Everyone dug in and I looked over my family, the sense of completion that filled me indescribable. I had managed to gain it all. The man that I had been only years before seemed to have faded and in his place was a man who wasn't wholly confident but I firmly believed in being the best I could for the loves of my life. I looked at Imani and as she held one of our daughter's hands, she sent me a wink that said our interlude was put on hold but would be resumed again. The increased pounding of my heart let me know that I was just as much in love with her as I had been all those years ago, watching her in a coffee shop. I had been silent in my love then, but her caring in return made it so that it was impossible to live my life quietly anymore. And I knew that I would never regret it.
The End
A/N: Goodness, another completed fic. I'm feeling all sorts of emotional, but in a good way! I was so happy to think of an ending that would fit this couple I thought up a few weeks after first finding Vixx. Leo immediately stole my attention and he's been my ultimate bias ever since. With that being said I can't wait to write more fics with him as a lead and work on all the others that have long been waiting to be worked on. I have lots to do and I hope you guys have enjoyed just as much as I have. Much love,
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